Invitation Card.


"According to the witnesses near the crime scene, there is a bitten mark on the victim's neck.We believe this is vampires' work"/"Creatures like us sure do not love to clean up messes they made, don't they." Kai said while changed the tv's channel. Lately now, cases of terepheons and vampires are keeping on increasing. I'm a lil' worried about our future. "Nae, Kai, let's go help them out." I said. "Help them out ? What do you mean ?"/"If we can prove to all the humans, that Terepheons and vampires are not actually bad creatures, they sure will give us freedom to live the way we are." I said. What am I saying actually. It's true. I want humans, Terepheons and Vampires to live together without problems. "Are you an idiot ? No matter what we do, they will see us as bad, pathetic, disgusting creatures. There are a lot of Terepheons and Vampires out there who live relying on humas blood. They are not like us and beside, many Terepheons out there who betrayed their masters." Kai said. Coldly. "Betrayed ?" I asked him."Yes. Once a Terepheon made the contract, they only have their masters blood to live. That's why I hold my hunger until I met you." Kai said, Coldly. Again. yeah. He must be really hungry back then. "Oh yeah, Kryssie. My Terepheon partner asked me to attend a party at his' master place this friday."/" A party?"/"Yes. here's the invitation card." kai said while lent me the invitation card. For some reason I can smell blood from this card or is it only my imagination. "I'm not sure what his master intention is but it must be not good. I got a feeling a lot of creatures like us will attend the party. so what do you say?" Kai asked. Looking at me with his cold piercing eyes."We need to go."/"That's my girl." He smiled. Kai smiled. ///////////////////////////////// Finally, it's Friday. Kai wore his silver-black suit and I'm wearing my black-purplish gothic dress. /Ting Tong/ "I will go get it" Kai went to our front door. He opened the door and- "Hello. My name is Minki. Allow me to accompany you to my master's party." A blond hair guy with his black tuxedo appeared in front of our house. "Minki, you are a terepheon, right ?" Kai asked. "Ah, yes. Kai-sama. I've heard about you from my senior and I believe that beautiful lady behind you is your master." The blond guy, Minki said. Giving me  a smirk. I don't like this guy at all. "Please, follow me. The car is ready."/" Ok, just give us a minute." Kai closed the door. "Listen, kryssie, I have a feeling this party will not bring any good. Remember, stick to me all the time." Kai said, looking at me so seriously. "Don't worry, kai." I said. It's not a big deal right. We just attend a party with just a bunch of vampires and terepheons. We went downstairs. //KKCCIIINGG// I locked the door and went to Minki's black car. A late 1950' car, perhaps. We went through the night in the backseat. The place we are going seems like not very close in the city and it seems like in a deep forest. I looked at Kai. He seems so worried. I touched his hand and gave him a big smile. Don't worry nae. Once we are done, we will get back and went through the night like we always do. 

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Can't wait for the next chapter! <3 <3 <3