Get set.Ready?


 Scene: THe SHINee family are travelling in their car and are heading towards the airport to depart for SM's performance in NY.

"Umma~Sit with me.",Taemin pleaded as he used his ageyo charm on me.Falling to resist this adorable maknae of mine,i immediately shifted myself beside him. "OI KIBUM! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!",Jonghyun shouted at me. "WHAT DO I LOOK I AM DOING HYUNG ?!", I asked politely.Well sort of.Anyway that wasn't the point.Why does he want me to be beside him anyway?I mean its not like there would be a difference if Onew-hyung or Minho is to sit beside him.Right?Or is it cause he a minute...What did i just say? He likes me? Me? Hahaha nice try Key but this isn't funny. I did a mental facepalm at thought of my foolish thinking.You can't let him hurt you again Kibum.You cant.I reminded myself repeatly.

I just can't let him hurt me again...I can't.

Taemin,seeing that my face had turn pale started to panic.

"UMMA !! Are you okay?Are you feeling sick?",Taeminnie asked with a worried tone.

"Ahh...Me?Sick?Never! I am just sleep deprived i guess",i reassured Taemin.God.I should have slept earlier last night.What was i doing last night....? OH right.I was crying.I told myself that i will not let anyone in SHINee worry about me.EVER!I mean, I am THE UMMA of SHINee afterall.And letting a child worry about his mom is the worst crime against mankind.Well not really but you get the idea.

"Then you need to get some shut eye.Otherwise your performance later will be affected .",Taemin concluded after listening to my explanation for my pale looking face. I mentally apologised to Taeminnie before closing my eyes and resting my head against the car seat. If only you can understand what umma is going thru now.Then i probably wouldn't be soo troubled now

Just as i was about to fall into deep sleep,i heard Jonghyun mumbled something. "You should start sleeping earlier instead of wasting your time on......"

I laid in my void. Away from all those problems, escaping the harsh reality for a moment.And a moment is all i need to keep me going.Many often a times when i am too emotional, a good sleep is like the answer to all my problems.It is my almighty key. A familiar harmony started to infiltrate my white sanctuary, painting it with warm colours like orange and red. Soon my sanctuary had turned into a colourful canvas of warm emotions and feelings. So familiar...The only song that can evoke this much emotion from me has to be "Replay".I chuckled at myself as i watch the colours swivel and turn to the rhythm of the song.When suddenly, everything just fell apart.The colours stopped moving and they feel onto the ground,shadowing my canvas and plunging it into darkness.Drowning me in sorrow. The beautiful harmony that was still there a moment ago wasn't there anymore.

I want it back.My colourful canvas.My paradise.I want all this negativity to go away and leave me alone

! "OI KIBUM ! KIBUM ! WAKE UP!", Jonghyun's voice commanded as it instantly dragged me out of my nightmare.

"Replay....",i said in my raspy voice.

"What about it?",Taemin asked, voice laced with concerned.

"It stopped playing...",i choked out as i tried to regulate my heartbeat, which was beating wildly in my chest after my nightmare.

"That's cause the car went into a tunnel, thus the reception of the radio got cut off and the song stopped.",Onew-hyung explained

 "Why are you so concerned about that song?",Jonghyun barked at me.

"Yea,why? The moment the song stopped you started to whimper and fidget in your sleep.You are scaring me umma ....",Teaminnie added on worriedly.

''I guess i was subconsciously listening to that song and when it stopped, i panicked since i loved that song so much.''I reluctantly repiled to Taemin.

''Well since you didnt get a good sleep here in the car, you should really sleep when we are on board the plane.''Onew-hyung suggested as he took out his phone.

''Our seating arrangement will ba at such.I will be getting the window seat with Key beside me then Jonghyun,followed by MInho and finally Taemin,whose seat is nearest to the aisle'.Got it ?'',Onew informed us.

''Onew-hyung~~Why am i seating sp close to the aisle.I dont like it.Makes me feel unprotected.'',Taemin protested.

''Thats cause you visit the toilet most frequently among the 5 of us'',Onew rebutted back.

Onew-hyung and Taeminnie continued to bicker but i dont really care.Not now at least.I cant believe it.I am going to be sitting next to Kim Jong Hyun for the 10+ hours that is to come.On a plane.With no escape.And of all people,HIM.



Hi guys~Thanks for givin me support for the previous chapter. I HEART U GUYS :D

So how do you find chaper 2? I am not really statisfied with it tho..Feels like i m strayin away from the main point.Hmmm...

Sorry for any mistakes >.<

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I actually kind of like this and I know how you feel I'm currently writing a story and I feel like I've gone completely off the description I gave hahaha but back to this I am really interested in this ^_^ Update soon >_<
This story is going to be on hold for the moment i guess. Mainly cos i ran out of ideas and inspiration T.T feel free to voice out your suggestion for the next chapter.<br />
And i am so busy right now. T.T
chocolove123 #3
nice start! Update soon!
BubblyMe #4
This is beautiful :') <3