Kim Junmyeon

To all the Could-haves, Would-haves

♦ Junmyeon Thinks Soojung is Adorable.

“Do you know what this is, Soojung?” Junmyeon asked, as he held an egg shaped keychain from his index finger. The ten year old Sojung narrowed her eyes up at him as she stretched, nodding her head once before reaching for her legs. “It’s a Tamagotchi, I have one at home.” If she had been looking at him in that moment, she would have noticed his crestfallen expression, but she didn’t and he just stared at the purple device, lost for what to do. Only to come up with another idea moments afterwards.

“Oh that’s good! My cousin actually wanted to give this one away and I thought you might want it.” He didn’t mention that none of his cousins liked that sort of thing, or that he’d gone out to buy it last night specially for her and that the device hadn’t even been used. She’d glanced back up at him then, an expression on her face that he couldn’t quite pinpoint, before she nodded. “Okay.” Her hand reaching out to receive the virtual creature. “Thank you.”

Junmyeon saw her play with that game for months, and every time he did, a smile spread on his lips. She was so cute when she concentrated, so he made it a habit to ruffle her hair every time he ran into her in the practice rooms. She was adorable and he couldn’t help himself.

♦ Suho has a One Track Mind.

Date me. How about it?”

Krystal furrowed her brow, completely taken aback by the sudden proposition. They’d been talking about music, when had the conversation steered in this direction? To Krystal, Suho was like an older brother, one she’d inevitably grown apart from after her debut but who she still appreciated. Yes, he was good looking, but he wasn’t exactly her type. Not that she had a type, other than the unattainable kind. “Are you joking right now--”

Suho had smiled at her then, that childish smile of his that seemed to instantly age him down a few years. “I’m not joking.” Krystal was sure he wasn’t, it wasn’t like Suho to play around with this sort of thing, but she wasn’t ready to accept it. “Why?” He’d never expressed interest in her before, or maybe he had and she had never notice. She was oblivious (more like she was a natural at evading advancements) “I like you. I can make you happy.” In that instant, with his eyes locked on hers, she was sure he could do it, and she was almost possessed into agreeing.

“I’ll think about it.” With that she’d left, more confused than she’d ever been in a long time. Her thoughts drifting back to their conversation, even as she took the stage an hour later.

Maybe dating Suho wasn’t such a bad idea. 

♦ Suho Likes His Coffee White.

That was the first thing Krystal noticed as she watched him pile the creamer and sugar packets into his coffee. An amused laugh leaving her lips and attracting his attention. “What?” Clear confusion in his eyes, but still he smiled, looking around in hopes of finding just what was so funny. “You drink coffee like a kid.” She accused, as she stirred the liquid in her own cup. He grimaced slightly, obviously embarrassed, but quickly laughed it off. “What—sugar taste good.”

Krystal likes her coffee black.

She would sometimes joke that she liked it as black as her soul, an overused phrase she’d picked up from some tv show or another. Not that she meant it. As stupid as it might sound, that simple difference made her uneasy, because it exemplified just how separate their existences were. The thought that they were not compatible sometimes keeping her up at night, even after Victoria had chided her to stop being pessimistic.

Krystal glanced at the table over, watching Amber, Sulli, and Kris locked in conversation. Their words too muffled to be heard. She’d never thought about asking for favors, especially not where cover ups were concerned, but she was thankful they’d played along. “What are you thinking?” He asked, and her attention swiveled back to him. She loved that he was so easy to read, that he could express what she could not, and maybe it was fine that they were so different. “That I’m glad I came here with you.” And she was sincere, because she’d pondered this decision for days and she was… happy.

“Well, let’s not make it the last time.” Suho grinned.

♦ Suho Knows How To Make Krystal Smile.

“Ughhhhh.” Suho complained as he rubbed his fingers over the spot in his head where he’d just attempted to crack and egg and failed. The whole scene pushing Krystal to double up in laughter, her face pressed to her hands in her usual habit. “I can’t believe you just—“ Soojung looked up at him, tears in her eyes, before she burst out laughing again. “This is what happens when you try and show off.”

“What! Show off? I don’t need to show off, I’m naturally cool.” He joked, already reaching for another egg, determined to crack it this time. “Don’t…” She reached out to put her hand over his, shaking her head at him, “we can’t have you loosing anymore brain cells”. He smiled at that, reaching out with his free hand to ruffle Krystal’s hair. “Awww, are you worried about me Soojung?” And with that simple action she could feel her cheeks taint pink, suddenly embarrassed, her hand pulling away in a rush. 

“I—“ She looked down at her folded legs, trying to form a coherent sentence. “I have to go.” She muttered, getting up, but only to stop midway. Without much thought, she reached for an egg, seamlessly cracking it on Suho’s head. Her eyes locked with his as she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. Her eyes widening before she rushed off, not looking back. The egg now squished between her iron grip, the only tell-tale sign of her daring deed, along with her brightly colored cheeks.

♦ Suho is the Most Responsible Man Krystal Knows.

He kissed her once. Krystal remembered the way his eyelashes looked as he leaned in, the car’s tinted glass making everything seem less real in her memory. Suho had looked at her carefully, as if asking if it was fine, and when she closed her eyes instinctively, he moved in. His lips touching hers ever so gently, and his hand reaching for her cheek. They kissed for a while, until she had the courage to open her eyes slightly and curl her arms around his neck. When he pulled away, she buried her face in his neck, breathing him in. She was glad when he hugged her, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her into his warm embrace.

Soojung could feel an idiotic smile creep up on her face, one she managed to control for a bit, until it came rushing back the moment she looked at him. Suho’s smile was more idiotic than hers and unlike her, he wore it proudly. The grin not leaving his face until he’d dropped her home for the night.

She was still on a high a few days later when he’d asked to see her. Soojung could already feel her heart dropping from the tone of his voice. Still, she tried to convince herself otherwise. After all, there were rumors that his group was having internal problems. Maybe Suho just needed someone to talk to. So she’d dressed up and gone to meet him and she held in the tears as he ripped her heart out.

“I think we should stop seeing each other Soojung. There are things I need to deal with and I can’t risk another scandal.” He didn’t mention that he didn’t want to drag her into all of this. To have their barely budding relationship aired to the masses, or used as a marketing gimmick by their company. The sole idea made him feel disgusting. Like he wasn’t good enough for her. Like he’d only do her harm. He didn’t make excuses or ask for forgiveness. After all, he was sure she could move on. The one he was hurting the most was himself.



Sometimes Krystal wants to hate Kim Junmyeon, to tell him that she no longer wants to be friends, but then she remembers that he’s one of the only people who has ever asked her how she feels, what she wants, and she can’t hate him.

What she doesn’t know is that to break up doesn’t mean to stop loving. At least not for Suho.



(☂) Mun Note: I'm sorry that this took sooooooo long. I'll try and get the rest of the chapters up a lot faster.

(☂) Comment Replies for Ch.1: @nicoleicole: Thank you ^^ I'm glad you liked it! @jsoojungah: Hello ^^ These are actually supposed to be connected to each other in a somewhat chronoligical order (?) Hopefully it makes more sense with the addition of the second chapter. Thank you for the suggestions, I will definetly keep them in mid ^^

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I actually really want to continue writing this series, so I'll try to post chapter 3 before the end of the week. If anyone had request or suggestions hmu <3


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jsoojungah #1
Chapter 2: owmygerd....... the feels.
jsoojungah #2
Chapter 1: is this supposed to be collections or these would be connected to each other? but I don't really mind anyway, this fic is beautiful. Maybe you can try Lee Jongsuk, or Baekhyun or Kai?
Chapter 1: dang girl. stumbled upon this randomly and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy the concept, the first chapter was very well written, and I am looking forward to the next update! Excuse the run-on sentences :)