The Flashback


"Buy your debt, you stupid girl!"/"I don't have any debt with you, ."/"You dare called me !!"/DUShhhh, KtangGgg/"Improve your skills first before you touched me, stupid ." Huh, what a day. I got into another fight and that man gonna yelled at me again, Huh. never stop sighing I guess. Today is friday and I can play my computer. YESS. I rather quickly went home before I get into another fight again. "/ting tong/" "Dude, palli open this door." I yelled, just in case that guy already in bed. "W..hat.." his face obviously telling 'don't disturb me when I'm sleeping' This is Kai and he is my mom's Terepheon. He had been take care of me since I was still a baby and because of that I never meet my mom and dad. "Haha, get away, did you have your dinner yet?" I asked while take off my shoes."dinner? what dinner ?" Kai's grumpy face came out. "you want me to feed you or what?" I smiled sarcastically."yes. quickly give me your blood."/"That's not a dinner that I meant, you , I mean the fried rice that I cooked for you."/" No. I didn't want your fried rice, just give me your blood already." Kai began yawning." How am I supposed to give you my blood, your master is my mom." Yes. Kai's master is my mom. and when I asked him about her, he would rather change the topic or just stay silent. I looked into his face. its slowly become serious or should I say, Kai's face become scary. "AHH..h" Kai suddenly grabbed my hand and laid me down on the sofa. "Kai, what is ....this?" My face become red. How is my face not supposed to be red?! He laid me down on the sofa and he's now on top of me. "you know, Krystal, I have been hungry for your blood since the day we made the contract. It's not your mom who made the contract with me, It's YOU! long time ago, we were so in love but you don't remember, of course because of that night you ran, leaving me behind! You thought a terepheon will die if they ended up falling in love with their master but it actually never happened to any of terepheon. you believe those words that the society made and leave me alone, so I searched for you and find your mom. At that time, your household got burn up and your mom told me to protect you again. You are one of the pureblooded vampire. I love you, krystal. I love you. please. give me your blood." Kai's tears dripping on my face. I see an illusion, Wait, no, Kai is right, it was never mom, It was me. We were in love back then, but I left him. How could I forgot this! "Kai..," I touched his face. "I'm glad I can finally bring you back." He bit my neck. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts but I never knew it was this warm. 

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Can't wait for the next chapter! <3 <3 <3