
Not Even You

Sanghyuk never would have thought that one day—on a particularly warm one, actually—he would meet someone who is as weird as Jaehwan.


But, to tell the truth, he should have seen it coming, because when he woke up that day, shuffled out into the kitchen with one of his socks missing, the right leg of his boxer briefs ridden up on his thigh, eyes sticky with sleep and hair so tousled had someone seen him they would have thought he had got electrocuted—when he sat down with a new box of banana-chocolate cereal and filled his favourite bowl with it, he had to face strawberry pieces and yoghurt balls instead of what he had expected. He spent some moments trying to comprehend what was going on (blinked at the cereal a few times as if that would have turned it into banana-chocolate flavoured), and then checked the box about six times, each time concluding that something went wrong at the cereal factory. He considered calling the number displayed under the ingredients, but then decided to go along with this strange offering from life, and poured some soy milk on the strawberry-yoghurt flavoured cereal which, in the end, tasted much better than the banana-chocolate one.


And that is exactly how it happened when he met Jaehwan as well (except for the soy milk part).


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3star4life #1
Chapter 10: Damn. I’m in tears. My heart is clenching. This was such a beautiful piece of work and my only regret is reading it so late. Thank you for sharing this!
Artemisx #2
Chapter 10: That was so beautiful. Also heartbreaking.
Chapter 10: In chapter 9 I cried. Much.
That hurt my feelings.
But, it's a good story.
Thank you for this.
Chapter 10: Omg this is nothing like I ever read before in my life. Just amazingly written and perfectly made . Thank you for this
I don't know if it's too late to say this or what but I just felt the need to comment something. I was browsing for completed stories in the Keo tag and I found this. I just wanna say that this was very beautiful and I'm probably going to reread this over and over even if I don't ship Hyuken. It's just that I found everything in this beautiful and it also made me reflect about a lot of things. Thank you for writing this. It's an amazing story and you're amazing ♡
Chapter 10: i don't know but i think jaehwan's story about the swan is more like his story about himself.... he couldn't leave taekwoon no matter what happened....
thank you~~ ♡♡
Chapter 10: this fic is perfect! Your writing is so beautiful, i can't explain how much i love this!
flickthebic #8
Very interesting
KwangminYoungmin #9
Chapter 10: *claps* this is perfect! But i thought Hyuken would be be together but whyyy. Nevermind, this was the best! You're writing skills are so good! I love it!