EXO and the Beast


Yixing wanted adventure.

Chanyeol wanted Yixing.

Luhan wanted freedom.


*THIS song wouldn't come out of my head so just listen (with your heart) to it while you read and YOU WILL UNDERSTAND. Ok disney quotes will come up very frequently in A/Ns just saying.


     Yixing knew what adventure was. He knew where it was found as well. He knew that adventure could be found in Apartment 221B Baker Street with Dr. Watson being his cluless self, on Rue Rambuteau where Marius and Enjolras fight for their lives, in ancient Arabia where 40 thieves steal away in a hidden den that can only be entered with the secret phrase, in the depths of the ocean where a young mermaid gives up her tongue to be with her true love. 

     Adventure could not, however, be found in the tiny, deserted streets of a small town where the baker was also the banker and the school had a total of 9 teachers, 4 of which were not even needed. There wasn't a face in town that Yixing didn't know and the place itslef looked like it just jumped out of the pages of a book from God knows what century, and, while it seemed to be an attempt at a modern day style with billboards and shops lining the streets with fancy, blinking signs, it ultimately failed and just looked like Seoul had thrown up onto 500 acres of farmland. The town was one of the oldest in the country but most people didn't know its name.

     Part of Yixing liked the small town life. The quiet roads, the soft morning air not tainted by pollution, being able to sit back and read with his book of the day (hopefully one that he hadn't read yet but those were very few and far apart because he had already finished every book in both the town's library and bookshop).

     But, a majority of Yixing was thoroughly tired of the same thing everyday. As much as he loved reading of daring adventures, he wanted one of his own. One where he wouldn't have to return home at the end of the day or be interrupted when his father asked him for help. Yixing wanted to be brave, he wanted to face danger, to discover a treasure, to find love. 

     But as he looked up and noticed the sky was turning a light shade of purple with the setting sun, he heard his father calling him in for supper, and, closing his book, he realized with a sigh, that the adventure he dreamed of would never be his. 


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