Devil's Plan

Morning Star

Devil's Plan


That same evening, they found bodies of two officers in hotel room. It was like they fought and shot each other to death. The reason was unknown as they did not even check in the room by themselves. Someone else did but the name found was also a fake name. Joshua knew exactly how it happened because Ren was an incubus, he could do lots of harm to those two men. Ren was a beautiful incubus and he used his beauty effectively…The Lucifer wondered who else would fall for that devil. 

Jeonghan was called to the crime scene as he needed to check something. It was strange to have a sketcher there but the pretty boy knew why they wanted him. 

“Jeonghannie are you alright?”


“I heard someone was following you last night”

“Yes lucky Joshua was there” Seokmin looked at the gentle man and nodded politely.

“You were by yourself last night?? When these officers were gone?”

“No Joshua here was there with him” Jihoon pointed at the new friend of Jeonghan again. He did not trust the man much but at least he was there while no one was around and his pretty friend was safe.

“Thank you” Seokmin did not hesitate to say that out. It seemed like Joshua helped Jeonghan many times already, even though there were no reasons why but he helped.

“But you can only stay here in lobby Joshua, you are not allowed up there” 

“I’m not planning to go up”

“Alright, Jeonghan come with me” The smiling man leaded the long hair boy up the elevator to the room. It was suites on 10th floor, the last room at the corner. Many officers were there with tools and notebook including his boyfriend who looked tensed. 

“Jeonghan…” Both hands were on the smaller boy shoulder it gently. 

“I am totally fine”


“How did this happen?”

“I checked with the receptionist, they did not see anything unusual last night. These officers did not check in the room, someone brought them here”

“Security camera?”

“They only captured when these two walked in but not another one” 


“None” Jeonghan started to get worried. How could the criminal fled away like that? There should be a camera even one captured the suspect but none??

“It doesn’t look good in there but I want you to focus…ok baby?” 

“Yes” The long hair boy closed his eyes and breathed. He was composed and ready to see what was in the room. 

“Jeonghan is going in” Seungcheol called people out so his boyfriend could concentrate. The pretty boy walked in approaching the bedroom slowly. His eyes observed the crime scene carefully, his glove hand ran over objects from door, chair and things he thought the murderer would touch. There were stain on bedsheet, someone obviously had fun before the killing started. Two bodies laid lifeless on the carpet floor where pool of dark red blood surrounded them. The furniture was broken, they fought before shot each other to death. Bloody hand printed and scratched on wallpaper were fresh and severe. They laid eyes open looking at the same direction. That was weird, their eyes were blood shot and redden. Their lips cracked and blackening. 

“There was another person in this room”

“How do you know?” Jeonghan walked and stood above the two bodies and pointed down.

“They looked here before they died” Exactly where the pretty boy stood. Two bodies stared right at him and it was terrifying. Jeonghan walked away and breathed calming himself before approached one of the officer again. He was trying to control his breathe while his hand was trembling badly.

His shoulder was pulled up by his boyfriend before he almost touched the body. Seungcheol saw that the pretty boy did not look too good. He was pale and panting like he was going to faint very soon so it was better to pull the boy out first.

“Let’s do this later at the lab”

“But I can sense more here”

“No don’t force yourself” The chief supported the long hair boy out to his assistant. He ordered Seokmin to bring Jeonghan back to the office first before they brought the bodies to their lab. 

Joshua looked at the pale face Jeonghan and he was worried too. The boy looked scared for real this time. The death from devil was always frightening. 

“Why don’t you bring him home first? He look like he need a rest”

“Chief wants him to stand by in the office”

“I don’t think he is ready for whatever work he is doing” Jeonghan looked at the other and smiled.

“I’m ok Joshua”

“Your face is as white as a sheet, that’s not ok”

“You seem to worry a lot for my friend” Jihoon added straight forward. He was not being sarcastic as he also thought that his friend needed a rest more than a work.

“Don’t you?”

“Yes, why Seungcheol said that Seokmin?”

“I guess he is stressed out, they were officers you know?” Losing officers were always hard for the team so the chief wanted to catch the killer as soon as he could. 

“I am totally fine, just need to sit down and eat then I’ll be ready” Jeonghan confirmed to everyone so they nodded. 

Joshua wanted to see the crime scene but he could not go up. He also wanted to know what Ren did to those two officers. He heard the officers shot each other to death but it was more than that. The beautiful devil was probably the cause of it. Even though these inspectors were great at their work and tried to find the murderer, they would not be able to catch the devil…not alive.

The gentle man took his leave as he knew what happened already. He lose interested after the pretty boy left to work. He still wanted to know why they needed the sketcher here…why they required the boy to check the bodies. He needed to know this, if Jeonghan did not tell him then he would find other ways.





They were at the office and the bodies were retrieved from crime scene to the lab. Jihoon started checking on any substance left in their blood, toxic, alcohol and others that could cause their death. Jeonghan walked in again looking at two pale bodies on the metal beds. Their eyes were close but the evident of blackening lips were obvious. Seungcheol stood closer to Jeonghan worried that the boy might faint because sometimes the pretty boy would fall down after touching the death bodies.

His lean fingers grabbed the cold hand and closed his eyes. It was pit black in his vision…he felt cold and alone. Then he saw a dark velvet eyes stared back, the shadow approached him before a slender hand reaching like it was going to pull him into the hell-fire. It was horrendous. The vision sent shockwave forcefully on him and he was knocked down back hitting his boyfriend hard until both of them fell on the floor. 

Jeonghan suddenly screamed in pain and lifted his trembling hands closing his eyes like he was seeing something harrowing. His tiny body was shivering uncontrollably while his eyes tightly shut. “Arggg….no no” Seungcheol grabbed a hold of his boyfriend and held him close to his body trying to stop the boy from quivering while he called out for help. 

“Call the ambulance now!!!” Jihoon ran in calling his friend to gain his consciousness but he did not hear, he kept whimpering some strange words that did not make sense. He even shook the boy shoulder but the long hair boy was losing the fight, his cold hands dropped down and hung loose by his body. He passed out right in his boyfriend arms.

“Jeonghan, Jeonghan wake up...stay with me” His breathing was shallow but his slim body stopped shaking already but he did not wake up. The paramedic team came in as fast and they hurriedly brought the boy to hospital.


Joshua went to the boy house but it was dark and no one was home. It was already 11pm so he decided to pay a visit at the office where Jeonghan worked. The gentle boy stopped when he saw the ambulance in front of the building and Seungcheol came out running. He saw the body on the stretcher which was Jeonghan. What happened?

He walked a little closer to check out and the ambulance drove off fast with the siren on. This was definitely emergency but the boy was alright this morning. He looked fine and healthy so being sick was out from the causes. Joshua quickly walked to Seokmin who had worried face. They were about to follow to hospital as well.

“What happened?”

“How come you are here?”

“I didn’t see Jeonghan at home so I think maybe I should pick him up from work”

“He fainted, we are going to hospital. Are you coming?”

“Sure” Although he could walk anywhere but hospital was quite further away so it would be good to have a lift. But came to think about what Seokmin said earlier, Jeonghan fainted but why hospital? Just fainted should not be that bad.

“Seungcheol should have waited” The little boy in white long lab gown complained.


“What did he want Jeonghan to do?”

“…” They both went quiet from that question. This was something no one should know then.

“He wanted Jeonghan to check on something” Jihoon said out, not really an explanation the Lucifer was looking for.

“Only Jeonghan can do it?”

“…” Again silence was answer.

“Sorry I ask too much”

“It’s ok” Seokmin replied with smile. He always smiled in all situations, maybe he smiled to cover his fear that showed clearly in his eyes. The devil would not point that out though. It was not his job.

The hospital was 30 minutes but with Jihoon driving skill, they reached the place only within 15 minutes past. Joshua thought that he drove faster than the ambulance or formula 1 driver. This little man could do a lot unexpected things. 

They ran and asked for their friend who was in the ER. Jeonghan was still unconscious but his heart rate was back to normal now also his breathing. Seungcheol sat quietly in front of the room, his face was tensed and stressed even worse than this afternoon. He blamed himself for this even though it was out of his control but it scared him to death. The tough chief had a weakness and that weakness was Jeonghan.


Jeonghan was awake a few hours after he went in. His arms were injected by saline and his heart rate chart ran normally from the screen. He looked at where he was and the doctor was standing next to his bed.

“You are up, how are you feeling?”

“A little headache but ok”

“You remember what happened Jeonghan shi”

“I was in the lab and then I’m here” 

“You passed out at the lab about 2 hours ago and your colleague brought you here” He read the chart in his hand while adjusting his glasses. 

“Is there something wrong?”

“No your blood pressure was very low earlier, it is why you fainted”

“When can I go home doctor?”

“Until this bottle is finished, I will come and check again” 

“Thank you”

“I will call your friends in” Jeonghan nodded and leaned back to his bed. Seungcheol was the first to walk in. He sat down on the side and held tiny hand for a kiss.

“I am so sorry”

“You did nothing wrong”

“But I’m the one who pushed you to do it”

“No Seungcheol, don’t…you are not wrong. No one is wrong ok?”


“I was just tired so I fainted” The older man rubbed small hand gently. It was rare to see his boyfriend passed out at work or anywhere. There were times that the long hair boy was sick but this time he was perfectly fine. Something he saw must be the cause of it…something more than his usual vision.

The pretty boy was released from the hospital not long after the doctor finished checking up on him. He only received some vitamins and suggestions from the doctor. Joshua kept looking from a far. He sat furthest away from emergency room or any patients because that was too risky for them being possessed. He did not want to draw devilish attentions to hospital either.

When Jeonghan walked out from the room, he approached the boy calmly. Jeonghan still looked pale but much better than earlier. He must be tired. Seungcheol was supported him on his side looking at the gentle man quietly. This tough man was cautious and smart but Joshua could feel that he could also be easily exposed to a lot of devil works. This case seemed to lead him closer to the incubus too. 

“Thank you for staying with Jeonghan yesterday”

“No problem, I’m happy to help”

“We are going home now, have a good night Joshua shi”

“Take a good care of your boyfriend Seungcheol shi” There was a little tension between the two that Jeonghan noticed. He smiled lightly at Joshua then back to his boyfriend before they both walked away to the car park.

Seokmin and Jihoon walked to the taller man asking whether he wanted a ride home but Joshua refused. He would like to have a talk with someone better, someone he knew well so he went the opposite way.



“Wonwoo! Are you home???” The soft voice called out from outside the mosaic glass door while banging his fist repeatedly. A few minutes past, the door unlocked itself before he walked in quietly to the living room. The house was totally dark, only candles were lit on the way and they flicked every time the Lucifer walked past. The handsome black hair boy sat in his living room using chalk drawing circles and stars on the wooden floor.

“What do you want Lucifer?”

“Joshua remember?”

“I prefer calling you Lucifer” 

“Whatever” Joshua plopped down on sofa comfortably looking at the other work.

“What bring you here today?” His deep voice asked, still continued his drawing.

“I want to know about someone”

“A long hair boy named Jeonghan?”

“You are the smartest of all my followers!” Wonwoo was a devil and a Lucifer faithful follower who came to earth with Joshua. He was actually a right hand man of the dark lord and very powerful devil. He had charcoal black short hair, small sharp eyes, slim figure and deep voice. His devil form was unknown, some said he was a night mist others said he was fearful nightmare.

“He is a mysterious human indeed”

“You met him?”

“I saw you two together”

“My power doesn’t work on him” That was shocking news to the younger one. Lucifer power was strong enough to wipe out both worlds but it did not work on a human so he was special.

“So you act like you are a human to him?”

“Kind of”


“But…there is but, he has another ability I don’t know about and no one wants to tell me” The devil sprang up from his sitting position and looked at his follower.

“He is not one of our kinds, is he?”

“No definitely not…well I don’t think so”

“He is an angel?”

“No he is a beautiful boy” Joshua smiled to himself and again he was distracted by the thought of Jeonghan pretty smile. Wonwoo clapped his hand getting chalk powder out of his hand purposely snapped his lord out from too much day dream.

“Why are you here really? I’m about to do my work” The gentle man looked at the drawing and knew what Wonwoo was about to do. It was an old ritual calling by the pentagram but it seemed like the way his follower liked to do it.

“You are calling a demon?”



“I need information” 


“About the boy you are talking about”

“From a demon?”

“He lived in human world for a long time and he knows everything besides he is half demon” Wonwoo smirked at his lord and Joshua snorted out.

“What about another half”

“Human” Joshua looked at the pentagram which was burst into flame. The fire ran through every line in the circle before a body of a man stood tall inside the dark smoke. Joshua waved his hand getting smoke out from his face and eyes clearly annoyed.

“Wonwoo…what purposed did you summon me?! I’m busy right now” His voice tone was high but very friendly. “Why can’t you just call????” 

“I like traditional way better” 

“Oh My God!! Lucifer Morningstar” The man said surprised and a bit fearful.


"What an honor! I'm talking to the prince! OMG OMG" Seungkwan clapped his hands repeatedly. Cannot stop from his excitement.

"Is he normally like this?"

"Yea he is a bit over excited"

“You are more handsome than what I thought!” 

“Thanks for the compliment half demon child” Joshua sounded please from the comment.

“Seungkwan please stop chitchatting” Deep voice commanded. Seungkwan was a half demon child born in this world but he was more human than demon. He looked harmless and actually harmless because he assembled more human abilities than devil power. He was a lead singer in a band and he sometimes sang at the club Joshua went to.

“Oh sorry”

“Do you know about this boy named Jeonghan, he is a special agent in the Police Department” The new comer sat down in on the wooden floor and thought. 

“How am I supposed to know? There are many Jeonghan around this town. I met so many”

“But there is only one Yoon Jeonghan in the police department”

“Oh the one who involved in recent serial killer case?”


“What’s about him? I heard he is really pretty like a woman pretty, is it true??” Joshua looked at Wonwoo and sighed. This half demon boy really did not know then.

“Yes it is true, he is very beautiful” Seungkwan now seemed interested and focused. He looked at the Lucifer considering.

“He is a sketcher” Seungkwan said what he remembered. “I also heard he see things…things that normal people don’t see” The bright voice added with wide smile. 

“Ghost? Like six senses?”

“I don’t know really but people said he has mental problem” Joshua looked a bit sad hearing that. Jeonghan was not crazy and he did not have mental disorder. 

“So he sees things” The Lucifer thought again and he remembered the crime scene sketch photo in that notebook. Maybe that was what the beautiful boy saw all along but how and why. He had questions but the half demon child would not be able to answer, only Jeonghan could.

“One more request to you Seungkwan…If you see Ren at the club, report me alright?”

“Copy that” 

“You may leave” Seungkwan disappeared along with the dark mist before Wonwoo collected the candles back in an old wooden box.

“What an incubus has to do with this?” Deep voice asked again. He did not like the incubus or succubus so much, they were tricky and master mind. 

“Father sent him to collect me back”

“They have plan”

“Yes they do” The devil stood up composing himself before walked out into the night sky. He received a great deal of information from the friendly devil today but he had something more to worry about.

Joshua went back to Jeonghan house making sure the boy safely arrived home. Another car parked outside which meant his boyfriend was home. The light was off in the bedroom but still on in the living room. Probably the serious chief had not stopped working. Joshua was surprised to hear someone calling him by his true name. It was rare that people here would know his name.

"Lucifer Morningstar" He glanced at the new comer, the well built man approached him slowly. 

"Baekho what a surprise to see you!" 

"Smoking isn't good for human lord"

"I'm not going to be here forever"

"I understand"

"Ren sent you here?" He was curious why the human was here if not because of his lover, Ren.

"No I haven't talked to him lately" Joshua eyebrow arched up a little. Baekho was the incubus long life lover. Strangely he was a human and the incubus let him live this long. Also, the man was kind enough to share his lover with others which was too generous in lucifer eyes. He would never allow his lover to do such thing, but like he ever had a lover before. Ren must have felt something for the boy as well and that was a good deal to remember. Joshua would not hesitate to kill this human if the incubus had done something to Jeonghan. It was only fair.

"He has evil plan"

"I know"

"Didn't he at least let you know a bit of what he is planning to do?"

"I only know it is about you and that long hair girl" 

"Oh...hmm...he is a boy Baekho and why? I talk to many humans why him?"

"He is special isn't he?" Joshua thought about the question. Jeonghan was special in every way but he could not say it out loud.

"Let me give you an advice....stay away from the incubus and you will be safe" The devil gave small smiled and polite nod before walked away. That should be enough warning for now.



The long hair boy woke up late in the morning. Seungcheol already went to work leaving the boy with his friend. Jihoon who had no lab test today came in to look after his friend instead.

"How are you feeling? Any better?"

"Yes much better"

"What did you see yesterday Jeonghan?"

"..." He remembered what he saw and he was not sure himself whether it was real. It looked unreal and terrified.

"Is it that bad?"

"It was and I have no clue how that vision will help" Tiny hand grabbed a small notebook and pencil before started drawing while leaning on his bed.

"It always helps"

"Seungcheol already left?" He asked still sketching on white paper.

"Yes an hour ago"

"..." Jeonghan did not say more. He knew his boyfriend was busy with work but sometimes he needed attention too like right now when he was just out from hospital. He was never a demanding lover but a little more love and caring would keep him happy. Maybe Seungcheol let work had power over him already but the pretty boy did not want to bring it up. He did not want to cause an argument.

Jihoon stood up when he heard the doorbell rang. He left to see who came to visit, it could be Seokmin or Mingyu but his guess was wrong. It was Joshua and he had a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Come in"

"Thank you" The tiny boy walked to living room then sat down. It seemed like that flower was meant for his friend so he would better let them had a bit private time. Joshua was not bad after all, he seemed to care for his long hair friend and he already helped Jeonghan many times.

"Jeonghan is in the bedroom"

"Oh! Right Thanks again Jihoon shi" 

The boy was on bed in his pajamas, his hair was down a bit messy from his sleep covering half of his face while drawing. He looked up when Joshua sat down on the side of his bed. 

"Good morning cutie"

"Morning Joshua"

"Where should I put these flowers?"

"You bring me flowers?" He sounded a little excited. This boy should definitely receive a lot of flowers and chocolates on Valentine's Day or on regular days like this. He should not act surprised or he really was surprised because it was from Joshua.

"Of course! Beautiful roses for a beautiful boy" That made Jeonghan blushed a little.


"My pleasure" He went out for a bit before came back with a vase of roses. It was placed on bedside table and they looked refreshing.

"So what happened?"

"I fainted"


"I was at work in the lab then I suddenly passed out"

"What are you drawing?" He closed the notebook right away not letting the other man saw.  It was something Joshua should not see yet.


"Oh too personal...sorry"

"I'm sorry"

"No need I don't take offend by it" Joshua smiled softly. He looked young in the pretty boy thought but those eyes were telling him something else entirely. Those brown smiling eyes were gentle most of the time but deep down, there was dark pit mysterious to be discovered. 

"How are my eyes?" Soft voice asked snapping Jeonghan from his wandering mind.

"They have strange mixes between brown and a hint of orange? Yellow? Faded red?" 

"Wow no one describes my eyes like that before"

"Because none look at them carefully"

"Right, you are a great observant...artist quality" 


"Where did your boyfriend go again? He should have been here with you" Joshua knew that the other already left for work but he asked anyway.

"To work" The pretty boy was a bit sad hearing that question. A lot of people must have asked him that. Seungcheol was a lucky man who captured this beautiful boy heart. He should take care of it preciously not that it was the devil business but he had this feeling...sympathy for this boy. 

"How long have you two dated?"

"A year now"

"You love him?"

"" There was a little hesitant in his voice. His tiny soft hand spin the pencil around nervously. He must have been upset about his boyfriend leaving him to work. The gentle hand lifted and smoothed the long hair tenderly. He felt like he wanted to do it so he did and it seemed to have effect on the beautiful boy more or less. His eyes did not leave the beautiful face and they were lots of affections in them that his friend could see.

Jihoon was at the door observing the scene quietly. He was not mad or upset to see that as Joshua seemed to care for his friend a lot while the chief did care more about work lately. They did not move just stared at each other before Joshua moved his hand away and Jeonghan turned another way. 

“I’m sorry to interrupt but Seungcheol wants you to see the sketch” The gentle boy sighed softly. Even now he overlooked Jeonghan, maybe someone should warn him that he was losing this pretty boy but he would not do it. 

“It’s done, here” He pulled that one page out from the notebook and handed to Jihoon who took it. 

“I’ll tell him you aren’t fine and won’t be in the office then?”

“Thank you Jihoon” This was probably the first time Jeonghan did not do what Seungcheol asked him to do. The pink hair boy looked at Joshua again, thinking whether it was because of this stranger who made his close friend refused the request. 



The long hair boy did not go out from his bedroom and continued with his painting. Joshua was sitting on the armchair next to the bed watching. The devil enjoyed observing human behavior and it was amusing to see how this beautiful human could draw nonstop. He was so focus to the book in his hand creating little detail out from his pencil.

“Jeonghan Are you bored?”


“I am”

“Then go out and find something to do”

“No” He dropped the pencil on his lap and looked at Joshua now.

“What do you want to do?”

“Talk to you”

“You can talk to me” Up until now the pretty boy still did not talk much. He only talked about his work, not about his life but the devil wanted to know about the pretty boy past, his family or anything. 

“Let’s go out tonight”

“It’s Friday”

“Don’t you want to catch the killer?” Jeonghan almost forgot his plan if Joshua did not remind him.

“I do but how?”

“We can go out to that club tonight, I will be with you all the time in case something happens which I hope nothing will happen” He looked confident that he would be able to take care of the pretty boy. Of course Joshua could take care of this pretty boy just fine. Besides, his boyfriend would be busy with work so it gave time for them to go out.

Jeonghan looked skeptical but he was actually quite bored too. He wanted to follow up with this case which seemed to be forgotten when the two officers were killed the other night. The criminal did not strike for a few weeks already so this might be the time.

“Alright let’s do it”


The beautiful boy dressed casually waiting for Joshua to pick him up. He looked at the sketch again remembering the face that he might encounter tonight. Joshua looked very nice today, he had his hair up and was wearing dark purple shirt with black trousers. 

“You look pretty”

“I’m not a girl” Sweet voice said while getting in the car.

“You smell nice too”

“We’re not going out on a date Joshua”

“Let’s consider this one!” The gentle man smiled cheekily and drove to the club. He prepared to meet the killer who the devil knew that he would be there. Jeonghan was definitely his target. The Lucifer wanted to know the criminal impulse and why his target was this beautiful boy. There must be a reason behind it. 

Joshua leaded the way in the busy club and Jeonghan followed behind. He was quite stand out with his long hair and pretty face. Lots of eyes were on him not only because he was beautiful but also because he came to the club with the famous Joshua. 

“Joshua welcome” The bartender greeted her customer and the drink was served right when the gentle man arrived at the bar.

“What can I get for you sweetie?”

“Just coke please”

“Sure” She mixed coke and ice then handed to the pretty boy. Jeonghan look uninterested in anything going on around him. His big brown eyes searched around for the particular face and figure. All he saw was people dancing, chatting and drinking but none of them was the suspect.

“You see him?” Joshua moved a bit closer leaning in to talk to the long hair boy.

“No” He turned to look at the gentle man who smiled softly at him. The gentle man was relaxed even in the situation like this but suddenly his smile disappeared when a person came out from the furthest corner.

“Wait here, don’t go anywhere”


“Just wait here” Joshua approached the slim figure who passed through the crowd. Jeonghan could see from a far because of his blonde hair and fierce make up. He had very beautiful face like a woman with short hair but he was definitely a man. The new guy seemed to be very close to Joshua from his gesture. He whispered to the other cheek and a small hand was on the other chest. His big dark brown eyes stared back at Jeonghan after finished greeting Joshua, his grin went wide showing pearly white teeth. It somehow made Jeonghan imagined of white sharp fangs...and those eyes...they gave him chilled.


Jeonghan averted his attention back to the crowd again and then he spotted a man, a very tall man with black eyes. He knew it right away who the man was…a suspect. He looked at him again debating whether he should wait like Joshua said or followed the man but it seemed like the other was occupied by that pretty new comer so Jeonghan decided to follow the suspect.




“Lucifer! Didn’t know you are going to be here tonight” Ren smiled brightly, his hand moved up and down broad chest but his eyes looked at someone….a human.


“My name is Ren”

“Then call me Joshua”

“Fine! But who is that pretty boy?” He pointed with a wide smile. Ren already saw Jeonghan the other days but he just wanted to make sure that boy was the specific one Joshua had been preoccupied with.

“Someone I know”

“Pretty human should be mine not yours” 

“Are you the one who sent that devil?”

“Which devil?” Ren stepped away with a smile. His finger twirled around his blonde hair innocently.

“The serial killer” Joshua was extra patient today.


“What are you trying to do?” The Lucifer started to get anxious and when he saw the unusual grin from Ren then he knew right away…the incubus was here just to buy time and distracted him from being by Jeonghan side. 

“” He turned back to the bar and Jeonghan was not there anymore. 

“Where did the pretty boy go??” Ren giggled and walked away. Incubus was a very tricky creature, it could cause much harm to humans like drugs. Drugs could turn a perfect human into something else...and incubus could do exactly that. He calmed himself down concentrating, as much as he wanted to finish off the incubus right now but he could not. Joshua walked to the bar and asked the bartender which way the boy went. He followed hurriedly but remained cautious. He did not know what he dealt with and it would not be good for people to know that he was not a human either, using power was a risk but he needed to find Jeonghan before the killer found him.






This is a very long chapter! I'm trying my best!

Jeonghan is in trouble!!! TT TT Joshua will help him in time?? 

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Chapter 2: This seems interesting ?✨
chagunseunghyun #2
I loved the story and I am so happy that there's a sequel. Nice work author-nim. Uhm, do you have a poster for this?
jeonghae #3
Chapter 24: owhhh it getting more exciting!!
rihann #4
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the sequel...
heemenashi #5
Chapter 24: wow sequel ~~~~ cant wait >< fighting!
Yeollie0803 #6
Nice description <3 can't wait to read the rest!
Ceresme90 #7
Chapter 24: Omg you are the best i was waiting for the happiely every after stoy but this plot is killing love your writting always have such twices ans truns which keeps me hooked to it till the end
FrainZL #8
Chapter 24: Wow sequel..I'm glad you've updated..fighting author nim ;)
classca #9
Chapter 24: Oh shoot! Now there's an angel Prince too!!!
Hwangnn #10
Chapter 24: Oh!!!it's interesting!!I'm curious who is the angel!Please update soon .Thank you :)