Chapter 3: Newbie

Worlds Apart (feat. EXO)
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As the door to the classroom swung open, you were confronted with a bustling classroom of noisy students. You didn't see a teacher. None of them were wearing school uniforms except a small group of 3 huddled in the back corner of the classroom. As soon as you and Krystal stepped in, silence immediately swept across the classroom. Every persons head swiveled round to stare at you both.
"Hah! Newbies!" A male voice broke the silence. Then the jeering and mocking came as quickly as the silence did. 
The classroom erupted with a wave of mocking laughter and hurled insults. Boys stood up and began cat calling Krystal. She shrank behind you even more than you thought was possible.
"HEY! What's your problem? Leave us alone, dickheads!" You furiously shouted back at them. There was a chorus of "oohs".
"Oh, she's feisty!" Another voice jeered. The area from which the voice came from burst out into peals of laughter. You looked around in desperation for some sense. In your panicked state, you didn't register that only the large group in the middle were jeering at you. To the left was a more well dressed group who were rolling their eyes and sighing at the loud behaviour. To the right was a small group of quiet somber looking boys, most staring at their phone.
Clenching your fists, you gently took Krystal's arms and pulled her towards the small group of 3 at the back. As you stalked past the tables, a boy with wavy dark brown hair followed Krystal's behind with his eyes until you reached the back of the classroom.
"Chen, you're being too obvious dude" A guy beside the boy chuckled. Ah. So Chen was his name. (I'd better watch out for that ert)
The 3 students looked up nervously and let out a relieved sigh when they saw that you were wearing school uniform too. They shuffled to the side to let you and Krystal sit down.
"So you're wearing school uniform too...any idea what just happened?" You looked towards one of the students for reassurance.
"Well...I'm Sulli" A meek girl with ginger swept short hair smiled at you. "And this is Youngjae and Daehyun." She motioned towards two boys sitting next to her.
They were both quite good looking and politely nodded their heads to you.
"We're new too actually. I think only the new students are wearing the school uniform. And i met these two just this morning." She told you.
The boy called Daehyun spoke up. "Don't worry about the reaction you got. We got it too. A bit worse actually. I think because we came first."
Youngjae scanned the classroom with a distasteful expression. "I thought this school was expensive. What is this attitude? I would've expected the students to be nicer." He slumped back in his chair. "From what I've seen, the students seem to have a grudge against new people. They call us 'newbies' like an insult, and bully us whenever they've got the chance. Does this happen every year? Has no one reported this?"
Annoyed, he puffed up his cheeks and blew the hair out of his eyes.
A door slamming interrupted your discussion.
"Students! Students! Quiet down. Now lets see..." An elderly voice called out. You glanced up to see your "teacher". He was an oldish man with greying hair and was quite round in shape with an overgrown beard.
"Well...hmm...lets see how many new students..." He had a Dumbledore voice and was squinting at a sheet of paper while holding up glasses with one hand.
He looked up again. "Well. Sorry I'm late." He chuckled merrily."But do not fret on the past! As Abraham Maslow once said,'The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness'"
"Hey. Sir." A lazy voice called out. "Who the hell is that?" The boys around him chortled.
Your eyes traveled towards the voice. A boy with tousled messy black hair lay back in his chair, sniggering. You took an immediate dislike to him.
"He was an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow's hierarchy of needs. ." You muttered under your breath. Maybe a little too loudly.
"Whaddya say newbie?" He sneered at you.
"Now now, Baekhyun, settle down." The teacher said. "This new girl is absolutely correct! Fabulous! What's your name, my dear?"
"Um" You cleared your throat and told him your name.
"Ah" He repeated it. "Did I pronounce it right? Lovely name, young lady"
"Thanks" You mumbled with embarrassment. You sensed Baekhyun glaring at you and didn't dare to look up.
"For the new students...ah...i see five? I'm Mr Hannigan, at your service." He turned back to the board.
"I like him" Krystal whispered.
"Yeah, he's so nice and jolly" Sulli giggled.
Soon Mr Hannigan began rambling on about photosynthesis, all of which you knew already. You had studied extra hard to pass the entrance exam for this school. Although you didn't know how half of these people got in. You suspected that the rich families just paid a bunch of money to get their kids in which explains why the school has so much money. 
As the class continued, you began to observe the clumped groups more. The loud group in the middle, where you recognise

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