Mingyu: What Am I To You?



Suyeon sat at the school's cafeteria, reading stupid pickup lines from Tumblr instead of studying for her Korean language test. Unlike other students, she is not that fluent in writing Korean and read only English novel all time.

Americans, as her homie Joshua always imply whenever she failed at being her own race.

"Hey!" Wonwoo sat next to her, smiling like an idiot. "I have a good news and bad news. Choose one!" Suyeon placed her phone on the table, choosing the good news to go first. "What's the good news?"

"The good news is...uh..."

"What? Don't make me waste my time on your uninvited appearance here. I have a private test later." she stood up packing her books inside her bagpack. That girl is known for her weak emotional strength, often looking grumpy like the school's principal punishing delinquents during the school's assembly, or as in how Mingyu described her as the Diabeetus old man.

"Mingyu just gave me butterflies in my stomach! He replied to me, he loves ME!" She heard him, her mind bursted fireballs but she kept cool in front of that dorky friend of her. "Enough with that dweeb! Now what's the bad news?"

Wonwoo's joyful smile transformed into a blank face in disappointment. "Well, he..."

"He wants to kick you out of the Science group. I don't know what the reason is but...he told me it was for our own good. Besides, you're a Science failure after all, he said." Suyeon was close to fall on her knees but she tried to stand firm because she knew Wonwoo is too kind to help.

"I know, I blew up our previous experiment, got all of us F and yeah, I don't want to say anything about it," she told him. "Should I like, talk to him or what?"

Wonwoo can't agree on that or else Mingyu would mad at him for allowing her to get into the matter. He felt sorry but what can he do?

In the science lab...

"Alright, get into your respective groups. We will determine the empirical formula of potassium chlorate through thermal decomposition. Please get the apparatus and materials ready on your table. Each representative from each group please get your report ready by this Friday. Let's get this started." That's how confident Miss Hwang is, being a newbie teacher herself, Suyeon thought in vain. She had this negative perspective over that teacher for no reason at all.

While picking up the Bunsen burner from the shelf, she saw Mingyu preparing his report papers as Wonwoo assist him with the rest of the apparatus. She knew that Mingyu didn't want her to be with the group any longer, it made her felt down at the moment.

Approaching the desk, she gave the Bunsen burner to Mingyu. He was a little aback seeing Suyeon in his group. "Didn't Wonwoo told you? You are no longer with us. Aishh!" raved Mingyu, as he didn't aware that he was twisting the gas switch.

"Mingyu...aren't that-" pointed Suyeon as she glanced the burner.

He cut her instantly, trying to cover himself, "I know what I'm doing, so get out of this area and find your new groupmates. I can't help you with your Science reports but the others may be able." He took out the match stick and flick it against the box to put the flame on the Bunsen burner. Unfortunately, the flame blazed ferociously and Mingyu panicked, he dropped the burner. Suyeon caught the burner but too bad she seared her left hand while struggling to switch off the flame.

"Mingyu, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" she asked him. He nodded lightly, but shocked after he saw Suyeon hurt her hand on the flame. He didn't know what to do, however he felt relieved that the teacher then rushed to bring her to the infirmary to get her hand treated.

Wonwoo glanced at Mingyu. For the first time in his life with Mingyu he wasn't giving a smile seeing him so. He sensed that Mingyu was being too harsh on her. Mingyu tried to left a grin towards Wonwoo but failed. "Bro, I didn't do it." he pleaded but Wonwoo didn't listen to him.

Recess time, at the infirmary...

As Suyeon sat on the bed, looking at her bandaged hand, she wondered gladly that she saved Mingyu from the flame, though she had to risk herself and nagged by her parents once she reach home later. She wished that her parents stop worrying much about her and telling her that she can survive independently since she's all grown up, legally.

Someone called out her name. It was none other than the dorky Wonwoo, who came with a lunch box - and Mingyu.

"Suyeon, you must be hungry for not getting to eat at the cafeteria, right? Here, eat it. Mingyu didn't eat because he wanted you to have his food instead. He was completely worried about you." She was astonished enough to have someone who would gave up his meal for her, she was touched by what Mingyu did for her.

"Thanks, Mingyu. This means a lot to me, I mean to have someone being considerate in my entire school life." As she held the lunchbox placed on her lap, tears began to roll down her cheek. She thought of holding everything inside her heart but it was too intense, she let them all out. No more tough cookie Han Suyeon after all, especially when Mingyu and Wonwoo were spectating it.

The boys flustered as they looked at each other.

"Bro, go ahead! She looks like she need a shoulder to cry on!" hissed Mingyu.

Wonwoo slapped Mingyu's head and backfired him. "It's your turn to confront her! You did made her upset all these times! Don't you have a sense of guilty?"

Mingyu then understood a thing that he didn't notice in himself. Like, how could he didn't see why he was being mean towards Suyeon who did nothing but good to him as a friend. He looked down as he approach the girl.

"Forgive me, Han Suyeon. I made mistakes towards you. I'm sorry, okay?" He sat next to her and gave her his most sincere hug. She felt loved by him as he let go of his hug.

"I realized something, you weren't mad at me today. Why?" he questioned her immediately. Wonwoo knew what was up to her, about how she can be a grumpy Diabeetus old man towards other but not Mingyu. He suddenly open up a smirk and chuckled a bit.

Suyeon looked at Mingyu, wanting to say words but she was nervous due to Wonwoo who was busy teasing her from behind. She couldn't bear it, so she hurriedly spit out all what she had to say to Mingyu.

"Ahh...I wasn't mad at you because..."

"Because of what?"

"I...I like you, Kim Mingyu. I don't mind if you hate me for this but if you don't accept it, it's okay. I won't force you to lo-" All for once, the ticking time paused, the world froze and the atmosphere went impassive. Let's just putting the blame on Kim Mingyu, who stops the turning world in between their ambience, by crashing his lips on Suyeon's. She was almost dead inside as her heartbeat racing like a shooting rocket, even faster as Mingyu continued kissing.

He then let go as he whispered at her, "I don't like you, I love you."

Meanwhile, Wonwoo who was supposed to be Mingyu's boyfriend - became a third-wheeler, no, more to MinYeon shipper instead.

Author's note: It's shin-woo here. I'm addicted to Meanie couple but Mingyu is just X_X

I can go yandere over Mingyu if this worsens one day...

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Chapter 2: ohmygod mingyu! i smILE LIKE AN IDIOT RIGHT NOW -- he is so handsome ♡