
I'll be there
It was 0nly less than 15 minutes when she g0t in when she hear a kn0ck 0n her d0or when she open it "alex? What are y0u d0ing in here?"she ask "gudevening"alex said"can i c0me in?" "0pps, s0rry,c0me in"she said and lead him to the living ro0m meanwhile jacks0n was peeping thru his d0or 'what's alex the m0nkey d0ing in amber's unit'he th0ught and make his way to amber's unit "n0w wh0 is it this time?" amber ask and go to the door "jacks0n!" "i'm g0ing in"he said and g0 inside "wha-"she said"jacks0n" "oh y0u have a visitor"he said "gudevening" "gudevening"alex said "alex i'm s0rry ab0ut jacks0n"she said "ani, it's okay it's a g0od thing i have s0me0ne to talk w/ while y0ur c0oking"alex said "ok"she said"jacks0n why are y0u here?" "y0u f0rg0t"he said"i'm g0ing to eat dinner here" "mwo?" "y0u pr0mise y0u'll co0k dinner f0r me" "i said that?when?" "yes, earlier this m0rning,duh" "fine"she said and went to the kitchen leaving the two guy "s0 h0w l0ng d0es y0u and amber became friend?"alex ask "six years" "too long" "yeah" "w0n't mind if i c0urt her,right?" "mwo-yo!"
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