

   I didnt know how it all started,but i just cant stop looking at him...I chuckled at my thought as i imagined him giving me a wink.

   Brown blonde hair,flirtatous smile and cute puppy eyes,coupled with some rare winks, that definitely fits the description of my one and only Jonghyun.

   Self proclaimed mine that is.

   "If only he was mine.",i sighed. I went to my bed, hoping that some sleep will help clear my obviously love struck mind.Then i saw it.My diary.It laid peacefully on my bed,unknown of the things written in it.A black, sleek A5 sized hard covered book with my name in the form of gold fonts decorated the front cover. Inside it, hid some of the most precious memories with the SHINee family.'It was a birthday present from Jonghyun last year.I hugged the book closed to my heart.Memories of the times that me and Jonghyun shared started replaying past my mind,overwhelming my heart with mixed emotions.Burdening it and making me at loss.

   "Jonghyun.",i whispered as i watch my memory unfold before me.

   "I love you."

   A lone tear rolled down my cheek, falling onto my diary.So did the next one.And the rest that followed.

   "ARASO KEY!", i shouted at myself thru my incoherent sobs.

   "Stop crying already.",i told myself, wiping my tears off my face and diary with the sleeve of my cardigan.

   I felt pathetic.The almighty key of shinee breaking down into a mental wreck because relationship problems ?! What till the media hears of this.

   "And the best part is that its with a fellow shinee hyung that doesn't and will never see you as a potential soulmate.", i added on sarcastically.

   I looked at the clock on the wall. Its 1.36AM.

   "I need to sleep.", i mumbled to myself as i tossed my diary aside. I laid on my bed with my right arm resting on my forehead.Good bye hyung and hello sleep! I plugged into my ipod, waiting for music to calm and soothe me down.

   "Replay" was the first song that came up.My favourite SHINee song.

   I savoured the music and admired my "masterpiece". I have always loved this song.Maybe it is cause its SHINee's debut song.But the way our voices blend together never fail to amaze me. Onew-hyung 's unique voice,Jonghyun's powerful voice,Minho-hyung's bass voice and Taeminne's cute voice along with mine.The five voices just blended together when we start singing, creating an one of kind harmony that SHINee is capable of.

   It was as if the voices were made for each other and that we were fated to be together...

   "Like me and hyung...",i mumbled before weariness finally caught up with me.

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I actually kind of like this and I know how you feel I'm currently writing a story and I feel like I've gone completely off the description I gave hahaha but back to this I am really interested in this ^_^ Update soon >_<
This story is going to be on hold for the moment i guess. Mainly cos i ran out of ideas and inspiration T.T feel free to voice out your suggestion for the next chapter.<br />
And i am so busy right now. T.T
chocolove123 #3
nice start! Update soon!
BubblyMe #4
This is beautiful :') <3