Chapter 24 - A Best Friend Stuck Between Two

The Perfect Love Story


A couple of weeks passed by and Taeyeon had avoided all the calls Taeyang had made. Taeyeon kept herself busy in order to not think of Taeyang. Whereas everyday Taeyang thought about Taeyeon every single day during the days he spent at University and training.

At their dorm all SNSD members except for Jessica sat in the lounge room waiting to have a shower after having come back from their goodbye stage for Hoot. Because of what happened recently with Taeyeon and Taeyang all members were sensitive around Taeyeon. However on this particular day Tiffany had snapped at Taeyeon.

“Yah! Kim Taeyeon! You’ve been miserable for the past two weeks because you broke it off with him. You’re purposely ignoring all of his calls. Wae?” Tiffany had already raised her voice in annoyance.

“Unnie, don’t be like this.” Seohyun interrupted between a pause.

“Taeyeon, wae? Why won’t you even pick up his calls?”

“What is it to you?” Taeyeon snapped back at Tiffany. “It isn’t your problem what happens between me and Taeyang.”

“It does when it involves two of my closest friends… But why? You two liked each other so much, why did you end it just because he was leaving?”

“Yah!” Taeyeon’s eyes began to tear up. “Yah! You already know how I grew apart from Junsu-oppa because we didn’t see much of each other. What would be so different to now?”

“Aigoo, Taeyeon! You shouldn’t compare those two together. They’re already so different.”

“Unnie, you should stop now.” Yoona nudged Tiffany as both Taeyeon and Tiffany continued to raise their voices.

“Aniya. Taeyeon needs to hear this.”


“Because you are going to lose a great guy if you keep acting like this.”

“If he’s so great why don’t you go and date him. You two already seem so close.”

“Aigoo! You don’t understand how much he likes you! He even-” Tiffany realized what she was about to say and suddenly stopped speaking. She had remembered what Taeyang had asked of her after meeting up with him after that night Taeyeon and Taeyang had broken up.


“Tiffany, whatever you do, please don’t tell Taeyeon about YG.”


“I’ve got to tell her myself.”

“And if she doesn’t want to speak to you, and you end up leaving?”

“It’s okay. I’ll find a way.”

[End of flashback]

“He even what?” Taeyeon argued back.

“Go ask him.”

“Yah! You argue with me, and theu don’t even tell me.”

Tiffany got up before walking off to her room, “De. You should at least hear what he’s got to say before he leaves.”

When Tiffany slammed the door behind her Jessica had walked out of the bathroom with a stunned look on her face. As she sat between Yuri and Yoona she watched Taeyeon walk off into another room and asked, “What happened between Taeyeon and Fany?” All shocked at the intensity of the argument, all the girls sat there in silence leaving Jessica’s question unanswered.

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Rahhrah #1
Chapter 29: Such a great story~!I'm crying while reading!Nice story~!!
I_Me07 #2
Chapter 29: nice fanfic!! it's been a year since i've read this fanfic and now it's finish!!! :))
Chapter 29: nice fic... congrats...!
B-Bang #4
Chapter 29: Nice finish :D.........but will you come back with another Taeyang and Taeyeon's story again?
Chapter 28: nice..
update soon!
B-Bang #6
Chapter 28: nice update :D and this is Perfect Couple in Perfect Love Story :D
seanwong #7
Chapter 27: Hurry Update!!!! I cant wait!!!!
I_Me07 #8
UPDATE soon.... :) please
update soon...(:
cn2theblue #10
Too. Good keep it going xD