
Jin-xed For Eternity


The trio turned around to look at me, along with the rest of the class. As for me, the only one I couldn't care more about was Baekhyun. 


I couldn't get to loathe Jin more at this moment than I already did. He sure knows how to act, considering yesterday's calling-me-pretty incident. Thanks to him, I have to now get humiliated in front of Kai, Irene and Baekhyun, who is by the way just staring at me with the most innocent sparkle in his eyes.


Kai and Irene, much to my relief, don't seem really bothered, talking by themselves still. They probably just wanted a break from the class. But now everybody is well aware of the fact that I'm the loser who gets targetted paper balls.


Ms. Park's eyes lit up as she unrolled the paper ball. A slight smirk resided on her face but faded soon after. 

"I know you all are excited for the Welcome Back Party but hold your excitement inside the classrooms for the least." She said with a tinge of laughter in her voice as she walked back with the half-crumbled paper ball in her fist.


The class slightly giggled behind her. I couldn't make myself to look up from the table, embarrased enough. My eyes just glanced up on Baekhyun, who seemed to smile slightly looking at me, turning in front just as soon as he seemed to blink it off. 




Having Jin in my bus wasn't an easy task to deal with. I usually don't mind bullies accompanying me around, because mostly all are. 

But having Jin any closer to 500 metres troubled my nerves.

Not because I thought he was my friend or because I was hurt by his act, but because I feel disappointed with myself for actually thinking he was different. He was the first one to act kind towards me since Baekhyun in Kindergarten.

Being with him in a crowded little compartment such as a bus isn't the difficult part. The real deal begins when the bus stops and we both get off the abandoned sideway all alone together.


Claustrophobic much? Around Jin, yes.


As the bus departed off, I stormed as fast as I could to avoid him. He could be capable of something worse.


"Hey listen..!" Jin yelled from a few metres. He hadn't moved from the spot he stepped out of the bus from. But I continued to walk faster. He fooled me into thinking I was pretty. That I was something

Although I chose to ignore that compliment, I couldn't say it was nothing to me. So I didn't bother to look back. I acted like I couldn't hear him. Partly because I sorta wish I hadn't yesterday. 

My House wasn't even that far from my Bus stop, so escaping his glare was easier than I thought.


"I'm Home!" I said with a sense of relief, slamming the door behind me into this gloomy lair made out of wood. 

"Ae Ri?" A voice echoed from the Hall. A melancholic old sounding voice: my Mom.

I sometimes am forget the fact that we have lights in our House too. The only light that ever enters this House during daylight is through the penetration of sunbeams from the translucent brown curtains, making the room appear brown reflecting on the timber.


"Yes Mum?" I said, getting hold of a pack of Cookies I need to survive.

"Are you back? Can you join me on the Table for a while?" She asked and I possibly couldn't refuse. What was this about?


I stepped closer to the dining table, creaking the sound of the wood floor below me. I sighted my Mum's weak fingers cutting the pieces of vegetable weakly. "Have a seat," she said smiling at me. At this point I knew she was aging faster than a mother her age. But it wasn't her skin aging. It was her heart.

So I sat across her waiting for her to start with a conversation.


"I've been obversing you for a while," she started and I knew this couldn't be good.

"I feel you've been growing very dull lately, what is the problem?" she asked with concernful eyes. 

I stared at her, my eyes exclaiming. At this point, I wanted to tear up. Everything in my life is a problem. I don't even know what being happy is. Going to school is a problem. Coming back home is a problem. Looking at my Mum this way is the problem. Where did we possibly go wrong?


"Mom, I-" my voice was shaking, I didn't have the words to speak. I didn't know where to start.

"Honey, you can tell me, we'll go through it like we always have" she said, peeling more vegetables.


"Mom, that's the issue!" I said, hot tears rolling down my cheeks. "We never go through anything! We haven't been through a single thing lately!" I exclaimed, dropping my head in my palms. But my Mum was shocked. 


"We haven't gone through what?" She asked, bothered by the sight of her daughter being so upset "What's wrong, honey? Speak"

But I couldn't resist the urge so I stood up and ran upstairs crying. I wanted room. Even though I exibited enough of personal space for a lifetime.



Author's note: Hello Dear Readers! I am back. :) Sorry for having you all wait but I am back now with more love for you all :) The updates shall be quick! I have the next chapters all ready. :) Love you all :)


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_maknaetrash #1
Chapter 10: Why your story are so beautiful author-nim T.T Damn im so curious like hell now. I'll wait for your updates patiently
2038 streak #2
Chapter 10: Nice family Jin has got there. oh, abusive stepfather? wonder what's going to happen next... and this was very quick update ^^
2038 streak #3
Chapter 9: Is the chapter a bit short or is it just me? Anyway, that lasagna at the end though... hahahaha XD nice way to change the topic.
Chapter 8: Author! I'm going to give you an upvote #WINKSWINKS
Chapter 8: OH MY GOODDDD THE LAST CHAPTER this one and the before... I looked like an idiot.. smiling from minute to minute.
akriti #6
Chapter 8: yasss!!! i had been waiting so long for the update! I look forward to how the story continues!!!!
Bangtanlover875 #7
I haven't read the story yet but it sounds good
1crystalthao #8
Chapter 7: So far so good
Chapter 7: Jjiiiin~~~~~~ dayum, I wasn't expecting that kind of proposal >///<