
I'll be there
The f0ur of them went 0ut to each lunch "i've g0t an infr0mati0n regarding j0ngin"alex said "what kind of inf0rmati0n?"jacks0n ask "he hired esc0rt girls and intruduce them as his sister or fiancé" "amber y0ur handling kim j0ngin's case"mark said "nae,wanna help"she said "l lyk to but i have a case of my 0wn"mark said "what kind of case?"alex ask "child pr0stituti0n"mark answer "any m0re inf0 ab0ut j0ngin?" jacks0n ask "base 0n the victim's aut0psy,they all have chain mark 0n their neck and 0ther b0dyparts"alex answer "and do y0u think j0ngin w0uld do this?"he ask "i d0ubt s0,c0'z every victim is being killed after being " at the end of the day jacks0n waits f0r amber lyk he usually d0es "jesi i need to g0"she said "okay and hurry up u'r b0yfriend's wait f0r y0u" "b0yfriend? Who?" "who else than wang" "jacks0n? He's just a friend" "che0ngmal? Y0ur s0 cl0se, always together and y0ur telling me he's just a friend" "yeah"
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