The Beach Girl

Krystal jung

 That's just the begining you didn't see anything yet just wait those two months will be like hell for you.

I really love torturing this girl and getting on her nerves 

I ate lunch with my buddy jackson and now I'm on my way back to the company 

let's give krystal another round of torturing 

"hello again miss krystal" I greeted her

"oh hi young master"

"I said you can call me amber"

"alright A.M.B.E.R" with just that and she's angry haha that's gonna be funny

"hmm that's good" I headed to my office I got some files to check on them

-ring ring-

"miss krystal please come to my office"

"now you are not checking if the phone is working or notright?" she asked with annoying tone

"I'm not playing here miss I told you to come it means to come without any other words" oh damn I never thought that I have this serious tone 

"o-okey amber I'm coming"

-knock knock-

"yes amber ?"

"what's my schedule for this evening ?"I said without looking at her

"you have an appointment after half an hour with the KIMS trasportation company"

"is that all?"

"yes that's all for today" she said it with a smile she got a beautiful smile omo she's beautiful when she smiles 

"ohh you can leave now" she bowed and turned to leave then I said "can you bring me an Espresso please" 

"sure amber"

 lol you think that's all just wait  

  After 5 minutes

-Knock knock-

"here's your Espresso amber"

"I changed my mind I want bubble tea"


    'changed my mind I want bubble tea'

     'I changed my mind I want bbubble tea'

and I'm the stupid one I thought she changed after the sweet words uhum don't get me wrong I mean by the sweet words just please UGH and I gave her a smile too

I tried to control my self god knows how much I want to kill her

"alright then it's bubble tea"

GOSH she's really pain in the damn

-Knock kock-

"here's your bubble tea" she was looking out of the window

"okey just put it on the desk"

"okey amber do you want something else?" I need to be polite to her right guys!! after all she's my BOSS

"umm... nothing but hey don't call me amber again I thought about it and i found amber is just for friends and you are NOT one of them of course" what the 'F' now is this person in front of me stable mentally or not cause for sure she has some mental disease anyway I'm glad that I don't have to call her by her name again

"whatever you want young master"

GOSH MR.LIU where are you come palli palli please save me from your devil daughter 


 Huff the day of work ended wheeew now I'm free we finish work at 18:00 PM and we start at 8:00 am that means I got 13 hours of break from this crazy evil boss  cool

I took a step outside the company and took one long breath the suset is amazing

I felt a tap on my shoulder now who's that ahhh it must be sulli I turned to see the person and BAM it's HER OH GOD 

"hey hey there why did you turn fiercly like that you almost blinded me with your hair"haha good serves you right devilber

"oh sorry young mster I thought it was sulli who tapped on my shoulder"

" you have a car?"

"no I don't have"

"good then I'll take you home" what no NO GOD please NO I don't wanna be stuck with her in the same car "thank you young master bu---" again she put her index finger on my lips and took one step closer

" no buts miss krystal this is an order" she gave me a bright smile and GOSH I swear I felt butterflies in my stomach I just stand there without moving

"hey are you a frozen ice princess or what" those words pulled me out of my daze

  Krystal Jung don't you ever think of falling in her love !!

I'm so sorry for not updating since a long time but  I just got busy from school and stuff

hope you enjoyed this update 

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Chapter 5: ahahaha LOL this is just so funny author-shii!
Chapter 5: llamaber is sure notti...
Chapter 5: Ohhh nice update ^0^
Chapter 5: nice chapter author! hope you can update more!!
Chapter 5: Ooh finally krystal feels something to the llama~ update soon author!'
Chapter 4: Lol poor krystal. update soon author!
Chapter 4: Nice update...
Chapter 3: Lol cute kryber XD always bickering with each other XD...
Chapter 3: wooooo....
Chapter 2: Ohhhh excited for the next chapter ^0^