
Jin-xed For Eternity



I stayed in my room that night. I had no desire to walk downstairs to come in contact with either the presence or the absence of my step-father. I don't know what's worse, having him around at home or having the worry lingering in the air of where he might be.

My room however is really cozy of a one. It's an attic turned into a room, so the roof was slanted towards the window which lay opposite to the door. My bed is pushed towards the wall next to the window, where I sat with my knees next to my nose.


I lay there thinking a million questions as it striked midnight. I layed on my bed in my dark room. How did we ever end up this way? When are we finally gonna achieve happiness? my eyes started tearing at the thought again, but I just wiped them off my pajamas.


For once, where is my real father? What happened with him? Why is my Mum not married to him? If only he was here things wouldn't be half as worse. But I finally decided to give these thoughts a rest. I've always lost my thoughts to someplace I would never be able to approach. 


My room had no curtains whatsoever. I liked the idea of the midnight sky drawing a picture of itself on the timber floor in my room silently. It also was a great way of drowsing me to sleep since it's easy watching an unchanging nightsky's reflecting contradicting to your changing life. It's peaceful.


So I lay down on my bed and stared at the lights entering my room through the glass window. The only unchanging picture throughtout the years was the sequence of the constellation at the reflection on the floor.

My eyes were drowsy as ever, in the middle of closed and open, staring at the floor. But in that state between closed and open eyes, I sensed the change in the constellation. The lights didn't appear the same. In fact, they don't appear at all.


Something was blocking it. I would be concerned enough to stand up and freak out as to what changed. Why the only constant aspect of my life had to switch. But I wasn't sure if I was dreaming. 

I could see a tall black figure wearing a black hoodie and dark pants, entering my room through my window, hence being the cause of the blockage of the lights.


And as he turned to look around my room standing a few inches away from the window, the light shinying from the billion galaxies found another platform to reflect themselves on and it was the figure's back as he stood there. After which I hear a loud thud.


No wait, dreams don't have noises. I wasn't in the middle of my dream. Was my step father back? Why did he enter from my window on the 1st floor when he could have just entered from the front door? This wasn't my him.


So I stood up and panicked. 

"OH MY GOD! ROBBER!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could, I was scared. But the figure quickly stepped towards me and shushed me. Which was when I recognised the facial features in the dim light reciprocating Jin.


"Can you keep your voice down?" Jin whispered, with a slight note of annoyance in his voice.


"What are you doing here?" I panted, shocked as ever. "Your house is on the other side of the road"

"OH thanks for telling me, I totally lost my way in middle of the night, right?" Jin sarcastically noted "So I thought I'll crash at your place to have some midnight snack, got some?" he mocked.


I had no idea Jin had humour. "So why are you here?" I asked after processing that he might have a motif. I wouldn't accuse him of robbery but I'm not sure of his intentions.


He sighed and sat down next to me on my bed. Although I didn't give him the permission to. 

"I wanted to speak to you after school today but you wouldn't listen," he started, sounding pleased.


"Speak to me about what?" I asked. Nobody ever speaks to me about anything.

"Look," he said "I thought it would be romantic if I ask you to the dance in a paper and throw it at you," My eyes rested to the figure of Jin in dark clothing facing me on my bed. Left half of his face was dimly lighted thanks to my window, while the other half hid in the darkness as he spoke. Much like the moon in the nightsky. 


"But the teacher didn't want to show it to you once she read it. I swear it was that" he said, his voice as gentle as the breeze in the room.


"You want me to go to the dance with you?" I asked, surprised, watching Jin as he stood up from my bed and took off his hood. 

I almost thought he was leaving until he sat down on his knees in front of me, who still sat in bed. He pulled out a rose out of his pocket and horizontally held it on his teeth.


"Why else would I give my knees the pressure of wood at 12am, Im Ae Ri?" He struggled to speak, looking like an absolute retard with his arms open. Was this suppose to be a proposal?


I couldn't help but laugh at his retarded self. Who on earth would have expected such a proposal at midnight, wearing a hoodie, arms wide open & rose in mouth? So I openly laughed at him, who was balancing himself on the ground.


"Hello? My knees really hurt," Jin struggled to speak and laugh with the rose in his mouth, "And this flower has horns," Although this only made me laugh more.


"Yes," I finally muttered, smilying widely.

"OH THANK GOODNESS!" Jin said and stood up, handing the rose to me. I thought how the night seems so different from reality. 


"See you tomorrow, Im Ae Ri" He winked at me and walked out of the open window, closing it behind him. I stared at the rose in my hand, resting it on my bedside table, replaying the entire scenario in my head. Jin could really be very unpredictable. 

I continued to stare at the window lying on my bed. The window through which he entered and left. And I wasn't disappointed with what changed the reflection today.




"Ae Ri?" My mum shook me. My body adjusted to daylight, the constellation was gone. "It's time for school, honey"


That was when I replayed everything. Jin being in my room last night. Something nobody would have imagined. Not even me. 

But now I really do doubt last night. Did it happen or was I really dreaming? The window seems normal. The place he knelt down seems normal.

What if yesterday was a dream? My face slowly formed a frown remembering last night which never happened. Why would Jin want to go to the dance with me? The words, the lights and the laughter from last night seemed so unreal and dreamy. Too good to be true.


But then I turned and looked at my bedside where the blooming rose layed. 

And I smiled to myself again.


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_maknaetrash #1
Chapter 10: Why your story are so beautiful author-nim T.T Damn im so curious like hell now. I'll wait for your updates patiently
2027 streak #2
Chapter 10: Nice family Jin has got there. oh, abusive stepfather? wonder what's going to happen next... and this was very quick update ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 9: Is the chapter a bit short or is it just me? Anyway, that lasagna at the end though... hahahaha XD nice way to change the topic.
Chapter 8: Author! I'm going to give you an upvote #WINKSWINKS
Chapter 8: OH MY GOODDDD THE LAST CHAPTER this one and the before... I looked like an idiot.. smiling from minute to minute.
akriti #6
Chapter 8: yasss!!! i had been waiting so long for the update! I look forward to how the story continues!!!!
Bangtanlover875 #7
I haven't read the story yet but it sounds good
1crystalthao #8
Chapter 7: So far so good
Chapter 7: Jjiiiin~~~~~~ dayum, I wasn't expecting that kind of proposal >///<