Chapter two

Who's laughing now

  I knew SM entertainment were holding auditions for a new girl group which I wanted to audition for, but at that time due to the bullying, I started to develop low self-esteem and confidence and this prevented me from doing so. However here is where my parents and my brother come into the story. 

" Yuri, Yuri wake up , Yuri don't make me get the cold water-- i'll do it, i'll really do it." My mum attempted to threten me,  I got up anyways and rubbed my eyes while looking at my mum puzzled towards why she woke me up. " So you know that SM Entertainment are holding auditions for a new girl group this week" I nodded my head, " And I know you want to pursue a career in the music industry--, so I signed you up." After my mum said that I fainted. 

Only when I regained my consciousness I realised it was not a dream, this was real and my mum really did sign my up. " Mum please I don't want to go, I don' think I am ready yet" panic started to take over me. The truth is I was terrified, I was terrified I was going to mess up, I was terrified that the judges are going to give me one glance and sent me away, I was terrified that people in school will find out and no what a failer I am, that will give the bullies another reason to bully me. 

I remeber the motivation talk my mum gave me once i stopped panicing , she said " Honey I know your scared but are you going to let the fear take control over your destiny, always take up the opportunity as tommorrow it might not be their and you might never get another chance again." and she was right I have let so many oppertunites go by and were did it lead me--- no where. " Baby girl you have so much talent, your smart girl, but you need to come out of your confort zone, I now you your not this Yuri who is standing before me, the Yuri your suppose to be is hidden inside of you, It think its time to let her out, don't you agree?" 

" But mum I tried, but she doesn't want to come out, she's scared of what people will think of her" I tried telling my mum.  

" Yuri, your just one person, you cannot please everyone, but their are so many people out their who will love you for you." Out of no where my dad said. 

" Its true you do not need to be anyone but you" My brother said. 

" Trust me if people loved me for me I would have some friends" I accidentally said out loud.

" Yuri is something going on in school" My dad questioned. I should have told my parents right then about the bullying, but yet again I didnt. 

" No Dad" i said whilst hiding the truth behind my fake smile. Like Mrs Hyo- Jin my dad also seemed like he did not buy what I said but let it go. 

" Okay go get ready for school" He said, I know that my dad knew that some thing was wrong, with my dad you can never hide anything.

So lets skip back to school to the beating. The beating was the worst. One time I accidentally bumped into Luna, and the next thing I remember was Krystal and her gang beating me, to this day I can still feel their punches, kicks, slaps, their hair pulling, scratching. Yes I did fight back but with five people agaisnt one we all know whos going to lose. once time they ducked my head in the toliet,  apparently to them " because i was a piece of , i belonged in the toliet." it was disgusting I hated it, i hated coming home soaking wet everyday, i hated how they made a fool out of me. 

Walking back home I felt something inside by pocket, it was the audition slip, all it said was my name, date and time of the audition was . Looking at the slip my mum's words came inside of my head "I think its time to let her out" and thats what I going to do. " It my time to shine now."

When I went home my brother was only there and saw me all wet, but what he said next was a suprise " Yuri are you being bullied" that shocked me, but it was another opportunity to speak up, I should have told my brother, but I didn't. Instead I said no and walked up stairs , locking the door and yet again cried myself to sleep, all because I was afraid to tell someone about the bullying. 















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Chapter 4: omg very inspiring story T__T good job!
andreahoney #2
i wish the story could have been longer but any way thumps up for you
vvvsugaa #3
Chapter 4: This is so inspiring. I loved it *eyes shining*