exo drabble dump


exo drabble dump for when i feel like writing something and can't seem to turn it into a fic(most of the time).


I really really love to write but I have a problem where I rather do something well or I don't do it at all (which is why many of my little fic ideas tend to end up in the trash can). Hence, I decided to make a space for myself to dump my little drabbles instead!

As mentioned, drabbles will be based on exo (canon or non-canon) but it may vary on whether it's otp-based or member-based! That saying, genres/ratings will definitely vary too. Like whether or not they will be doing the boom boom or they will be fluffy af or it would be angsty af.. Who knows? not even me.... So it's just a heads up! ;-) 



Comments and Subs are greatly appreciated, and if you like I don't mind some prompting as well! ^^


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