Goodbye? Hello!

Paw prints in the sand

A/N: unbeated


Kyungsoo sighs, it's been a week since he's received the letter from Seoul high school.  If only he hadn't been so careless while shifting into his animal- maybe he wouldn't be forced to go to some big city away from his friends and the comfortable country town he grew up in. Once again, a sigh escapes his lips as he's sitting at the train station, his only luggage being a small backpack.

"Oh c'mon kyungsoo it can't be that bad. I mean Seoul high school will look tons better on a college application than our small country school's name," His best friend, Hyunsik, spoke from next to him but for some reason it sounded like the taller was trying to convince himself more than kyungsoo.

"But the school is ing huge. It's like thrice the size of our school and I literally know no one... A-and I'm nervous about meeting o-other hybrids," Kyungsoo says throwing his arms in the air in defeat.
Hyunsik chuckles, " What's so bad about meeting other... Uh, hybrids? I thought you might be happy to finally meet others like you."

"You don't understand! What if they're super territorial and try to murder me!" Kyungsoo says and he buries his face into Hyunsik's shoulder, not noticing how the latter tenses.

" I-I'm not really sure how this whole hybrid thing works but I'm pretty sure if eleven of them are living together in the same dorm, they must not care much for... Uh, territory."

Kyungsoo just sighs again and they sit in silence, Kyungsoo's head still rests on Hyunsik's shoulder as the minutes keep rolling by while the sound of crickets chirping plays in the distance. They simply keep enjoying the breeze of the wind that ruffles their hair helping cool their burning bodies in the summer heat and it isn't until the screeching of wheels on the track reaches their ears that they both perk to attention.

Kyungsoo reluctantly stands up with Hyunsik following suit, and now it's just a matter of waiting for the train to arrive.

Kyungsoo presses his lips into a thing like as his eyes start getting a little glossy and he speaks, voice quivering slightly, "But I think... I think most of all I'm going to miss you, Hyunsik... I'm going to miss playing in the swamp trying to catch frogs then getting scolded by granny for getting muddy, I'm going to miss sneaking into school at night just to camp out in the classrooms, acting out famous movies scenes since we don't have television... I'm going to miss it so much..." He says and a choked sob leaves his throat, "Hyunsik I don't want to leave," and he cries, tears streaming down his face. 

Hyunsik reaches up and a warm hand caresses his cheek, wiping away the tears, "I'll miss you too, more than you'll ever know. But quit acting like this is forever, just two more years of High School, and I'll be moving to Seoul as well. You just have to be strong for me and granny, okay?" Kyungsoo nods his head, enjoying the comforting warmth on his cheek.

The train is now in sight, the loud whistle blowing to announce its arrival.

"T-two years is a lot of time." Kyungsoo mutters out, crying dying down.

"It is," Hyunsik ruffles his hair, pulling him into a hug, "But Kyungsoo, just promise me, promise me you won't forget about me. I know it's selfish but I want you to miss me," the train comes to a screeching halt, and  a door opens as a timer for 20 seconds begins its count down. " I want you to think of me, how we laugh and play together," nineteen, " I want you to remember the good times we had every single day," eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, and Hyunsik starts leaning closer, Kyungsoo's eyes widen. "I want you to remember the feeling of my breath on your lips as I told you, that Kyungsoo, I'm in love with you," fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, and lips are pressed against Kyungsoo's own soft ones in a gentle kiss that lasts three seconds total, twelve, eleven, ten, Kyungsoo's brain has gone blank.  " I want you to remember the feeling of my lips on yours," he says pulling away from the kiss, however their noses were still touching, nine, eight, seven, six, five, Hyunsik pushes him away so Kyungsoo stumbles backwards into the train, with Hyunsik shoving an envelope into his hands. Kyungsoo looks up and he notices Hyunsik's eyes red, and watering, and Kyungsoo's own eyes seem to get impossibly larger, because never in his seventeen years of knowing him has Kyungsoo ever seen him cry. "Good bye, Kyungsoo." four, three, two, "Hyunsik wait-!" One. The doors close as Kyungsoo finally realized what just happened. He bangs on the window, saying words muffled by the glass as the train starts to move, and Hyunsik smiles and waves as the first tear rips away from his eye.

"I like you too, idiot." He says looking at the retreating figure in the distance.

After hours, occasionally stopping so Kyungsoo can switch trains, Kyungsoo finally reaches Seoul, and to say he's flabbergasted would be an understatement. People are buzzing around everywhere, cell phones ringing, cars honking their horns that can be heard from above the train station. It isn't until someone bumps into him bidding him a, 'watch out,' he remembers he only has 20 seconds to get of the train. So he does, but people are rushing into the once empty train and it's hurling Kyungsoo backwards.

"Uhm, excuse me, I need to get off."  Kyungsoo's weaving his way through the crowd, sputtering apologizes left and right.
 By the time he finally manages to get off the train there's only two seconds left and the door slams shut, and  he's collapsing down onto his knees in exhaustion, however, only then does he realize.

"Wait... Where's my letter!?" His eyes widen and the train begins moving. He begins to chase after it screaming and hollering but it all goes in vain as the train speeds off to its next location.

"My letter... My letter from Hyunsik... I didn't even get a chance to read it and I lost it!" And just before he's about to have a mental break down someone is tugging on his wrist and he turns to face the stranger. 

"Uhm, excuse me.. But would the letter you're talking about be in your pocket?" The stranger questions and Kyungsoo gasps feeling his back pocket and relief immediately floods over him as he pulls the white envelope from his pocket. That's right! He had put it in his pocket for safe keeping after some lady accidentally knocked it out of his hand getting on the train at one of the stops before Seoul.

However relief is immediately replaced with embarrassment.

"A-ah, thank you so much, Uhm..." 

"My names Kim Junmyeon and your welcome, I suppose your name is Do Kyungsoo, am I correct?"

Kyungsoo's mouth drops open and he's gaping like a fish, "How-how'd you know?" Kyungsoo knew that there are  some creepy people in the city but he does think he's down for no psychic powers or anything like that.

The other male just laughs, " I'm supposed to you to your dorm and you're the only person here who smelt like a hybrid." 

"Ohhhh, wait you can smell the hybrid on me? Are you a hybrid too?" and Kyungso's face is that of pure curiosity.

The guy, Junmyeon, nods. "I'll fill you in on the details later, for now follow me," and he begins walking toward what Kyungsoo assumes is an exit. Trailing after the other Kyungsoo observes his surroundings, there are giant and obnoxious signs everywhere and it's pretty crowded compared to the country where you might see one or two people walking alongside the dirt roads. Junmyeon peers over his shoulder to get a look at the gaping doe-eyed boy and decides to as a bit of an ice breaker.

"You know if you keep hanging your mouth open like that, a bird might build a nest in there," and the smaller boy, for the unteempth time that day, blushes in embarrassment.

They reach a black Nissan altima and Junmyeon holds the passenger seat door open, and Kyungsoo mutters a, 'thanks,' as he slides into the smooth leather interior.

Junmyeon walks around to the other side before sitting himself in the driver seat and starting the engine.

A couple minutes of silence pass while Junmyeon finds his way to the main roads before he speaks, "So Kyungsoo, you don't seem like you know much about hybrids. So if you have any questions feel free to ask them now." 

Kyungsoo nodded but he didn't know where to start because there was just so much he wanted to ask. 

"Uhm, well, I actually didn't know I was a hybrid until a couple months ago... I woke up all sweaty and Uhm... You know, bothered..." Kyungsoo said blush spreading across his cheeks.

"You went into heat?" 

"I-uh, I-I guess... At first I thought it was some illness but then the second morning I woke up with ears and a tail and I would randomly shift into a cat- and my granny was the only one who knew and so she called a close friend and as it turns out I was a hybrid and just never knew it." 

"Did your granny adopt you?" Junmyeon asked sparing a glance at Kyungsoo to which Kyungsoo nodded.

"I was abandoned in front of the local church when I was around two and granny took me in."

"That explains why it took so long for you to shift. Most of the time hybrid cubs are born in their animal form but at about one year to six months they shift to the human form and don't learn to shift back and fourth between forms until they're around six. However they aren't taught but rather learn from watching other hybrids or their parents shift and get more in touch with their animal side. But you were raised and surrounded by humans and never got in contact with your natural instincts therefore it delayed you desire to shift. Or at least that's what I can conclude from the information given."

Kyungsoo bid an amazed, ooohhh.

"But ever since that day I went into, Uhm-" 

"Heat," Junmyeon says with a chuckle and Kyungsoo blushed still not comfortable talking about how he went into a period where he was nothing but for almost a week.

"Uhm, yea, h-heat. Anyways- I haven't been able to control my when I shift. If I get scared or nervous I tend to shift which is how I got found out in the first place."

"Many hybrids can't control their animal sides very well, which was the point of gathering hybrids in places like ours, so we can help each other get more control of our animal and learn to control our insticts."

"Uhm, also," Kyungsoo scratches the back of his neck, "The others aren't violent... Are they?" Kyungsoo questions and Junmyeon laughs so hard he actually swerved and almost hit another car which caused Kyungsoo to shriek and earned him a honk and a, 'watch it er!' 

Wiping a stray tear from his eye and finally calming down Junmyeon chuckled out, "Those guys can hardly kill a stray ant without screaming for their mommies."

Kyungsoo visually relaxed hearing this much welcomed information.

"Time flies when you're talking, we're here," Junmyeon says rolling down his window and typing a code into a keypad and a giant gate in front of them swings open. "By the way the code is 7893," Kyungsoo makes a mental note, nodding. 

Junmyeon parks in a reserved parking spot for teachers and Kyungsoo gapes, no way, it couldnt be? "You're a teacher?!"

Junmyeon laughs, "Yes, I teach Pre-ap English II and English III. I'm also the administrator of the hybrids along with my mate, Yixing, who you'll meet pretty soon."

"No way... I thought you were the same age as me..." Junmyeon just laughs.

"Yeah, I get that alot, but you'll find out I'm nothing but a old man on the inside." He says unbuckling his seatbelt and stepping out of the vehicle, Kyungsoo following suit.

They both stand in front of a large building which Kyungsoo assumes is the dorms.

Junmyeon confirms it, "These are the dorms however they're kind of empty since it's still summer. The entire top level is designated for hybrids," Junmyeon reaches into his Jean pocket pulling out a card. 

"This card acts as a key to the top level as well as a lunch card. Do not lose it, and I repeat, do. Not. Loose. It," and Kyungsoo nods and takes the card.

"I won't." 

"Good, now follow me, it's about time you meet your new roommates."


A/N: the reason 'granny' wasn't there is because the train station is about a thirty minute walk from their town and 'granny' is too old to walk all that ways. Also the reason its such a big deal for Kyungsoo to leave is because the only source of technology in thier town belongs to the schools since theres no service in the small country town anyways. So no skyping or texting. Also this is my first fanfiction and constructive criticism is appreciate is appreciated but try not to kill me.





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Chapter 1: This story seems really interesting *-* its sad that it seems like you won't continue it. But well the first chapter was very good anyways :D *o*
Chapter 1: This is good.
Xanthophyll #3
Chapter 1: I really like this and can't wait for more! haha : )
Chapter 1: I can't wait for another update!! fighting =D