
Devoted Companion


Five, four.. A little bit more! Three, two.. Finally, one! There it is! The door opening! He's finally here!

"Jiyong!" I shouted happily as I ran towards him.

As usual, there's that wondrous smile on his face again. His lips does that automatically whenever he comes home and sees me waiting for him. I've seen it for a thousand time already, but it still manages to take my breath away.

"Seungri," he said, sweetly and lovingly. "You waited for me again. Were you lonely?"

I pouted. "Of course! I miss you so much!" 

Jiyong chuckles. "You poor thing," he said, gently tousling my head with his warm hand.

Ahh.. That feels so good. This is definitely worth waiting the whole day for..

"Are you hungry?" he asked, staring at me with his doting eyes. "I brought food, and it's all your favorite,"

Ahh, really.. Jiyong is the best! I love him so much!



Any second now.. Three, two, one.. Hmm..? Maybe I counted really early? I'll count again.

Five, four, three, two, one.. Ah, there he is! There's Jiyong!

"Seungri," he said, sticking his head out from the door. "Miss me?" 

I ran towards him. "Of course!" I shouted happily.

Jiyong then sat on the floor, letting out a deep breath. His eyes fixed on the ceiling, weary and tired. 

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Is he exhausted from work again? This guy always gives his all when it comes to his job. He doesn't even care what happens to himself. 

"Are you worried, Seungri?" he asked, eyes still staring blankly at the ceiling. "This is nothing. I'm jut tired,"

I moved in closer towards him, only an inch away. "You are?" I asked, preparing to kiss his cheek. And when I pressed my lips against his soft skin, his face immediately brightens up.

"You're so sweet, Seungri," he said, smiling.



I'm getting nervous.. It's past the time he usually comes home. I've lost track of how many times I counted from five. Why isn't the door opening? Did something happen? He had never come home late before..

W-Will it be alright? What if he doesn't come home?

Ah, there it is! The door! It's opening!

"Jiyong!" I shouted as I ran towards it.

"Seungri," Jiyong said, smiling from ear to ear. "Sorry I came home late. Were you worried?"

"Of course I was!" I grumbled. "What happened? Where did you go?"

"Sorry, sorry. I hung out with a friend before going home,"

"A friend? Is that so? Then it can't be helped then.. It's alright,"

"And I want you to meet that friend," Jiyong continued.

Huh..? He brought someone?

"Seungri, I want you to meet my friend," he said, pulling someone in. "Kiko,"

There appeared a fair woman, tall and slim. Similar to that of a beauty queen, she had that poised and demure aura surrounding her. 

"Seungri, this is Kiko," Jiyong said as he puts his hand on her waist.

What.. is this.. feeling..? I-I hate this. Who is she..? Why are they acting so familiar with each other?

"Hi there, Seungri," Kiko said, smiling. "I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally see you!"

As they stood in front of me, I remained still and silent. I didn't know why, but it seemed as if I was frozen on the spot. There was an awful feeling inside of my chest, threatening to break out of me.



..Should I still wait for him and count? Or will it be useless? I'm sure he won't go home this time. He's mad at me. He doesn't want to see me anymore. After acting childish and shouting at his friend last night, I'm pretty sure he won't be happy to see me now. 

Why did I even do that? It was unforgivable! I shouldn't have done that to his friend. I'm despicable..

"Seungri," a thin, familiar voice uttered from the door.

..huh? T-that voice..

"Did you miss me?" 

Then Jiyong appeared before my eyes, smiling and happy to see me.



Five, four, three, two, one.. 

Five, four, three, two, one.. 

Five, four, three, two, one..

W-What's going on? I've been counting non-stop, but the door still won't open? D-Did something happen? 

Is Jiyong alright..?



Five, four, three, two, one..

Five, four, three, two, one..



Huh? J-Jiyong?!

As I have been siting on the sofa, I immediately rose and rushed towards the door. No words could explain how happy I am hearing that voice call for my name. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like my chest is gonna explode. 

Finally, I can see Jiyong!

"Hey, there, Seungri,"

A frown then escaped from my lips. A man appeared before me---a man I've never seen before.

"Who are you..?" I asked.

"I'm Yongbae. Jiyong's friend," he said, smiling warmly at me. "How have you been?"

His friend..?

"W-What are you doing here? Where's Jiyong?" 

"Don't worry, Seungri," he said, tousling my head.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted, backing away from him.

His eyes widened. "Woah there. I'm not gonna hurt you. Calm down. I'm here to take care of you,"

..What? Take care of me..? What's he talking about?

"You see, Jiyong.." He paused for a moment, eyes uncertain. "He went away to some place.. and.. he's not gonna come back for quite some time,"

"Huh..? Where did he go? Will he come back?" I asked. 

Yongbae stared at me with compassionate eyes. "But I'm here now. I'm gonna take you at my home and take really good care of you from now on. Rest assured, Seungri. Everything will be alright,"

He's.. He's gonna take me to his place..? 

"Oh, right," Yongbae blurted whilst reaching out to his pocket. Upon taking out his hand, there he put on something on my neck.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I bought that collar yesterday. It looks good on you," he said, smiling warmly.



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Chapter 1: What?? Confused for a moment.. What happened to jiyong?? Y he left ri??? It's sad how ri is so loyal only to be left..
Danees #2
Chapter 1: Its funny and its sad. Vice versa ~
Teacuppiggiespotion #3
Chapter 1: Oh goooooddddddd you did it again.
mirantialimin #4
Chapter 1: It's so sad there is no good bye.
Chapter 1: Oh my Seungri is a dog XD that's really shocked me! Hahaha!
Where did Jiyong go to? T.T sounds sad though for the last part.. Seungri can't see his Jiyong now.
Chapter 1: Whoa, what happened to Jiyong?
And what will happen to Seungri?!

And why would you put her here? =="
From the moment I read the first paragraph, I already got the feeling that Seungri is a dog. Haha, turned out to be true... XD
Btw, is there any sequel to this?