Chapter 5

Where Persistence Pays Off

The school day finished much quicker than he expected it to. Joonmyun headed to his locker and met up with Jongdae and Kyungsoo.

“You ready for later?” Jongdae joked with a small smile. The boy was referring to the afterschool activity of tutoring.

“God, don’t remind me. I’m really not ready or looking forward to it.” He confessed. And he really wasn’t. How was he going to spend the next two hours with Yifan? Two weeks ago this would have been a dream come true. But now? This was a nightmare. He was torn between hating spending time with the other and loving spending time with the other. His resolve was begging to be broken, but his pride would eat him alive if he allowed himself to enjoy it. He needed to stay strong.

“I’m sure it will be fine. Minseok will be there too!” Kyungsoo tried to help settle Joonmyun’s inner turmoil.

“I know he will. Poor little guy is going to have to watch his big brother make a mess of himself.” Rubbing his eyes with heavy palms, he turned to his friends, “This isn’t a big deal, right? All I have to do is help him with physics and send him on his way. How hard could it be?”

“Now that’s the spirit!” Jongdae cheered as he clapped his hand on Joonmyun’s shoulder.

The three friends finished up at their lockers before they headed out of the school. Making it to their destination in no time at all, Kyungsoo asked the same question again,

“Are you sure you don’t want us to wait with you?”

“No, I’m only giving him until fifty to get here before I leave to pick up Minseok. He has four more minutes.” Joonmyun stated. He would really leave Yifan if he didn’t get here on time. One, he didn’t want to help him anyway. Two, he gave Yifan a clear warning. And three, Minseok was too important to make wait.

“Okay then. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Jongdae said as he brought up a fist to punch the air. “Good luck!” The two boys waved as they walked away from the now waiting boy.

Joonmyun waited for the other, but couldn’t see him approaching. He had one minute left before he would leave for the bus. As soon as the time read fifty, he started walking away. He didn’t look up to see if he could see Yifan coming or not. That wasn’t what he agreed to. He was just going to walk away and go towards the bus stop. And that’s what he did. He got less than ten feet away before he heard his name being called.

“Wait! Joonmyun! Wait! I’m coming!” He quickly reached Joonmyun and rested his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath. Yifan mentally beat himself for not being fit. He really had to work on running longer distances.

“I have a bus to catch, so if you’re coming, you need to come now.” Joonmyun plainly stated, trying not to care that the male before him was clearly out of breath.

“Bus? For what?” Yifan asked between pants. Joonmyun tried not to make the swallow too obvious. Yifan looked very attractive at the moment. He had sweat glistening down the side of his face and sheen over his neck. He looked very able at the moment, but Joonmyun wasn’t supposed to be thinking like that about him anymore. He shook his head to shake out those dirty thoughts and focus on what was going on right in front of him.

“I have to catch the bus so I can pick up my little brother from school. The bus leaves in-” he turned his attention to his watch before widening his eyes, “crap, I have two minutes, so if you’re coming then hurry up!” He yelled as he turned his attention in the direction of the bus stop down the block.

“Wait!” Yifan laughed as he shouted to get Joonmyun’s attention. But getting nothing in return, he took a few steps and reached out towards the shorter boy to stop and spin him around.

“Ugh, did you not hear me? If you’re not coming then suit yourself! I have to go!” He tried to wiggle out of the other’s hand, but failed and let out a huff of frustration.

Cute. Yifan thought as he saw Joonmyun narrow his eyes and furrow his brows as he puffed out his cheeks. Whoa. No no nononono. Not cute. This is Joonmyun. Not cute. Weird. Annoying. Not cute. “Take it easy.” He said as he cleared his throat, “I have a car. We can just drive to your brother’s school.”

Drive? The two of us? Crap~! He internally whined when he realized he would need to sit beside Yifan in a closed off car. Sure he would have had to do something similar on the bus, but he wasn’t going to be alone with him. He would have at least ten other people there and in a much larger environment. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to handle that. However, it seemed as if he now had no choice as he heard the familiar sound of the bus driving off right beside them as they stood in the middle of the sidewalk. Whelp, Joonmyun, looks like you have no other choice now. He chastised and mentally slapped himself. Now he really did have to drive with Yifan to his brother’s school. Think of Minnie. You are doing this for Minnie. What his brother really had to do with being in a car and tutoring his ‘ex’ crush (really, suppressed current crush), he didn’t know, but maybe focusing on his little brother will keep him from jumping Yifan’s bones.

“Lead the way, Yifan.” The dejected words left Joonmyun’s mouth and gave Yifan an incredible smile. Why are you smiling like that? Joonmyun wanted to ask, but refused to give into temptation.

Upon feeling his lips creep into a smile, Yifan quickly shook it off. Why am I smiling? Is it because I won? Wait – what exactly did you win? Cut the crap, YIfan. Ignoring the similar foreign feeling for a second time, he began walking to the student parking lot.

He led the way to the car Joonmyun was actually familiar with. Well, not familiar with the inside since he had never actually been inside, but he knew that this was Yifan’s precious baby. It was an all black Land Rover Evoque. Black rims and out windows. It was intimidating and elegant at the same time. Joonmyun was now ashamed to admit the number of times he had fantasized about riding in it and riding Yifan in it. Joonmyun quickly tried to hide the blush that was forming on his face at an alarming speed. He couldn’t see it, but the warmth ghosting his cheeks was enough to let him know what was happening. But it wasn’t Joonmyun’s fault, no one told Yifan to be so irresistibly attractive. He could use a bit of ugly. But if Joonmyun was honest, he would still be in love with the other even if he were ugly. He was just that painfully charming.

“Here she is!” Yifan called with a voice resembling a proud father. He turned around to make sure that Joonmyun was behind him, but noticed that he was already on the other side waiting at the passenger door. Ah, I forgot – personal stalker. He quickly unlocked the doors to let the shorter male inside his pride and joy.

Once settled inside, Yifan turned to look at the male beside him. Usually that’s where his backpack went, but today there was a person. It was different, but not as annoying as when he has to give the guys a ride. He instead placed his bag behind his seat and buckled up. “Ready?” He asked Joonmyun with an almost shake in his voice. He quickly coughed to clear his throat, but his attention was taken by the pink cheeks he noticed on the other.

Are you blushing? Why are you blushing? More importantly, why does it look cute and suit you so much? Seriously, Wu Yifan, stop. Kim Joonmyun is not cute. He quickly turned his head as soon as he got a nod and a soft ‘yeah’ from the boy beside him.

It was quiet in the car until Yifan realized he had no idea where he was going. “Hey, Joon could you punch in your brother’s school’s address in the navigation?” He calmly asked the other as he looked both ways before pulling out and entering traffic.

Joon? No. You cannot start calling me Joon. All my hard work will go to waste. No. Joonmyun. My name is Joonmyun. Instead of voicing his objection to the thoughtless nickname, Joonmyun reached closer to the GPS and punched in the address he knew by heart. He breathed in deeply to calm his nerves, but realized it was a mistake. He got a wonderful whiff of Yifan’s cologne. If it wasn’t the fresh detergent smell on him, it was the cologne. Both scents were lovely and pleased his senses. He exhaled out a breath he tried to keep stable to not warrant any suspicion. Minnie. Think of Minseok. Minseok waiting for you with his happy little face. Minseok. He tighted his hands into fists on his lap. It would only be fifteen minutes by car. Joonmyun only had to hold on for fifteen minutes as opposed to the twenty-five he would have had to spend on the bus with Yifan. He was not going to allow his racing heart to get the best of him.

“I didn’t know you had a brother.”

“I do.” Joonmyun tersely offered as a response.

Knowing exactly what Joonmyun was trying to do, Yifan spoke again to try and deter the silent treatment he was trying to start again.

“How old is he?” He tried not to let his attention shift too much to the smaller male beside him as he sneaked a peek at him through his peripheral vision.


Wanting to laugh at the absurd behavior, Yifan pestered on because he was having more fun with it than he thought he would.

“That’s quite the gap. What grade is he in?”


“Joon, if you don’t want to talk to me, just say it.” The joke was obvious in Yifan’s airy laugh and nonchalance.

“I don’t want to talk to you.” Joonmyun admitted without hesitation. Guess it wasn’t as obvious as Yifan had assumed. Said boy couldn’t stop the laugh that left his mouth this time. He openly laughed at Joonmyun’s quick and honest statement. Joonmyun turned his attention to the crazy person beside him and gawked. Why is he laughing? Why won’t my heart stop racing?

“Too bad! You’re in my car, so you have to talk to me!” He laughed and pointed one of his fingers at Joonmyun. “You can’t be rude and ignore me in my own car.” He ended his declaration plainly as if that was the obvious thing Joonmyun couldn’t do.

“Fine. I’ll talk.” The only reason he decided to talk was because he hated being rude to others and that (unfortunately) included Yifan. His parents did not raise him to be rude.

“Great! Now, why does your brother go to a school so far away? Shouldn’t he go to the elementary school around the corner from our school?” It was the truth. If he went to that school, Joonmyun could avoid taking the bus and coming all the way out here to another school.

Upon  hearing what he was saying, Joonmyun let out a small laugh.

“Yeah right. There is no way my parents could afford to send him there.” He confessed to the other.

“But you attend Golden Heights without a problem.”

“I’m on scholarship.” The second confession caught Yifan off guard. He had no idea the other was a scholarship student. That would explain why he’s so smart. Usually if the grades weren’t kept high, the scholarship would be revoked.

“Oh.” Was all he chose to offer.

However, that one syllable said many things to Joonmyun. Oh? Oh, you must be poor. Oh, you can’t afford it like the rest of us. Oh, you have to try hard and work for your place, while the rest of us can slack off. Oh, you need handouts. Oh.

Before Joonmyun had any more time to drown in what ‘oh’ meant, Yifan continued his thought.

“That’s pretty impressive. A lot of the students there take their education for granted. Golden Heights is definitely one of the best high schools, so the fact that you get to attend based on merit and hard work alone is pretty impressive. I wouldn’t be able to attend on my own volition.” The truth the taller male was spewing caught Joonmyun off guard. He didn’t expect Yifan to praise him. He thought he was going to judge him based on his economic background. He should have given Yifan more credit.

No. Stop being weird. You don’t praise people. You’re not nice to others. Why are you not acting like the usual Yifan. Stop doing this to me. Stop making me want to crush my resolve.

“Thanks.” Instead he simply said, feeling the warmth on his cheeks make a second appearance. Joonmyun was really hoping that Yifan would not look at him as his face was painted pink. He stared down hard at his lap trying not to pass out from all the blood rushing to his face. Yifan had never praised him before; heck, he had never fully acknowledged Joonmyun before. This was all new to him, and he couldn’t tell yet if he liked it.

There was silence the rest of the way, much to the relief of Joonmyun. As soon as he saw the familiar setting, he spoke up to tell Yifan where to park so he could get off and meet his brother at their usual spot.

Now alone, Yifan relaxed completely into his seat. He rubbed his face with his large palms. “Wu Yifan. What are you doing? You never wanted to talk to him before; why the sudden change?” He spoke to himself. Not once before had he wanted to carry on a conversation with Joonmyun, but now all of a sudden he did. What was up with that? What changed from then to now? “No. You’re just being polite so the ride is less awkward. That’s all.”

A minute after his self talk, he saw Joonmyun approaching the vehicle with a small child beside him.

Cute! Oh my goodness, those cheeks! Those eyes! Yifan couldn’t help but find the child absolutely adorable. He tried his best to calm his squealing before the two got back to his car.


“Joonie, where are you going? The bus stop is that way!” Minseok said as he pointed an enthusiastic little finger in the other direction.

“We’re not taking the bus today, Minseok.” He clarified.

“Then how are we getting home?” He asked with confused, wide eyes.

The black SUV was right before him, so he just pointed to it.

Looking in the direction of his brother’s finger, his eyes widened even more.

“Wow~!” The excitement and wonder was laced tightly within his small, but loud voice. He had never seen such a nice and fancy car up close before. “It’s so shiny!” He added.

“I know.”

He quickly opened the backdoor behind his own seat and helped his brother inside. He made sure his seatbelt was tight and secure before closing the door and getting inside.

“Who are you?” Minseok asked with a slight pout and puff of his cheeks. He had never seen the other before, so he was confused.

“I’m Yifan!” Said boy offered with a huge grin on his face and a twinkling of fingers in a small wave. A grin that Joonmyun had only seen on the other when he was with his friends. The grin that made his heart race (along with everything else Yifan did).

Responding well to the cheerful tone and attitude, Minseok smiled right back,

“I’m Minseokie!” He exclaimed while he pointed a finger at his face.

“Well hello there, Minseokie! It’s nice to meet you, cutie!” He complimented the little boy. “Are you ready to go home?” He asked as he kept his smile on his face. Yifan loved kids. He had always wished for a sibling, but things didn’t work out that way.

“Yeah! Are you coming home with us, Yifan?”

“Of course! Joon is going to be my teacher today.” Turning back in his seat, he got comfortable before turning his attention back to the road.

The three drove off after Joonmyun was asked to punch in his address. Minseok spent his time either staring out the window or looking around the inside of the car. It all looked so foreign in his eyes that it was all so mesmerizing.

“You know,” Yifan started and Joonmyun turned his head slightly in the speaker’s direction to signal he was listening, “I always wanted a sibling. Minseok is really cute. But you guys look nothing alike.”

“Sorry, I’m not cute.” Without giving much thought to what he was saying, the statement left his lips quicker than he expected.

“I didn’t say you’re not cute!” Yifan quickly offered, but then worried it would be taken the wrong way. “I mean, I’m not saying you are or anything! Wait, I’m not saying you aren’t cute eith- Ugh, I don’t know what I’m saying anymore.” Giving up in clearing himself was much easier than trying to explain something he was actually confused about himself.

Joonmyun stared at the other and couldn’t help but let out a loud and surprising laugh. Yifan had just made a fool of himself and he found it admirable and funny. “Aren’t you supposed to be cool and collected?” He asked the other, again, he lacked in thought. “I mean, that’s just how I thought you acted. Not that you are or have to or should even act like that or- you know what, let’s both just pretend these last two minutes didn’t happen. Please?”

Wanting to forget about it too, Yifan quickly agreed. The two’s thoughtless statements brought an awkward air into the car, and made it silent the rest of the way to Joonmyun’s house.



Another round of thank yous for rajroujarajrouja, vousmeexo, Lee_Shin-Hye, junnie9591, and Caniwi for votes 7-11!

Also, yay, we got over one hundred subscribers!! Isn't that wonderful?

Also, also, I'm really glad that you guys are liking the characters! I've been getting a few comments expressing their like and/or appreciation towards the complicated couple's friends. And that makes me happy! I'm glad that I created characters you enjoy reading!

Also, also, also, can y'all feel the ual tension? Good gawd, get a room guys. Damn awkward babies flirting with each other and pretending like they're not actually flirting. Like why do they have to be so difficult? 

Anyway, thank you all for reading! And let's not forget to comment!


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Hanikjm #1
Chapter 6: Please update ... I really want to know the ending... Huhuhu
2440 streak #2
looks like I'm not the only one waiting for an update from this fic huh...
UrNumber1 #3
Chapter 6: If I had one wish I would love to see how this ends
jaebooyun #4
Chapter 6: I keep checking on this story once in awhile for updates..
jaebooyun #5
Author -nim plz update....this story is so amazing...n m dying to know what happens plz plz plz update soon
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 6: Looks like you haven't updated one long I hate when this happens to me it's an amazing story! All the tension between them both of them trying to push their feelings away yet there is gravitational pull(Mr baekhyun) that brings them in together hahaha I'm dumb don't listen to me. But I hope you don't give up on this fic you did a great job!
2440 streak #7
Chapter 6: i wanna be persistent like Jun here and beg you for updates... but you might get annoyed with me! HAHAHAHA

hope you update soon! I really really really miss this story!
ggtyv333 #8
Chapter 1: It's pretty rare for me to find a story that has Sekai AND Krisho. So you have a lot of love from me just for that. And please update. <3
mybeautifuleyes #9
Chapter 6: Authornim it's been so long since you updated this amazing fanfic.(TT ︿ TT) I'll just keep waiting patiently for you. And I know how you feel running an account working and going to school is a hassle. Fighting authornim!
falafalafel #10
hello new reader here!! i am loving this story so far especially the characters. although at first i dislike the fact that joonmyeon has to tutor yifan (i agree with joon's best friends), i'm glad that it gives yifan the chance to see joon differently.
although i kinda hope yifan get to suffer a bit more first (hahha i'm evil)
good job!! i'll wait for more