Memory Lane of Tears


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At around 3am I heard a loud banging from the other bedroom. I was frightened but curiousity got the best of me.... Plus, there was no one in the house when I checked....right? I took the teddy bear I had brought with me everywhere since I was a kid and went to investigate.

'' Anyone?'',  I said before I the lights.  There was no one except a few possible dust bunnies hiding in the dark. I felt relieved. 

Strangely I have never been in this room before how did I know it was a bedroom ? 
I looked around and took off the nylon that was covering the nightstand just to see a bunch of pictures torn apart.

As I was trying to put the pieces together, I heard the same noise from behind my back. Surprised I turned around to see my teddy bear on the bed.

''How did you- ...'', I looked at my lap where the smiling teddy I had brought was still standing. The moment I moved my eyes up I saw the other one fall on the floor.
My eyes widened as if I had remembered something. I tried to get the letter out of my pocket even with my hands shaking. It had changed. I know what I had forgotten.


The loud scream of a little girl and the sounds of her choking on water filled my head.
'' NO! No!!!'' I covered my ears and screamed. As I closed my eyes the flashes of the accident made the pain even worse. 


The letter fell on the ground right next to the lonely teddybear that was now frowning. A single tear fell on the ink and smudged it just where the Sender's name should have been.

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princessY #1
Chapter 3: THis is very creative. But I think it is a bit too crytic to understand