Chapter 3

Night Blossoms

A/N. Sorry this chapter is a little late :(

For the next few weeks, Tiffany was everywhere Taeyeon was.

When Taeyeon was cleaning the décor in the main hallways, Tiffany would brush past her, despite the extra space.

When Taeyeon decided to explore the grounds, Tiffany would just happen to be taking a walk at the same time.

When Taeyeon got sent out to buy groceries, Tiffany would also be out shopping.

When Taeyeon dusted in the library, Tiffany would saunter in and examine the shelf of books, which would just so happen to be the one Taeyeon was working on. She made sure to brush her fingers against Taeyeon’s hand as she took out a book.

She would do all this with a sly smile on her face. And Taeyeon? Taeyeon would blush and turn her face away.

This went on for weeks. At the beginning, Tiffany was subtle, barely glancing at Taeyeon. That didn’t mean Taeyeon didn’t notice. Every time the other girl was around her, she could feel butterflies in her stomach. Her palms felt sweaty and her heart pounded in her chest. But she never showed any signs of interest.

But now, after a few weeks of subtle glances and no reaction, Tiffany was getting impatient. She grew bolder with her actions. She would brush up against the maid more often, and she traded fleeting glances for intense stares. And still, Taeyeon ignored her.


Tiffany found her in the library. She was working diligently, ignoring the incoming footsteps. She had noticed the way Tiffany acted around her and truthfully, it made her giddy with happiness. But she was not about to sacrifice her job, no matter how strongly she felt for the other girl. She’d been brought up to respect social standings. Nobles and working class couldn’t mix, she knew that. So she tried her hardest to pay no attention to Tiffany’s advances.

She heard the footsteps stop right behind her. She waited, expecting a hand to reach around her to grab a book, but it never came.

Suddenly, she felt a hand grip her arm and forcefully spin her around. The cloth in her hand fell to the ground as her back hit the bookshelf. She widened her eyes in surprise. Tiffany stood in front of her, set in a determined line.

“Did… did you need a book, miss?” Taeyeon croaked, nervous.

“Are you really that dense?”

“Um… I don’t know what you mean, miss.”

Taeyeon tried to move sideways. She jumped when Tiffany slammed her hands on either side of her head, gripping the bookshelf. Taeyeon’s heart raced and felt dry. Tiffany was pressing against her and it was making her feel weak.

“I like you.”

Taeyeon blinked. She hadn’t expected such a blunt response.

“Ever since I first saw you, I’ve wanted to make you mine,” she continued, “I didn’t think you’d be this oblivious.”

“Believe me,” Taeyeon chuckled nervously, “I noticed.”

She her lips. Her heart was beating so fast. Tiffany’s eyes flitted from her eyes to her lips.

“If you noticed and didn’t stop me,” she whispered, “You won’t mind if I do this?”

She leaned in, but Taeyeon just shook her head and weakly pushed at her shoulders. Tiffany frowned as she moved away.

“You can’t do this, miss,” Taeyeon protested, “We can’t do this. You’re nobility and I’m just a maid.”

“And,” she swallowed, “I’m not a man. This… this isn’t acceptable.”

She bent down to retrieve the cloth that she dropped and slipped out Tiffany’s arms. She head towards the doors. It took all that she had to reject Tiffany’s kiss. Her heart was hammering in her chest and her breathing was ragged.

She heard Tiffany catch up with her. Before she could object, Tiffany spun her around and crashed their lips together.

Taeyeon gasped and tried to move away. She stopped struggling as she felt Tiffany’s hands settle on her waist. When Taeyeon still didn’t move, she pulled away. She was frozen in front of her.

“I don’t care. I want you. Society be damned,” she whispered before joining their lips again.

This time, Taeyeon kissed back. Inside, she felt a little guilty and ashamed. It wasn’t right to have these feelings. She could imagine how ruined the Hwangs would be if somebody managed to find out.

“Stop thinking,” Tiffany breathed against her lips.

“Maybe she was right,” Taeyeon thought, “Society be damned.”

Taeyeon almost melted as she felt Tiffany caress her hips. She pressed back against her, and raised her hands to trace her cheek with trembling fingers. She squeaked when she felt her tongue her bottom lip. Tiffany giggled against her lips.

They jumped apart as they heard the doors being opened. With a gasp, Taeyeon turned quickly to a random bookshelf and pulled out a book.

“Ah, Tiffany! There you are. Dinner is about to be served,” her mom called out.

“Of course. I must have missed the bell,” Tiffany turned to smile at her mom.

Her mother nodded and head to the dining room. The two girls breathed a sigh of relief.

“I can’t believe we almost got caught. We can’t do this, it’s too dangerous. Imagine what would happen if—”

Her words were cut off as Tiffany kissed her again. She pulled away and smiled.

“I’ll see you at dinner.”

Tiffany walked away. Taeyeon sank to the ground as she tried to comprehend everything that happened. Her head was still spinning from the kiss. She couldn’t believe that she gave in that easily. But as she thought about Tiffany’s words and Tiffany’s lips, she could feel herself smile involuntarily.

Later, when the Hwangs were seated around the table, Tiffany flashed a knowing smile at Taeyeon. The latter ducked her head, concealing her face with her hair.

What Tiffany asked next caused the girls to look at her in surprise. All Taeyeon could do was shrug sheepishly.

“I want Taeyeon to be my maid.”

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 17: This is so beautiful and well written. I love it
Chapter 18: I’m so glad I bump into this story. The storyline is great. And also.. although you mentioned that this will be your one and only soshi story. But I do hope in the future you will write about SNSD taeny stories again. Thks yeah!
Chapter 10: *Waves back at Nichkhun* BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 5: Gosh THEY'RE SO CUTE
Chapter 3: Bold still, my heart.
Cheesytaeny #6
Chapter 18: This was a really touching fanfic! Good job! I really loved this!
snsdGe #7
Chapter 18: Thank you an amazing story. Even though it's a one time thing it was amazing and again thank you. It's up vote
Jetplane19 #8
Sequel please! Love this story <3
reinna #9
Chapter 18: Mann this is a beautiful fic too
Glad to read it when its finished hahahaha
Please make some more fic for our hungry taeny mind and heart. Hahah
tipco09 #10
Chapter 18: I was lucky to discover this fic after you've completed it. Thank you for the pleasure of reading this cute fic. Too bad you won't be writing any more SNSD stories.