Chapter One

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A/N: thoughts are in italics



Session One:


I glance at the clock, practically begging for it to move faster. Time just goes by way too slow sometimes. I shift my attention back to the person in front of me. She sits there looking content. I mentally scoff. How can she be content that I haven’t said a single word to her? This is seriously just a waste of both her time and my time.


I shift in my seat uncomfortably. There is a silence that falls between us. It isn’t awkward because we’ve reached the 40 minute mark, and the silence is something I am now accustomed to. She clears and opens , “Are you ready to start talking?” she asks.


I don’t reply, I just simply stare ahead. No.


She takes my silence for a no as we continue on with whatever we’re dong. The big hand on the clock reaches 12 and I know my hour is up. I grab my bag and head out the door before she can say another word.



Session Two:


She rearranged her room. I don’t know if its because she expects me to feel more comfortable with it positioned like this, but whatever her intentions are, its not working. We sit in silence, again. 


“Listen, I know you think you don’t need to be here…” I don’t.


“But your friend sent you here for a reason. I know its hard and hurts your self esteem a little, but if you want to talk about whatever is going on right now, I can promise it helps.”


I don’t respond. She’s right. I don’t need to be here, I do not need help from her. The quietness of the room is comforting, but her presence is disturbing. I rest my head on my hands, and think about what I would say, if I felt “ready” to talk to her. Where would I even start? 


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