Maybe it’s the way your eyes turns crescent whenever you give that million-dollar smile. Maybe it’s the way you sing the song putting all your hearts on it. Maybe it’s the way you sway your body to the music only you can hear. Or maybe it’s the shinning aura radiating through your whole being which only you can give off. Or maybe the simple touch and tap you do making our spirits boost without uttering a word at all, but all of us knows and feel.

             I can give a hundreds of reasons why I do like spending time with Youngbae; because we have grown acquainted to which another, because whatever we do or whoever we are with there’s always an US- that invisible bond that cannot be broken no matter what, and a lot more! But it always comes to one simple reason that, I, Kwon Jiyong is madly in love with my best friend.

             I’ve been watching him from a far for as long as I remember, he’s lying close to our maknae teasing and making fun of something I can’t even recall while the others stayed listening and laughing for the maknae is once again on a hot seat. I was sitting on the far corner of the room fiddling with my phone trying to look busy and unconcern but take glances towards him whenever he’s not looking.

            It was when I take another glance that we caught eyes for a moment before his head was cupped by Seungri making him look at his direction and I skittered away to my room with my heart pounding loudly in my chest ready to explode. As I lay on my bed, I couldn’t help the smile that is creeping slowly on my face and started squirming like a teenager noticed by his crush for the first time. A girlish giggle escaped my mouth so I buried my face on the comforts of my soft pillow, letting some incoherent and embarrassing giggles leave my mouth. After my sanity came back, I move to the bathroom watching intently at my reflection looking for some changes but I still look exactly the same just some glow added in my now sparkling eyes. Looking at my own eyes in the mirror catching flash backs of our eye contact, my face turned crimson red and again that fluttering feeling fills my system, a girlish screams escaped my mouth once again but this time I didn’t bother covering my mouth and smile like a madman while doing some dance steps you don’t want to see.



             I see him at the kitchen making breakfast for the group shirtless while swaying from the music through your headphones. He never knew what effects it had on me, I don’t want to violate his innocence but still I can’t stop myself from having me day dreams trailing down with vanilla ice cream kissing on your thighs in the daylight searching and exploring your body with my tongue while leaving love marks all over marking you mine all night long. I was brought back to reality when someone “accidentally” pushed me and I turn to look that person the devil maknae had a devilish smirk plastered on his face.


            It hadn’t been long enough after that accident when I started to think about him again, in a not-so-innocent-way like today. We were at the mall looking for some new clothes when his phone started ringing and take the call. I had a vision it was me on the other end telling you to come by and then you walked in my room. I touched you gently with my hands; we talked about traveling the distant lands escaping all the madness out here in the world. Then you let your clothes fall down on the floor, I kissed you softly and you yearned for more. We experienced pleasure unparallel into an ocean of love we both fell swimming in the timeless currents of pure bliss, fantasies interchanging with each kiss undying passion unties our souls and together we swim until the point of no control.


          I wonder one day could it be simple dreams turning into reality or just a fantasy that won’t come true; though I am pretty much too sure that I will definitely make this fantasies come true by hook or by crook. Damn this friendship! I’m crossing this line one way or another. I am Kwon Jiyong anyway, nobody can resist me.

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Chapter 16: Yaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!
:) *sigh* ah, thank you, that was highly satisfying. i'm left with a big cheesy grin and so much yah's!
you know, writing ty times with two members of the same makes pronouns challenging, lol. not to mention the not personally ever experiencing being a gay male, i'm proud of you, you did well!
Zico01 #2
Chapter 15: Poor youngbae didn't even get to say "I love you Jiyong" *cries* Good story
Zico01 #3
Chapter 1: This is so far so good
Chapter 15: what the hey? nope, i'm going to live in denial. that ambulance reached him just in time and they come together, and happily-ever-after, the end. hmph
really though, i'm going to miss this story. good job!
jasmine751 #5
Chapter 15: Oh my, this was so sad. I teared up. Gosh, if there were an epilogue, it would be even more upsetting with Jiyong's thoughts and feelings after Youngbae's death.
Chapter 13: Ah! Come on JiYong, you can do it! I really loved this chapter, btw. It felt so genuine. One more? do believe in happy endings, right?
sailoru #7
Chapter 13: So close JiYong!
Chapter 12: omg, you're such a tease!!!!! that's so frustrating!

i literally awwwwed out loud at this part: “YOU HAVE MY HEART.” now if only they will stop beating around the bush and make some real progress, not in DREAMS!
gnutgniygnow #9
Chapter 12: Writer-nim, you are so mean :(
I thought they really did that but it was just a dream.
It's fine though, as long as you promise us to write the real soon ;)