S.Coups ( Water Bottle )

Seventeen One Shots/Scenarios: Welcome to the Diamond Life~~~

You had had the biggest crush on Seungcheol for the longest time. You knew it. The rest of the Seventeen member knew it. Your pet cats knew it. Your best friends knew it. Heck even the air knew it. It was not something anyone could not notice, because you really did lack in being subtle most of the time. I mean anytime he talked to you, you were automatically a bright red strawberry that could easily melt away. Somehow though....somehow Seungcheol seemed to be the only one oblivious to your huge crush and that . 

You were watching the boy’s practice their choreography from Adore U, when Hoshi ran over to sit down beside you on the floor. “You are staring”.

“I have no idea what you are talking about”, you pouted and looked away from Hoshi. You were like a love sick puppy and all the boys found it to be cute and loved teasing you about it. You looked up and saw that Seungcheol was busy going over his dance moves one more time while the other boys were all resting and taking a break from the non-stop practicing. 

Hoshi smiled and lightly poked at your right cheek, “Staring again”, he teased before handing you a water bottle, ‘I’m sure he is thirsty, go ahead and give this to him..yeah”? You looked down at the water bottle and then back up to Seungcheol. You bit your bottom lip before shyly going up to Seungcheol. Even though he was dancing in front of a mirror, he didn’t seem to notice you until you lightly tapped on his right shoulder, “Um...for you”, you were blushing bright red and you could hear the boys laughing quietly behind you, but you couldn’t care...Seungcheol was smiling at you. 

“Thanks”, he smiled at you again before taking the water bottle and drinking some of it. He went to go put the lid back on the bottle, when he saw there were black words written on it. Your eyes widened when you saw the words as well. Hoshi. You wished he would die a painful death as you looked at the words on the bottle. In black, scribbled across the front of the bottle was the words, I like you <3. You turned your head around, ready to blame everything on Hoshi when you noticed that all of the boys had somehow left the practice room without you noticing. You cursed each and every one of them as they had to of set this up all together. 

You shyly looked up at Seungcheol and noticed that he was smiling while sporting slightly pink ears. “You like me”? He asked and you very slowly nodded your head before looking down a bit, scared he would reject you. However, that was not what happened. It seemed like everything happened so quickly, because next thing you knew Seungcheol had bent down and pressed a quick peck to your lips before pulling back and whispering, “I like you too”. 



I'm S.Coups baised....I am so sorry. I wrote this for a scenario request on Tumblr and just fell in love with it so I had to share it here <3 hehe

Please comment and subscribe. I love all of my subscribers so much. Thank you

I will get to the request people have left on here as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience. 

~Teen Tizzle

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chunji_bdaypal671 #1
chunji_bdaypal671 #2
Neoxuqi #3
Chapter 6: Wahhh. ...daebak
Scoups123 #4
Chapter 4: Please i want to read, jeonghan being a bad boy to me and seungcheol being cute hahahahaha jjebal
hummingSS #5
Hi I want to request scenario with me and my bias from seventeen (hansol/vernonxandi). It started that my friend is a girlfriend of jeonghan and they introduce us. I am a fans of seventeen and get to know a few of them. I told them I like hansol. They told hansol, but when he hears my name he expect that i am a guy. He got confused when we meet and...

Thanks :)
Can I get a JoshxJunghan please? Them ing in a church~~~ Thank you <33
Chapter 8: I'm fine... I'm not crying, not one bit. But Oh my gawd.
Exoxiuvixx #8
Chapter 8: Well then...
Chapter 7: Omg Jeonghan ;;;; So cute ♡♡
Lauciel #10
Chapter 4: S.coups! So y! I need more rated one shots!thank you author-nim!