What feels so wrong...

My Mona Lisa Man
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 My so-called date with Kai was almost, but not exactly, the way I imagined it to be.  Sure we had a long conversation (somehow) but as he continued talking and asking me questions, I realized that something was definitely wrong. So wrong that I thought he might be interested about Luhan.

For a very long time, I hesitated. What if Kai is just another Sehun? But after a while, I decided to think positive and to keep smiling.

“So, how did you know that guy?” Kai asked. 


“Eh? Uhm- y-you mean that guy- L-Luhan?” Kai just nodded his head. “Oh. Well, uhm…childhood friends.”

“Childhood friends?” Kai stared at me in disbelief. 

“W-why? Why are you asking? You don’t believe me?” I had no idea why I just asked that. So lame and obvious. 

“I mean, how? How did you meet? He seems older than you.”

“Older?” I choked on my own spit but thankfully the water was just in front of me. I quickly grabbed the glass of water and drank some.. “Really? We met when we were kids.”

“How old are you, Morae?” He asked, sounding like a reporter. 

“18.” I replied.

“And that guy?”

“Luhan?” Kai nodded again. I sighed. Every time he asked me about Luhan, I was always like ‘why are you asking me and why don’t you just ask him yourself!’ in my mind. “I don’t know. Maybe like 19…or 20.” I answered uncertainly. 

“You’re not sure?”

“I-I forgot. It’s been a long time since I last saw him.” I looked away and continued eating. 

“Did he go to school with you? Or was he homeschooled?”

“Who knows?” I shook my head immediately after saying that. “Homeschooled.”

“When did he-“

“Kai,” I cut him off abruptly, wanting to question his oddity. I just thought I wanted a normal conversation with him to keep myself from worrying about Luhan, I guess. “Kai, why are you suddenly asking me these questions about Luhan?”

“Can’t I?”

“I don’t know. I mean, if you want to interview him, you shouldn't have...punched him. Why  did you hurt him anyway then brought me here just to ask me stuff about him? I’m really…really…” Really jealous. But I couldn’t say the words. 

“Why did he wait for you at school?”

“There you go again, asking me about him.” I stated  matter-of-factly.

“I’m asking about the two of you now,” he explained. He sounded sarcastic until he cleared his throat. “Why did he wait for you at school?”

I widened my eyes the second time I heard his question – and it was clearer than the first one. His questions were too personal I couldn’t believe it. So I thought positively, maybe it's not all about Luhan. Maybe he was just using Luhan as an excuse to confess. 

“If he's your ex boyfriend, then you should know a lot about him.” He continued. “I was just wondering. Let me know if he’s a dangerous guy and I’ll never let him get near you.”

I gulped. “A-Are you asking because…”

“I want to protect you from him.” Kai said simply. At that moment, I didn’t quite understand his reasons. I  thought I was just dreaming. His words echoed in my ears. It was like a dream come true.



However, after a short while, everything that I felt when Kai made my heart flutter; felt so wrong for no reason.


I want to protect you from him.


Somehow, it sounded so wrong. Why did he say that? Why did he sound so serious or why did he sound like Luhan was a bad guy? It was wrong. I knew it was wrong but it was my fault. I obviously made Luhan seem like the bad guy when he did nothing wrong. I made Kai think that I was pushing Luhan away. I made him think that Luhan was dangerous. Didn't I?

"Kai, don't worry about it." I smiled wryly. "Luhan is my childhood friend. He can get a little clingy sometimes, but he's... he's okay. Nothing romantic. Nothing dangerous." I explained. "I just wasn't in the mood earlier, but I'll apologize to him. Sorry for the trouble." I really wanted him to protect me though there was no reason to. 

"I see."


Once we returned to school, I bid my goodbye to him so I could find Luhan in the cafeteria. Luhan wasn't there anymore. Of course, lunch was over. What was I thinking? I just really thought that he would keep on waiting, and I could have apologized for acting mean. 


I checked the clinic just in case Sehun brought him there, but I only found a nurse talking on the phone.


I scurried to class for Sehun instead of looking for Luhan. I just wanted to hear that Luhan was alright. I just wanted to stop worrying and feeling bad. I checked for any sign of Sehun in the room since his chair was empty, but he wasn't in class yet. So I guessed he could be with Luhan. I hastily left the room before the teacher arrived. I searched for Sehun until finally I noticed his lean figure running towards me. 


"Momo!" Sehun called. He was approaching me from the school door to the hallway. "Where have you been? Have you heard? That idiot Kai punched Luhan?!"


"Kai is not an idiot." I said, defending Kai's somehow rash action that afternoon. Sehun only furrowed his brows at me. "I know he punched Luhan. B-But just try to understand. Luhan was trying to pull me away from him. I was just going to eat with Kai but Luhan was crossing the line. Anyway, I'll apologize to Luhan. Where is he?" I finished.


"Momo, what is wrong with you?" Sehun asked in clipped voice. He sounded as if I just said something wrong. "Well, if I were Luhan, I wouldn't let Kai take you out for lunch either.  Luhan was just being a friend to you, how is that crossing a line?"


"Sehun, I just met Luhan a few days ago. And you just met him too. Just because I met someone not long ago, doesn't mean he can act like we're long time best friends or boyfriend!" I raised my voice, and regretted it afterwards. "All I'm saying is that, I don't want him meddling in my life especially when I'm with Kai. Sehun, we both don't know who he is or what he is. I don't even know if it's a good or a bad thing that I painted him, that he came to life. What if he's a mistake? What if he's a curse?" I said incautiously. 


Sehun fell silent. 


"I- I'm sorry. I just really..."


"I really like her." He confessed, which still surprised me at that moment. "No, I meant I really hate her!" He corrected. I blinked because he changed quickly. "I mean, him. I really hate Luhan. You know that right? Because he's a guy, I hate him. But I hate Kai too, and I don't trust him after what he did to Luhan. As your best friend-"


"Can you support me, Sehun?" I asked hastily. "I really really like Kai. So, as my best friend, can you please support me? Please."


"You're asking too much..."




"Uhm." No, Sehun can never resist me. "Fine." I knew it, he couldn't resist me after all. "Just promise me, you'll make it up with Luhan first. Even if he might be a curse or something, I still think he's a good person." Sehun added.


I laughed quietly. "Just say you still like him even though he's a guy." I teased.


"No way!" Sehun shook his head repeatedly. "No no no no! I'm not gay!"


I laughed again as I tried to imitate his first encounter with Luhan on the road, "'You're beautiful', aren't those the first two words that escaped your mouth when you first saw him?"


"Hey! Don't remind me! It was l-love at first sight okay? B-but past is past!"


"'You're beautiful'," I said again- and again until Sehun tickled the side of my stomach. I ran while he chased me down the school hallway. I just laughed as if it was the funniest thing I've ever heard and seen my whole life. Sehun was embarrassed, but I heard him laugh halfway. He even stopped chasing me because he was laughing too hard that it made his tears fall.


"Crying already?" I asked, catching my breath while holding my knees. "He didn't even reject you yet." I joked. 


"Shut up." Sehun just laughed. "We're ing late for class."


I chuckled and squatted in front of him. "Who cares about class?" 


"You do." He said. "Don't you want to watch Kai listening to our teacher?"


"I'm too lazy."


"Why? He didn'teven reject you yet." 


"That's my-" Sehun just laughed. "Sehun, no stealing of lines!"


"Whoa," Sehun mumbled as he pointed at my face. "You're blushing! He didn't reject you, right?"


"Are you kidding me?"


"Don't worry, Momo. Even if he rejects you, you're still my best friend. Luhan rejected me anyway. That will make the two of us. What are friends for?"


"I get it, I get it." I smiled. 


Sehun and I skipped class together. We went to the rooftop and just talked about life. I told him about the first time I met Luhan. It was supposed to be a secret. I planned in the beginning not to let anybody know that I saw Luhan's body. I was worried it would only ruin my dignity, but Sehun's my best friend, so he had to know every little secrets I have. When Sehun heard it from me, he looked like it was the end of his world. 


"Oh great!" He said at first. "Oh my God," he muttered under his breath. I looked up at him. "I didn't even see it! But the moment I noticed his bulge, I just knew it! I'm so stupid!" He covered his face. 


"You're not stupid, Sehun. Everyone makes mistakes. So do I. Luhan being a man-"


"Don't say it!"


"He's beautiful?"




Shortly, our stomachs churned and we laughed but we had to wait for the bell to ring before going out the campus. We waited a little longer. Sehun started singing while waiting. Of course, since I singing and he's too good for me, I just listened. Who would want to ruin his wonderful singing moment, right? Sehun's voice was deeper back when we were freshmens though. One time I even thought that he would grow up with a giant Hulk type of voice but it's not that bad now. His deep voice fits him. Although he may appear weird, Sehun is actually pretty cool and a gentleman. Still weird though.

Weird... Weird like Luhan. 


Luhan has a deep voice too, and it doesn't fit him at all. He's too cute. Sometimes I wonder if I'm older than him? But, he's not even real, which means he doesn't age. 


I kept thinking about Luhan on the way home with Sehun driving us. I guess I felt really bad about what happened. I decided to open my instagram to distract myself and think of something else. I opened Kai's profile and stared at the last picture he posted. My dream to simply eat lunch with Kai came true, but I never wanted to feel guilty after a wonderful date. Or to feel jeal

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Chilliwallie #1
Chapter 7: I like the storyline but i cant help but not love the main lead..momo is just...haiz...im so so sorry..i really love a few parts but some parts just annoyed the out of me...sorry..and congrats!
Chapter 11: The tittle should be ''49 Kisses'' <3 haha¬ so cute... update soon
Isdead #3
Chapter 11: That was an interesting update!! Happy thanksgiving!!
Chapter 10: morae is so hilarious ¬ update soon <3 I hope she end up getting married with Luhan in the end..
congrats XD
aIcAiNothing #7
the title seems messed up
but i love messed up stuff
so i'm gonna effin read this mona lisa man
and i already love it
Alanna369 #8
Congrats :)