Perfect Decoy

Morning Star

Perfect Decoy


Seungcheol was back at the hospital after leaving for a couple hours. He came back with a bouquet of white daisies this time. He wanted to take leave for a few days just to take care of his boyfriend but he could not. He only had a day which should be enough until Jeonghan woke up. The case was not done and there were lots to do. He knew that he had neglected his boyfriend these past few months which upset the younger more or less but Jeonghan never complained. 

He thought back of the conversation with Joshua this afternoon and it pissed him off. He did not like when any men tried to get close to his beautiful boyfriend, he had been trying hard to accept this fact that Jeonghan was attractive and people wanted to talk to him. It was not like he could lock the boy up in the house. But still he could not get over this fact even if he tried. And this man, Joshua did not show any signs that he would back off. Besides, his boyfriend enjoyed the other company too much, way too much.

The older man walked and stopped at the door before opened in. Jeonghan was sleeping alone in the room, no trace of the other man around. Joshua must have left before he arrived. He put the flower on table and sat down by the small hospital bed. His boyfriend was in a deep sleep, he looked a bit pale but not hurting anywhere else except the white bandage around his head. 

“I’m sorry...I should have been there for you hani” He his boyfriend long hair lightly not waking the boy up.




This early morning while he was about to go back home, the phone rang and he received the shocking news from his assistant Seokmin. His mind went completely blank when he knew that Jeonghan was hurt by the killer, the chief dropped everything and rushed to hospital right away then he met Joshua. The man was smoking outside when he reached the hospital last night and he was talking to another stranger he did not know. The taller boy with short black hair walked away as soon as he saw Seungcheol walking his way.

“Good evening Seungcheol shi”

“You look so calm after what happened to my boyfriend” Deep voice commented making the devil smirked. He knew Seungcheol probably wanted to punch him from that sarcastic tone. 

“Your boyfriend is in the emergency room” Joshua blew out toxic smoke and continued talking. “And you’re standing here questioning me?” 
“I just saved his life” The devil added. “Where were you? At work?” He knew this man would be here questioning him about the incident but his priority right now should be taking care of his boyfriend and checked his well-being.

“If you can’t take care of him…then let me do it instead” 



Seungcheol remembered exactly what Joshua said and it made him realize that if he did not give his boyfriend more time and attention then Jeonghan might be the one who walked away. But his boyfriend did not have any signs showing that he was upset or anything so the third person like Joshua should not be able to interfere their perfect relationship.

He brought his laptop up and continued with his work while sitting next to his sleeping boyfriend. He typed down the case report which would be submitted tomorrow morning. He had to get them done before the deadline. It was difficult being in his position, he missed the old days with his boyfriend when they could go out enjoying their time on weekends, watched baseball and enjoyed movies together…just the two of them. He was promoted a few months back and work started consuming his time, the time that he preferred spending with Jeonghan. He could not count how many times he told his boyfriend that he would go back for dinner and he missed them. Jeonghan would be sad but he rarely complained nor yelled at him. He just accepted what Seungcheol told him.

“I love you a lot you know?” The older man let out soft sigh before finished his work for the day. He moved the chair closer and leaned down kissing the tiny hand then he closed his eyes because of tiredness. He wanted to be the first one his boyfriend saw when he woke up. Maybe that could make up from what he missed.



The beautiful boy woke up the next morning, he moved his hand slightly feeling something warm on it. His big brown eyes opened to look and saw his boyfriend who slept holding his hand. 


“Oh you are awake” He sat up straight looking his boyfriend pale face. He did not sleep much last night either but it was ok as long as he had a little time with his boyfriend. “How are you feeling?” He caressed the soft cheek tenderly. Seungcheol was tired as well from his facial expression. 

“I’m alright just my head hurt” Jeonghan touched the bandage again with frown face. He still could not believe he survived the situation like last night. It was frightening, he was scared and he had never been that scared ever since the accident happened. The man was not human but it was impossible, he must be hallucinating at some sort.

"I am sorry" 

"It's ok" Seungcheol was a bit mad knowing that his boyfriend went out...especially with that man, Joshua. He had to pay closer attention to what Joshua talked to Jeonghan. That man knew too much and it was something which he had kept hidden for a long time. 

"Are you ok? Cheol" 

"Yes" Seungcheol forced out a smile but Jeonghan knew it. Something was bothering his boyfriend badly this time. Even though he was quiet most of the time and did not give much opinion but he was quite a great observer when it came to people around him. Jeonghan supported himself getting up but his boyfriend was faster. He helped the boy right away before sitting back down next to bed. 

"Be right back" The older walked in restroom, after 5 minutes past he came out refreshed and his hair a little damped. 

"Are you hungry? I can call for lunch" Jeonghan nodded slightly but right now he concerned more about his boyfriend worried face and it was strange to see because he seemed to be anxious, maybe a bit about him getting hurt but more of something else...thing he could not reach to.

"Thanks" He leaned down pecking the other cheek with small smile. Seungcheol mood seemed to be up and down lately too, sometimes he could get upset with very little issues but other time he was a nice caring boyfriend. 

After finished ordering lunch, Seungcheol came back and sat down quietly. Something was definitely bothering him and Jeonghan did not like this. It was too similar to when they fought the first time so he decided to speak up. 

"If you have anything to say, just say it" Sweet voice was soft and a little pleading. He did not want the question to come out too harsh but he needed an answer.

"Jeonghan, can I ask you to do something for me?"

"What is it?"

"Can you not talk to Joshua?" 

"He is my friend, you are asking me to do something unreasonable" 

"But J..."

"I trust my judgement Cheol and he saved me last night" Seungcheol went silence for a while before asking again.

"Do you happen to like him more than a friend?"

"..." Jeonghan went speechless by the question. He did not have answer but he knew he liked spending time with Joshua. The man cared for him and took care of him well, not only that he understood and never forced him to do something he did not want to. "No he is my friend"

"He likes you more than friend" 

"But I am your boyfriend, aren't I?" 

"Yes you are" He sighed deeply. Maybe he was over reacting on this. "I feel like I am losing you" Jeonghan reached his hand and placed on the other strong ones, Seungcheol gripped the side of the bed tightly until his knuckles turned white. He loose up when he felt tender on them.

"I am here right?" Jeonghan offered small assuring smile. "And I'm not going anywhere" The knock on the door called their attention, Jihoon came back with some documents and files the chief asked for from last night. 

"Doctor wants to check his wound" He placed the file on table next to sofa bed.

"Alright" Seungcheol stood up and walked away sitting on sofa by the corner while an old doctor in white gown came in with a nurse. They checked the stitched wound thoroughly and changed bandage. They also mentioned that it was much better now. 

Jeonghan was relieved to know that the injury was not severe but he doubted that. A hit that could knocked him down in one time, his skull could be cracked or his neck might be broken last night but he only had 2 inches open wound on his head. That was unbelievable. After the doctor went away leaving him with some advises and instructions, a stranger in black came to visit him claiming that he was Joshua personal assistant.

"I am Wonwoo or you can call me Jeon" He did not smile, just offered a bouquet of flowers and a basket of fresh fruits with a small card attached to it. 

"Thank you Wonwoo shi" Jeonghan took the flowers and sniffed on roses. He knew who sent it, must be Joshua. Seungcheol who was more curious to know who this man was, stood listening. 

"Seungcheol shi, if you don't mind I would like to speak with Jeonghan privately" The stranger said it out while pulling the chair to sit down next to bed. He did not turn back to face the other but his voice was very deep and determined. The chief was also surprised to be instructed that way. He normally told people what to do but this time this man told him to do as asked. He walked away without arguing further, he did not want to be difficult and upset his boyfriend again so he had to control himself.

"You already know these are from Joshua"

"Yes" He took the card and read. Jeonghan let out a smile by that and it surprised the demon. He did not know what his master wrote but it must be something the boy liked. "He brought me roses too last time...just like this one" Wonwoo nodded understanding.

"I haven't thank him properly since I woke up" Jeonghan touched his wound gently. He remembered cool hands on his face last night but he did not hear what the man said. He only recognized deep soothing voice above him.

"Your crazy boyfriend is here though" He raised his eyebrow hearing that from the stranger who he just met. "He is crazy"

"What do you mean?" 

"He is one mad man, you should be very careful" That shocked Jeonghan even more. Seungcheol never showed sign that he would be a crazy man, he was very possessive but not a psycho.

"The crazy one is me Wonwoo shi" His soft voice replied weakly. He was in mental institute half his life, if he was not a mad person then what else he would be. 

"You don't believe me"

"I won't believe until I find prove" This boy was reasonable and smart. It was good to know his master chose the right one.

"It might be too late" Wonwoo smiled softly seeing the boy did not flinch one bit. His ability did not work on Jeonghan either. He was not afraid and very calm, almost like he was uninterested. "But my boss can help you" 

"How can he help?"

"He can show you?" 

"Show me what?" Jeonghan was curious to know too but Wonwoo seemed to be quieter than him and mysterious like Joshua. Who else would come by when Joshua was around? Why these two were very similar but at the same time very different?

"Don't analyze too much, just ask" His voice was deep.

"You two are strange" That made Wonwoo laughed uncontrollably. He was surprised by direct comment from this beautiful human. "Your eyes though are almost pitch-black" 

"They are, aren't they?" Wonwoo was not used to talking to human so it was quite an awkward situation here. Besides, this human seemed to be immune to any demon abilities, it was weird seeing no reaction from Jeonghan.

"We are strange people Jeonghan shi..." He stood up and bowed low taking his leave. "And you are not crazy"

He walked pass Seungcheol who came in patiently. Jeonghan could see a smirk on the tall man face. They had not known each other before but why Wonwoo suddenly warned him about his boyfriend. It was bothering and he wanted to find out but he was stuck in hospital now so he could only wait.

Seungcheol sat down on the side of the bed again watching Jeonghan who sat quietly, his fingers rubbed on thin rose petals lightly feeling them. 

"From Joshua?"

"Yes" Jeonghan sniffed the flowers again smiling. Seungcheol stared at the bouquet contently like he was thinking of something, something unpleasant. 

"Seungcheol" A soft touch on his hand and sweet voice called him out from his thought. 

"Doctor said you are permitted to leave tomorrow" He grabbed the rose’s bouquet from his boyfriend lap and placed it on the table away from his sight. The boy saw but did not protest instead he tried to bright up the other mood.

"Then I can go home" Jeonghan smiled. "That's great news"

"Yes it is"

"You have days off?"

"Yes just today" The older sighed softly. He had to go back to work even though he did not want to. "Seokmin will send you home" Jeonghan frowned a little but he was not mad, he could not be mad at the situation like this. Work and personal should not be involved. He understood that this job meant so much to his boyfriend so he would accept how they were.

"It's alright"

"You are not upset with me right?"

"No not at all" He reached out his hand touching the other face with loving smile. “I…” Jeonghan was going to say something but suddenly he stopped and said the word he thought his boyfriend would want to hear right now. “I love you” 

“I love you too Jeonghan” He replied back unwaveringly. Their lips touched lightly but this feathery kiss was more like sympathy than love to both of them.



After Jeonghan was back home, Joshua’s assistant would drop a bouquet of roses for him every day with no reason. Wonwoo would sit down and chat with him only 5-10 minutes per day never longer than that then he left. He kept doing so until Joshua came back a week later but he did not bring flowers.

“Hey cutie” He had his usual grin back while leaning on the banister right outside the apartment. 

“Why you have to call me cutie”

“Because you are cute” 

“Come in?”

“Of course!” He walked in like it was his home and sat down on sofa where he saw more sketches on them. One of them caused his attention more than the others. 

“Where did you see this?”

“Oh…that” Jeonghan was shocked when Joshua lifted his recent sketch up. It was his vision when Seungcheol touched his hand while he was in hospital. He never thought he would see that, ever since he dated his boyfriend, it never happened. 

“It was my dream when I was in hospital” He had to lie because Joshua could not know. Maybe he should know but not now.

“This was all your dream?” 

“Yes it was all I remembered from the dream” He hated lying but sometimes he had to do it to save himself. He sat down by Joshua side looking at that picture again. It was a slender man silhouette separated with a pair of eyes in black and white. Those eyes were round but sharp and highlighted where it supposed to be…incubus eyes. 

Joshua was stunned and at the same time...disturbed, he knew that the other saw the demon before but in a dream was very unusual. He did not want the incubus to come close to this boy because the only thing he would bring was disaster.



“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” He put down the picture on the table. “How is your head?”

“It’s ok now” Jeonghan smiled sheepishly. He brought himself in danger and Joshua had to help him every time. It was embarrassing. “I want to thank you” He looked at the other man again with all attention he had. “You save my life”

Joshua felt a little guilty about the incident, his first intension was putting Jeonghan as a bait but he did not think it would go that far and got this boy hurt. He totally felt terrible afterward which he should not be. He was a demon and a heartless, merciless one but why he concerned deeply for this beautiful human. He stepped away a week ago to make sure he could live without seeing this boy but he was wrong. He missed Jeonghan…badly.

Joshua reached out tucking long hair behind his ears tenderly. His lips curled into soft warm smile that Jeonghan loved to see. Sometimes, he thought that the other was gentle when his eyes smiled but there was also the time that those eyes were nothing but a dark soulless place.

“I miss you” His soothing voice came out faintly but those words caused the other to blush bright pink.

“It’s ok to say that you miss me too” He teased. Jeonghan let out a little laugh. “But you don’t have to say it” 


“I know so” He took his hand off long hair and folded them to himself. Jeonghan resumed back to his painting but he could not take his eyes off the one on top of others. It reminded him of what Wonwoo told him in hospital “your boyfriend is crazy”. The man was confident about that fact as well which made him curious. He wanted to know but he could not ask directly from his boyfriend. 



“Your assistant told me that my boyfriend is crazy” His hand was on the sketch as if he was thinking hard. “What did he mean by that?”

"Well...he is CRAZY" Joshua emphasized the word again.

"Crazy as in having mental problem? Like I am?"

"Who said that to you?" The devil tilted his head confused. Jeonghan was totally fine to him. "You are very normal to me"

"Because you are not really normal” Jeonghan lifted his hand closing his mouth immediately. He did not mean to say that out but it slipped. The gesture made Joshua chuckled to himself.

"Thanks cutie" He leaned in nose touching the other hand with a wide grin. "I admitted that I am quite weird myself" That made the boy leaned himself back away shyly. 

"Anyway you are perfectly fine, besides you are gorgeous" He sat down on sofa again. "I don't mind if you want to be a bit crazy" Joshua implied to another subject now and it made warm cheek blushed even more. 

"Off the topic" Sweet voice commented.

"Sorry, can't help it"


“If I tell you, you will believe me?” 

“I don’t know”

“I have to warn you because I’m worried” He sighed softly. “I’m worried that he will hurt you” Why did he even have to do this? He was the Lucifer, he should just let things happened or caused the problem himself but he was warning the other. Was it because Jeonghan was his friend so he wanted to help? Or because he wanted to protect the boy from being harmed. Must be the second option.

“But he never hurt me”

“Not yet” Seungcheol would go insane one day, which he was sure of. It was like the timed bomb ticking, waiting to explode.

“What make you so sure about that?” Joshua had the answer but how could he explain it. He could read mind? He was a demon and he knew it? Jeonghan would think he was the bizarre one and that explanation was not strong enough to make this boy believed. It was true that his boyfriend never hurt him yet but that should be prevented from happening.

“I am sure” 

“Wonwoo said you can show me” His follower suggested that to Jeonghan, how smart? Jeonghan did not know what he was. Would he be afraid to know? He did not want the boy to run away from him. 

“I can” 

“Please show me” Sweet voice asked politely. He wanted to know, he might notice a little change from his boyfriend but that did not mean he was a mad man. He might just be stressed from his work or a lack of sleep. Seungcheol was always gentle to him…right? Maybe just once that he was rough but it was only once. 

"Jeonghan, He really never hurt you before?" Joshua did not believe that the man could restrain himself all the time. There must be the time that he was out of his nice and kind boyfriend character. 


"Physically?" Jeonghan nodded. Seungcheol was a bit drunk that night when they started dating for 4 months, he came home complained about his life, about work and other things. Then something triggered him to go from drunk to violence...pretty much on objects which was close to his reach, flower vase was broken, lamp was smashed on the wall...the next might be him but luckily, he ran out before if not he did not know what could happen.

"Anyone knows about this?"

"No and I'm not planning to tell anyone"

"You told me"

"Because I need your help this time so I should at least be honest about it" He added. 

“That’s easy” Joshua grinned, he had plan. “Let’s wait till he got back” 


“Are you cooking tonight?” He suddenly changed topic again like a usual Joshua would be. 


“What are you going to do?”

"Showing you who Seungcheol really is" Joshua grinned dangerously. He had plan in mind and only he waited, he knew the man would show his true self.
When Seungcheol was home, he was greeted by the man he did not want to see most right now. The man who had intention to steal his boyfriend away. The man who was strange and obviously enjoyed pissing him off. 

"Seungcheol shi"

"Joshua shi"

There were already high tension at the front door where they stood. Jeonghan had to come out from kitchen to check the situation which seemed to get worse and worse. 

"Welcome home Cheol" He smiled but his boyfriend did not return his smile. He was extremely upset.

"Let him be" Joshua commented before resumed back to kitchen waiting for Jeonghan to finish his cooking. Seungcheol went inside the room for a while before he came out with casual clothes. His right hand was a little red.

"Cheol~~" He stepped out from kitchen to check on his boyfriend who sat quietly in the living room. Jeonghan sat down grabbing the other hand to take a look. 

"I'm ok" He pulled his hand away but the other sad face was too much for him to handle. The elder scooped closer to his lover and patted the other back softly.

"It'll be ok" He suddenly pulled Jeonghan for a kiss. His kiss was demanding. He needed those touches, he needed to feel warm skin in his grip to confirm that Jeonghan was with him and Jeonghan was still his.

"Sorry for interrupt but your soup is about to burn" Soft voice called out breaking the couple apart. Joshua did not show any sign that he was upset or anything but really he wanted to make Seungcheol vanished right about now. No he was not a bad guy here so he would behave.

Jeonghan stood up leaving the two together. The Lucifer did not move anywhere, only leaned against the door frame looking at the man interestedly. Seungcheol did not move either, he only stared mindlessly at the TV in front of him. 

"Do you like Jeonghan?"

"Of course"

"What do you want from us?"

"Not you both" Joshua smiled coldly. "I only want him" 

"You will never have him"

"How can you be so sure?" The devil asked curiously.

"I am not" He stood up and walked past Joshua to the other room. "But he won't choose you over me"

Seungcheol went straight to his boyfriend who was busy tasting the food he cooked. His slim waist looked tinier in white t-shirt and loose pants. His hair was up-do into a ponytail, just like a girl from back side. The older male wrapped his arms around the other torso and placed his chin on shoulder comfortably.

"What are you cooking?" 

"Kimchi soup" He smiled.

"I miss your cooking" His voice was deep and husky.

"Then come home every day so I can cook for you" 

"I wanted to" He kissed the other exposed shoulder blade gently. Jeonghan gave him a serenity and peaceful that he craved for all his entire life. He could not let this boy go...he could not. 

"Food is ready" Jeonghan said with small smile. So far he did not see any differences in his boyfriend yet. Joshua walked in to help setting up the table and that made the older man felt uncomfortable. Seungcheol was sitting next to Jeonghan and Joshua was on the opposite side staring at the beautiful face intently.

"This looks great"


They did not talk much and Seungcheol was quiet most of the time until Joshua started asking about personal life. He wanted the other to spill the beans, maybe not all but enough for Jeonghan to know. Seungcheol was extremely uncomfortable talking to Joshua. He was anxious and irritated. In conclusion, he hated this man.

"We should know each other better Seungcheol shi" He smiled. "I am Jeonghan's friend so you will see me around"

"I don't want you around my boyfriend" Jeonghan gazed at the other in disbelief. He did not expect his boyfriend to be this rude.


"I don't like you..." He replied coldly. 


"Jeonghan is mine so you should just back off or I will...k..." He stopped short before turned around facing his boyfriend who had the most disappointed face. What did he just say?? 

"Seungcheol why you said that?" 

"I..." Seungcheol was going to explain but when he saw Jeonghan upset face then something went totally wrong. He stood up and forcefully pulled the small wrist up with him. He dragged his boyfriend to the bedroom before slammed the door shut then the yelling was heard from outside.

"Why him??" 

"He is my friend Cheol" He explained again. Jeonghan could feel a strong grip on his wrist. He tried to pull away but Seungcheol was too strong. 

“Your friend…” Seungcheol murmured to himself making him terrified even more.

"You are hurting me" Sweet voice pleaded but the older man did not let go. He did not he refused to listen.

"I don't want him here" His deep voice was firm while his dark brown eyes were frightening. He grabbed harder making the boy yelped in pain. 

"Cheol...let me go"

"No! Not until that man is out from your life" Jeonghan shook his head refusing while he tried to release his wrist from his boyfriend.

"I already told you, he is my friend and there is nothing going on between us"

"He doesn't think of you that way and I know it" 

"What does he think of me???"

"He wants you like I do" Jeonghan was speechless. "And I won't allow that" There was no way Joshua would feel that way to him. He was more shock when his boyfriend pushed him to the door pinning him there. His eyes were blank and alarming...not Seungcheol he knew.  

"You love me? Jeonghan..." His deep voice was thrilling. His lips were on the other cheek, hot breath on his skin. One of his hands slid under thin sweater dragging his nails on smooth skin hard enough to leave scratch marks on it.

"Yes" The boy was shaking lightly...terrified. 

"I love you too" He whispered on his boyfriend ear with chilled smile. "You are mine...not his right? Baby" He let go off the other wrists before slammed his fist just an inch away on the left side of Jeonghan face making his boyfriend shut his eyes tightly.

"Yes" Jeonghan tried to reason with his boyfriend but it even made things worse so he only said yes to whatever the other asked him to do. He started tearing up without knowing himself, why his kind Seungcheol suddenly acted this way? Because of Joshua alone? And this was what Joshua wanted to show him?

"Did I scare you?" He suddenly became gentle again, his warm hand caressed the other jaw tenderly. Jeonghan shook his head refusing, even though he was so scared now. But then, the sound of broken plates was heard…not just a plate but plates and pans. It snapped Seungcheol back to his senses and he stepped back from his boyfriend.

"Hani?" He called his boyfriend who had tear well up his eyes. "I...what did I do?" That was Seungcheol not the man earlier but he was too shock to say anything back. His red lips were open then close again not knowing how to explain.

Seungcheol did not say anything more but stormed out the door just like that. He seemed confuse by his own action. Did he know what he just did or say?? Jeonghan stood quietly in his bedroom thinking whether he should go after his boyfriend or stay away but his legs were frozen. He could not move.

“Jeonghan” Another called his name…gentle voice, calming him down every time.

"W…what happened to him Joshua?" His brown eyes were painful.

“I’m sorry” Joshua walked in, his arms extended and wrapped around the other slim body. “It’s better to hurt now than later” that was what he wanted to say but he did not say it. He felt sorry for the boy because he knew what was going to happen but it was best for Jeonghan to realize that himself. Now it was up to him to decide.

“Are you ok?” He murmured on the other chest.

“I’m ok why?”

“I heard broken plates” He pulled himself out and examined the other. They stood closely, staring at each other brown eyes. 

“I purposely broke them” Joshua grinned lightly. He did not want the other to worry too much but he also did not want Jeonghan to run after his boyfriend at this time either. 

“Should I? Follow him maybe?” 

“You should send him to doctor after what he did” Joshua gently brushed loose bang from his beautiful face. He wanted to feel those pink lips on his, how soft and sweet they would be? He wanted to caress the blushing cheek and smooth skin on those tiny hands. He kept telling himself he did not care about Jeonghan but all he did was opposite. He could not touch this boy…he could but he tried his best to avoid it. Why was he being this kind? Why? That was the question he did not have answer, no he had an answer but he was not ready to admit it.

“Will you stay here tonight?” 

“Do you want me to?” Jeonghan nodded slightly.


“Then I will stay” He stared right on beautiful brown eyes. “For you”

Seungcheol walked out confused and frustrated. He did not know why he did that to Jeonghan, he did not want to but he could not control his anger anymore. He now sat in his car, did not start engine while thinking deeply by himself. He did not want to scare his boyfriend the way he did but it had been done. He did not want anyone to know his secret especially not Jeonghan. His hands pressed on both side of his head, extremely depressed. 

Not long until, he decided it was his time to rely on a small white tablet in his hand again. He had to think and this pill should calm him down before he would commit something unthinkable again. He sat like that until he heard a knock on his car window.

When he looked up he met with the beautiful blonde hair boy who smiled lightly at him. The boy had same feature as his boyfriend, his pink small lips, his big doe eyes and almost the same smile. He lowered window down slightly to talk to the pretty stranger.

“You are Seungcheol right?”


“I’m Joshua’s friend” He smiled again while staring right at the man eyes. They flashed a little red. “You can call me Ren”

“Ren…beautiful name”

“I’m going to the club, you wanna join me?” He leaned in for a closer look and Seungcheol was charmed, the incubus could see it. The door was unlocked and he got in. Ren could not help but grinned at his plan. Seungcheol was trapped and this trap was dug so deep making sure the man would not be able to climb out alive…




Finally! I am so sorry for the late update, I was just back from Korea and super busy TT

Anyway, chapter 11 already! I'm trying to write 17 chapters lol but not really sure myself.

Thank you for reading, subscribes, upvotes, comments. All are great to me ^^ 


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Chapter 2: This seems interesting ?✨
chagunseunghyun #2
I loved the story and I am so happy that there's a sequel. Nice work author-nim. Uhm, do you have a poster for this?
jeonghae #3
Chapter 24: owhhh it getting more exciting!!
rihann #4
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the sequel...
heemenashi #5
Chapter 24: wow sequel ~~~~ cant wait >< fighting!
Yeollie0803 #6
Nice description <3 can't wait to read the rest!
Ceresme90 #7
Chapter 24: Omg you are the best i was waiting for the happiely every after stoy but this plot is killing love your writting always have such twices ans truns which keeps me hooked to it till the end
FrainZL #8
Chapter 24: Wow sequel..I'm glad you've updated..fighting author nim ;)
classca #9
Chapter 24: Oh shoot! Now there's an angel Prince too!!!
Hwangnn #10
Chapter 24: Oh!!!it's interesting!!I'm curious who is the angel!Please update soon .Thank you :)