2 times better

Do you remember?

A/N: I'm not dead! hehe

Jieun's P.O.V.

"For the final step you must multiply these two numbers in order to get your answer...." My eyelids felt extremely heavy while listening to Professor Kim's lesson.

I looked at my watch. Just 2 more minutes.... Must endure and not fall asleep. I looked out the window, the sky was extremely blue with no clouds in sight, the perfect day.

After a torturing 15 more minutes, class was finally over. Lunch time!

Since the weather was so nice, I decided to take my lunch outside and enjoy it there. Jiyeon was attending her cousin's wedding so I can enjoy a bit of peace and quiet today.

But not for long, Yoseob sat across from me on the picnic table, "Hey beautiful, weather sure is nice today right?"

I nodded taking a sip of water.

"How would you like to complete this perfect day with a perfect date with a perfect guy after school?" Yoseob smiled mischievously.

"And who may this perfect guy be?" I teased.

Yoseob was just about to answer when someone interrupts, "Me of course." It's Joon.

I giggled, "Wow Yoseob I didnt know you thought that was about Joon."

He looked at me confused, "What? No! I was talking about me! Me!  Not this babo."

I laugh at his cute reaction.

"And besides! Joon you've had more dates with her than I have. It's only fair if she goes out with me today." Yoseob argued.

"Oh please, this isn't some game you have to be fair in. She could go on all her dates with me if she wanted to." Joon shot back.

A rest my head on my hand, here they go again.

"Hey!" I shout. They both stopped talking and looked at me.

"I don't want you guys to ruin this perfect day with your childish arguements. Do you know what I want to do?" I asked. They both stood there with blank expression.

"Let's go on a friend date altogether. The 3 of us, hanging out. Like we always did before all this happened..." I suggested hopefully.

The two of them looked at each other and I could tell inside they softened and remembered the times they used to have fun together. Honestly I feel really guilty for being the source of their friendship growing more distant. I hope this attempt will help them build back up their friendship.

"Call!" They said together. A wide smile spread across my face.

--------after school--------

"Okay so what should we do?" I asked.

"Why don't we go go karting?" Yoseob suggested.

"Okay, I like that idea." Joon agreed. Well that's a good start for them :)

At the go kart track we paid and got ready. Once in the karts, my heart started pounding, I was so excited!

"Ready to get your kicked?" Joon turned and asked me.

I gave a sarcastic laugh, "Are you kidding me? I should be asking you that."

"Ooo someone seems confident." Yoseob teased.

"You guys just wait, I'll beat both of you easily!" I said confidently.

Once the staff member signalled us to start, all three of us step hard onto the pedal.

At first the two of them were leading in front of me neck in neck. But by te second turn I caught up and surpassed them!

After having fun at the go kart track for a few more races,  I won them 2 out of 3 races!

"See! Told you I could beat you guys!!" I made an in-your-face motion once we got out of our karts.

Yoseob laughed, "Ok ok, yes you're the best! better than us."

"We were going easy on you obviously right?" Joon elbowed yoseob playfully. They laughed.

"Haha ya totally, as punishment you guys buy be a drink!" I commanded.

I sat in the table outside the little convience store while they bought drinks and some food.

I closed my eyes for a bit just to enjoy and feel the sun on my face, it was getting really hot since it's nearing summer.

Suddenly something very cold touched my face, I let out a tiny scream.

Yoseob laughed, "Here's your drink Miss Lee."

"Gomowo." I smiled.

"And here are some ddokboki." Joon placed a microwaved ddokboki package in front of me.

"Gomowo!!" I dug into the food, so hungry from all that racing.

"Well that was a lot of fun!" Joon stated.

"Ya, remember before coming the Seoul when we used to go go karting all the time?" Yoseob questioned Joon.

"Of course! Great times." Joon smiled.

I smiled and placed each of my hands on their's, "See, isn't this great? Everyone getting along again. I finally get to see you guys smile and have fun instead of trying to compete against each other. Im honestly not worth ruining your friendship. I hope we can put off the 'competition' of going on dates with me for a while. I want you guys to spend time together and be best friends again."

They looked at each other and nodded.

"You're right Jieun. But being best friends with this guy won't stop me from going after you!" Joon pinched my cheeks.

"Same here!" Yoseob pinched the other cheek.

"Yah!!!" I screamed while brushing their hands away.

They laughed happily while patting each other's shoulders,=.



Been so inactive... I was so busy and many things happened during these months. But I'm back!! And I'll definitely be updating more! Thank you for putting up with my inactivity and sticking around, I really appreciate it!!

"New Subbies!!"      Thank you!!!

~soshix1279                                              ~soonja01

~KassandraParan                                     ~Sarcasm-

~Rin-ah                                                     ~RusselAnne25


Once again thank you soo much!

P.S. I didn't bother proof reading this chapter.. so forgive my mistakes lols.

Until next time!

Bye bye!









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sweetie liek where are you? haha i miss this fanfic so much ; - ;
Author-nim~~ please update~~ i miss reading your stories... ㅠㅠ
Before creating this new acc. I remember reading this fanfic before, though when I deactivated. I tried to get back contact to find this fanfic i short-of-kinda lost it in a way, because i didn't remember the fanfic name ; n ;. anyways now that i found it i'mma re-read it. <3
-KimNara #4
Chapter 36: OMG OMG OMG~~~~! IUSEOB! KAWAII DESU NYANNNNNNN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 36: YangYo to the rescue~~!!
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 35: Jieun so nice >.>~~~ aigoo
please update soon... your story is so cute author-nim ^^
MilkyCouple4ever #9
Chapter 34: Oh man Ji Eun seems to like going out with Joon more:(