Woozi ( Bubble Gum )

Seventeen One Shots/Scenarios: Welcome to the Diamond Life~~~

I was so excited to see that I would be sitting behind my crush of one year, Lee Minah. I had had a class with her the year before, but we never really sat near each other and I never really had the chance to talk to her, still I had managed to form a large crush on her. This year though, things would be different. I was currently sitting at my desk and admire the back of a beauty. I looked up at my English teacher, who was busy writing the lesson out on the board, and thanked him for giving me this specific seat. I tried to focus on what our teacher was saying, but I kept catching myself getting lost in the simple distraction that was the girl sitting in front of me. From here I sat I couldn't see her face, but I could see the back of her pink dress and how her long blonde hair fell down around her shoulders. She was also wearing a white cat ear headband, which just added to her cuteness. She was a very cute person, but at the same time she was very quiet and very studious. She was always known for having the best grades in our class and she was also known for having the habit of keeping to herself most of the time. She only had one close friend and his name was Hansol, but besides him not many people seemed to know her really well. For the longest time I had thought that Hansol and Minah had been dating, but I soon found that not to be the case when Hansol had taken a different girl to our school dance. Anyways though, Minah... she is perfect in my eyes and I couldn't change a thing about her.

I finally tried to pay more attention to class. I wasn't the type of student to do bad in class. In fact, I was second when it came to grade rankings and I always went above and beyond in my school projects. With a pen in hand, I began to take notes. Time passed on and the clock hands ticked in rhythm as class continued. Everyone of my fellow classmates were trying really hard to actually pay attention to our lesson for the day, or so I thought. It had been so quiet, which was unusual for a group of students that ages ranged from seventeen to nineteen. Normally you would hear a few groups of students, from the back of the classroom, gossiping or messing around. Today however, it was strangely quiet. That was the case of course, until one of the students behind me began to say jokes really loudly. I can't even really understand what he said, but suddenly everyone in the class was laughing. I hated myself, because I have this strange habit that when others are laughing, I begin to laugh as well. I pushed the gum that I had been chewing on to the side of my mouth, against my cheek, to prevent myself from choking on the pink substance as I began to laugh harder and harder. Everyone was laughing and  I really didn't understand why. Whatever the other student had said must of been hilarious though, because even our teacher was laughing. Everyone began to quiet down, which I was grateful for because my stomach had begun to hurt from the laughter. Though I wish we had all been laughing still, because once everyone calmed down. Once everyone focused back on our teacher... I finally noticed something. My gum was no longer in my mouth. Did I swallow it? I looked down at my desk and didn't see my gum there. I didn't remember swallowing it either. I looked up and I could swear that the world had stopped as I saw a wad of pink bubble gum stuck in the blonde strands of my crush sitting in front of me. . 

What was I suppose to do? I looked cautiously around at my fellow classmates, but from what I could tell no one had noticed what had happened. I bit on the inside of my cheek as I continued to glance from the front of the class to the stupid pink gum stuck in Minah's hair. I could feel my whole body getting cold and I could of sworn that I had begun to sweat more than usual. Minah would never like me now. There was no chance she would like someone who had gotten gum in her hair. I knew what happened when girls got gum in their hair. They had to cut it. I cursed myself mentally as I hated the idea of her having to cut her beautiful long blonde hair. I loved her hair. It always looked so soft and neat. My head snapped up as I heard the bell go off, signaling the end of class had arrived. 

Minah began to gather up her notebooks and was standing up from her desk. No I had to tell her. It wouldn't be right to let her just walk around with gum in her hair. What if someone saw later and picked on her for it... or what if some other poor hopeless soul got blamed for the gum being in her hair. I wasn't that heartless. I wouldn't let that happen. I reached out and grabbed her wrist. "Minah wait". Minah quickly turned to me. Had this been any other situation I would be in heaven right now. Minah was staring at me. She was staring at me and I had finally said something to her. I bit down on my tongue for a moment before speaking, "Your hair...".

"My hair", her voice was like the melody that angels would fall asleep to. It was so soft and sweet. A voice that was like no other. With her staring at me, I could see her light brown eyes, chubby cheeks and cute button nose. She was adorable, but now was not the time. "What about my hair"? I saw her reach to the back of her head and begin to run her fingers through her hair till they came to a stop and she just looked at me with big eyes. "What is in my hair"?


"Gum," she didn't scream. She just mumbled out my response to her as if to confirm that what I said was the case. She bit her bottom lip, a habit she did when she was thinking and I couldn't help but to get distracted once again by her simple gesture. "You put gum in my hair"? She was still calm, her eyes a bit wider as she spoke, but luckily she had not began to cry or scream at me. She wasn't the type of girl to do as such in the first place. 

"I...I didn't mean to. It was an accident.. it's not that high up, maybe we can get it out without messing up your hair", I knew this would not be the case, but at least suggesting it would work out. She kept reaching back to the back of her head and feeling around for where the gum was. 

"It won't come out. I wonder if I will look ugly with short hair.."

"You would look beautiful", the words left my lips before I even had a chance to register what I had just said. I saw her cheeks flush a light pink before she tilted her head to look at me. She stayed quiet for a while before bending down and grabbing her book bag and lifting it onto her shoulder. She gave me a small smile before leaving the classroom and leaving me standing there stunned as I had no idea what had just happened. 

School went by so slowly the rest of the day. All I wanted to do was go find Minah and apologize about her hair over and over again, but I didn't get the chance to see her at all for the rest of the day. Trying to sleep seemed so pointless as all I did was lay in bed and stare up at the roof above me, glaring at it as I hated how fate had been to me. I finally got the chance to speak to my crush and of course it would be me stuttering over an apology, instead of some romantic gesture. After cursing fate a bit longer, my eyelids finally grew heavy and I drifted off into a deep sleep. 

I stood outside the door to my English classroom with a rapidly beating heart. I was scared to death. Would she look at me with hate now? Would she ignore my existence? I was nervous. So so nervous. However, when  I entered the classroom I immediately spotted her with her head facing her desk as she read from her text book. From here I could tell she had cut her hair as her blonde locks that once hugged her shoulders, now swept along her jaw line. I slowly sat down at my seat behind her and was focusing on pulling out my notebooks when she turned around in her seat and faced me, "Jihoon oppa... don't chew any gum today okay? I don't want to go bald by the end of the school year". At first I was thinking she was being completely serious about her comment but then I heard her melodious laughter fall from her lips. I laughed along with her for awhile before biting down on my lip, "You are cute with short hair by the way". Her ears turned a dark red and she gave me a small smile before mumbling, "Thank you Jihoon". 

Word count: 1625


Author's Note:

My other old one shot.  New ones will be posted tomorrow

~Teen Tizzle

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chunji_bdaypal671 #1
chunji_bdaypal671 #2
Neoxuqi #3
Chapter 6: Wahhh. ...daebak
Scoups123 #4
Chapter 4: Please i want to read, jeonghan being a bad boy to me and seungcheol being cute hahahahaha jjebal
hummingSS #5
Hi I want to request scenario with me and my bias from seventeen (hansol/vernonxandi). It started that my friend is a girlfriend of jeonghan and they introduce us. I am a fans of seventeen and get to know a few of them. I told them I like hansol. They told hansol, but when he hears my name he expect that i am a guy. He got confused when we meet and...

Thanks :)
Can I get a JoshxJunghan please? Them ing in a church~~~ Thank you <33
Chapter 8: I'm fine... I'm not crying, not one bit. But Oh my gawd.
Exoxiuvixx #8
Chapter 8: Well then...
Chapter 7: Omg Jeonghan ;;;; So cute ♡♡
Lauciel #10
Chapter 4: S.coups! So y! I need more rated one shots!thank you author-nim!