
My Mona Lisa Man
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Finally it's weekend. 

I've had enough rest for my foot, but I'm still not getting up from the couch. I'm clearly motivated to do nothing but stare at my ipad and daydream about this dress I found on amazon. 

Actually, there were more than one that I liked. Sad to say, the high prices gave me a headache and a heartache. I'll probably look at them again when I get married- for real. For now, my eyes will stick to the lowest price, and of course I'm not certain whether it's real or fake. Staring at the vintage wedding dress from a site called Wish.com, I start to imagine the impossible. 

Kai comes to my mind, he would be apologizing to me (obviously he did not message me again after the incident) and ask me to marry him. I know, it already hurt finding out the truth that he and my own stepsister were dating until the so-called cool off. Something tells me that I should just give up and stop liking Kai. But a part of me is still assuming that we could be something more. There were signs, like when he said he would protect me or when he told Rita not to hurt me again. Those were signs that I shouldn't just waste my four years of liking him more than I expected. 

Unfortunately, love is complicated. I'm just so proud of myself that I didn't cry just because of that terrible heartbreaking moment. There weren't just good signs. There were bad signs too. 

The fact that Kai knows Luhan is living with me is one of the signs.


Speaking of Luhan, he's... well... he's kind of a funny person in a weird way. He's annoying but he's funny. You know what I'm trying to say, right? He's a gullible person. It just seems like he doesn't know anything (except a few things that I can just count).

Three days ago, we both left the hospital. Actually, the doctor suggested that he should stay and then they'd call Luhan's parents. Luhan refused to stay and followed me all the way downstairs. So Sehun, who happened to be my friendly caretaker at that moment, had no choice but to bring Luhan with us and convince the doctor that he's a college orphan. Plus, Sehun's uncle paid Luhan's hospital bills and Rita (the one who attempted to murder me) paid for mine. 

When we reached home, Sehun had to leave right after dropping us off. He said that he was in trouble for making his uncle pay Luhan's bills when it should have been Rita's responsibility. 

"My uncle thinks I begged him for Rita," Sehun had said with a sigh. "He thinks I like her."

"Well, you don't right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Of course not!" Sehun snapped. "I did it for you, since you're kind of responsible to what happened to Luhan. That boy might sue you. If only he's not made in a canvas."

"Aww what a thoughtful friend," I cooed. "Thank you Sehun!"

"That's right. I'm just being thoughtful. No problem. Just give me a call if that boy dares to show his-" Sehun cleared his throat as if he was just about to say something dirty. "You know what I mean."

I gave Sehun the I'm Thinking What You're Thinking look. Then he waved his hand and drove off. I turned around and went upstairs, startled when I found Luhan throwing himself at my door. I panicked and screamed at him, making him stop and stare innocently. 


"I'm sorry master. But how can I open it if there's a hard shell weighing my right arm?" Luhan asked ridiculously with a ridiculously cute face. 

I rolled my eyes at him. "Of course you crawl underneath the door like an ant! That's how you get in and then you open the door from the inside!"

Funny because Luhan actually tried. I watched him on his knees, the side of his head inclined to the ground while facing the door; as if he's imagining himself fitting in the little space between the door and the floor. I had to louden my voice for him to look up and move to the side.

"Jesus, Luhan, it was a joke! Just move away and I'll open the door with my key, okay?" I said and glared at him the moment he stepped inside and closed the door the behind him. 

"Did I do something wrong again?" Luhan asked worriedly. 

I shook my head but still glared at him - because I couldn't help it. I wasn't really angry. I was only trying to show him how much I appreciated him saving me, but I was really bad in showing. The glare couldn't be helped. All of a sudden, Luhan kneeled before me and apologized as if he had done something wrong again.

"No kneeling in front of me, that's another rule." I told him and he looked up, confused. "Also, you're not supposed to apologize to me if you did nothing wrong." I held out my hand to him and smiled. "I should be the one saying that, you know?"

"I know." 

My jaw dropped and I gasped,

"But you never say it." I never thought he could be so honest and more human. 

"OH, SO YOU DID REALIZED THAT HUH." I said, surprisingly impressed while raising my voice. Embarrassed and angry at the same time, I looked away and took my hand back. I attempted to run into my room and sulk but before I could do that, Luhan called me - desperately.

"Master!" You wouldn't believe what he was so desperate about.

"WHAT." I said coldly, loud and clear and straight without a question mark. 

"Can I watch Spongebob again?" He asked. 

Luhan then watched TV the whole night while I was doing my homework. After a while, I made dinner for us, rice and egg with lettuce. Luhan was watching me everytime an advertise came up on TV. A few hours later, I fell asleep while answering my homework. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and all my notebooks and books were already piled up on top of my bedside table (I remember falling asleep on them in bed). Luhan was also back in the canvas, smiling like usual. I went back to sleep again. 

The next day, I found Luhan watering our neighbor's plants downstairs with the old lady next door watching him and smiling and I don't know what- but she was talking

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Chilliwallie #1
Chapter 7: I like the storyline but i cant help but not love the main lead..momo is just...haiz...im so so sorry..i really love a few parts but some parts just annoyed the out of me...sorry..and congrats!
Chapter 11: The tittle should be ''49 Kisses'' <3 haha¬ so cute... update soon
Isdead #3
Chapter 11: That was an interesting update!! Happy thanksgiving!!
Chapter 10: morae is so hilarious ¬ update soon <3 I hope she end up getting married with Luhan in the end..
congrats XD
aIcAiNothing #7
the title seems messed up
but i love messed up stuff
so i'm gonna effin read this mona lisa man
and i already love it
Alanna369 #8
Congrats :)