dreaming destiny


                               The life of four young people changes when destiny bring them together.  Seo joohyun dreams to be a top reporter but she has yet to prove herself  and when she is given the  mission to spy on park hyunsik things get complicated threatening her objectives and future ...   park hyungsik 's life seems perfect on the outside, rich background, great visual, a celebrity -like life but living in the park family is a real hell from his so ever demanding parents to his perfectionist older sister who thinks that only a rich girl can fit him ,add to this the creepy repoter that follow him everywhere.. he is sure to lose his mind slowly. Kai lives a free life , traveling around the world living his dream job "photographer " he has it all.... well That's until he is fired from  the British magazine he had been working at  after cheating on his boss girlfriend...      acting was never yoona's dream, yet she found herself thrown into the film industry at a young age and when she meets  joohyun who is more passionate about her job then anybody she knows, questions and doubts about her life make her feel That Maybe  happiness doesn't always mean popularity. .. 





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Can't wait to see what the update brings.