Chapter 11

The Perfect Love Story


Tiffany ran out of the restaurant. She saw no sign of Taeyang so she ran to the side walk and looked right then left, and there is was down the street. Tiffany started jogging after him.

Taeyang heard footsteps approaching from behind. He was not sure who it was, however he could not care less as he was distraught of what had happened earlier. His hands were in his pocket and he felt a hand land on his shoulder. “Tiffany?” he said as he was amazed and yet depressed at the same time. “What are you doing? Aren’t you going to eat?”

“No… I came to see if you’re okay.” Tiffany said coolly.

“Why would you do that? I’m only going back to study.”

“Do you know how to get back to your place?” Tiffany started to question Taeyang.

“Y-y-yeah,” he replied hesitantly. “…actually no… but that doesn’t mean you have to tease me about it!”

“Mereong,” Tiffany poked her tongue out at him. With a concerned tone she asked, “You’re not really going home to study, are you?”

“What makes you say that?” replied Taeyang with another question.

“Because… you say yes to come to dinner. It’s late at night, and you decide to go home not long after you and Taeyeon were outside for a while when we first came… plus it’s pretty obvious that you like her.” Tiffany explained as she decided to be straightforward with the situation.

“Am I really that easy to read?”

“Yeah-“ Tiffany said with a grin on her face. “Did Taeyeon tell you she had a boyfriend?”

Taeyang’s smile disappeared, “no, she did not mention anything about him. Who is he?”

“He’s Junsu from one of our company’s groups, but at the moment the three of them are having some controversies with our company… They have been dating for a while now.”

“…” Taeyang had nothing to say.

“If I were in your shoes I would have done the same thing,” Tiffany said in attempt to make the situation seem as not as bad as it should have been.

“Thanks.” Taeyang stopped walking and faced Tiffany. “I’ll wait until I can’t see you, and then I’ll leave-“

“You don’t get it do you?” Tiffany said to him. “I came because you are heartbroken. You need a friend and you are also lost. So… what I’m saying is that I am coming with you until you get home. Ok!”

Taeyang tried to explain, “Tiffany… As much as I appreciate the thought… it’s probably best if I go alone.”

However Tiffany would not give in. She continued to walk, “so, I’m sure that we go this way…”

As much as he was sad, he had no choice but to follow. He knew that since he was with somebody he should at least try to be happy.

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Rahhrah #1
Chapter 29: Such a great story~!I'm crying while reading!Nice story~!!
I_Me07 #2
Chapter 29: nice fanfic!! it's been a year since i've read this fanfic and now it's finish!!! :))
Chapter 29: nice fic... congrats...!
B-Bang #4
Chapter 29: Nice finish :D.........but will you come back with another Taeyang and Taeyeon's story again?
Chapter 28: nice..
update soon!
B-Bang #6
Chapter 28: nice update :D and this is Perfect Couple in Perfect Love Story :D
seanwong #7
Chapter 27: Hurry Update!!!! I cant wait!!!!
I_Me07 #8
UPDATE soon.... :) please
update soon...(:
cn2theblue #10
Too. Good keep it going xD