please choose

our love story....

choose one..the ending.

  1. donghae die kyuhyun marry angela
  2. kyuhyun die donghae marry angela
  3. they marry together
  4. seohyun marry kyuhyun donghae marry angela

please choose one..answer it at comment

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KellyKiller #1
Chapter 33: I didn't think that donghae was on the bad side.......that's one of my "I can't believed that happened" moments...
awww...the story ended:( thanks for writing a great story...please continue to write more^.^ so glad it was a happy ending! angela is so lucky...she has kyuhyun and kiseop:) but i can't believe donghae was like that>.< anyways, thanks and fighting!!!~~^^
kyungela24 #3
wth just happened...why is donghae like that>.< i hope nothing will happen to angela and hopefully everything will be explained clearly soon! update soon...fighting:)
So wait. Donghae is evil?
kyungela24 #6
maybe it's lil bit confusing...but try to understand!hahaaha
i want hae to marry her....<br />
<br />
I want donghae to marry her
Kill my hyuk and hae! GRRRR!!!!
awww...eunhyuk is such a good oppa^^ so sweet!~ would've been better without those stupid fans though-.-" update soon...fighting~