Bet 2 - Gotta Be You, Falling In Love

Love Bet

Bet 2 - Gotta Be You, Falling In Love

It's like a dream.

Dara felt elated. She had not only got the chance to be with Jiyong, her all-time crush, the love of her life. She got the chance to kiss him as well!

She had a crush on him the moment she laid her eyes on him. He was at 1AM bar across Sweet Corn, Bom's cafe, at that time. And she was searching for an inspiration then for her art project. She glanced at the glass wall when her eyes caught him. He was seated at one of the table with his friends. The sun rays made her blind for a while but his smile is the first thing that she saw from the blinding sight. She thought the sun really smiled. That's how she got her inspiration for her art project and started feeling something for Jiyong.

From then on, she always visit Bom hoping to see him again. She didn't failed though he often hangs-out at the bar. Jiyong is her inspiration. She keeps dreaming because of him. And no matter how tough her life is, it doesn't matter as long as Jiyong is giving her life. With his smile. With his presence.

Yes. She loved him. She already accepted that long time ago. What she felt for him is real. She love him unconditionally.

And she doesn't care if he doesn't know it. No. She isn't asking for anything in return. As long as she loved him that's enough.

A one-sided, unrequited, and unconditional love.

It's been four blissful days being with Jiyong. She's so happy everytime she's with him. A dream come true. And if ever one day she wakes up from this dream, she won't regret it. Instead, she'll be thankful for the blessing and gift. She can't ask for more.

But for now, she'll enjoy every bit of it.

Dara and Jiyong are getting used to each other. They got to know each other's life. She got to meet his friends while he got to meet hers. And they both surprise to know they're actually connected. Because Chaerin's boyfriend is actually Seungri, Jiyong's friend. And he also friends with D-Lite, Chaerin's boss! What a big coincidence!

Not long after, Jiyong asked her if he can court her. Of course! She did not refuse. She like him. She love him. She doesn't have to pretend and play hard to get.

Dara knew he is a playboy. He has a lot of women. But she didn't care. Like she said, she loves him and that's enough.

However, there's a saying that in every smile and happiness; there is also tears and sadness.

That it's time to wake up to the dream she had.

Sixth day. It only lasts for six days.

After knowing Jiyong was at the 1AM bar, Dara immediately come to visit him. It's a perfect timing since she just visited Bom at Sweet Corn with is just across the bar. She did not message him anymore because she wanted to surprise him. And she also brings a special gift for his mom who's returning home to visit him.

What she doesn't expected is instead of be the one surprising, she ended up the one to be surprised. She can't believe what she had heard.

"Tomorrow is the last day of the bet, hyung. If Dara noona answered yes then you win the bet," she heard Seungri said in hushed tone. Maybe, he's afraid to be heard by anyone.

"Seungri's ferrari, My villa, 15% shares here at 1AM and Dae's can have it all," she heard Top enumerated.

"Quick asset!" Dae whisled.

Dara heard it all but only thing played at her mind. Jiyong... he's fooling her. She's only a bet. Everything was a lie and just part of a game. She's the game.

Her heart ache. A seering stabbing pain slowly but surely crept into her heart. It hurts. So hurt. Unconsciously, tears fall from her eyes.

Jiyong lied to her. He played her. He took her for granted. She doesn't mean to him.

Yet, she doesn't feel mad. Just hurt. She don't blame him. Instead, she blames herself more. It's her fault because she's stupid and fool. She let him do that to her. It's all her fault.

She's too hurt to noticed that Seungri had already opened the VIP door where she was standing. He heard her gasps which snaps her from reality.

"N-Noona!" Seungri stuttered.

She just glanced at him and tried to smile through her tears. It was hard though.

It seems everyone inside heard Seungri because she heard shuffling noises behind him.

"Dara?!" and she heard Jiyong's voice.

She looked at his panic streaken face. Once again, she tried to smile not bothered with her tears.

"I-I came t-to sur-surprise you," she swallowed the lump in and smiled again. "I-I just w-want to give...give y-you this. I-It's for y-your mom," she said and settled the portrait canvass on the wall. "I-I hope s-she like it. Um... I'm... I-I'm going. I b-bother y-you too m-much. B-Bye," then she quickly turned around and run away from there. From Jiyong.

She heard him calling her name but she didn't look back and hail a cab that exactly passed by her. She ride the taxi and told the driver where to bring her.

Dara can only cry quietly as she clutched her chest in pain. It hurts a lot. But she doesn't know how to stop it. It's killing her.

The cab stopped at her destination safely. She paid and climb out the backseat. Soon, she was left alone. She entered her parents house and reached her room. There she cried everything out. No one can hear her. Her parents are on a out of the country exhibit. As usual.

After crying her heart out, there's one thing she cannot change.

She love him. Only him.


The next morning...

Dara turns her phone on and isn't surprise with the number of missed calls, voicemails and text message she got from Jiyong, his friends and her friends. But she didn't respond back at anyone. She wants to think and be alone for a while. She's too emotional right now. She can't face anyone.

All day and the next two days, she just locked herself at her room. She busied herself in sketching. Until, she realized something.

She had to let go. Let Jiyong go. But that doesn't mean she will stop loving him. No. She can't do that.

Instead, she'll back in the shadows while loving him from a far. Like the first time. Back to square one.

It's Tuesday night. Dara decided to go out and come to 1AM bar. Bom informed her that Bigbang boys are there. She started reaching to her friends Sunday night and told them to wait for the right time and she'll tell them everything.

She arrived in front of the bar and texted Jiyong to come out because she wanted to talk to him. Dara didn't have to wait any longer. Jiyong went out the bar and quickly embraced her as soon as he saw her.

"Oh God! I thought something bad happened to you. Where have you been? I've been looking for you, do you know that?!" he said while hugging her tightly.

"Jiyong...can you do me a favor?" She whispered softly.

Jiyong released her and steps back with a frown.

"Anything," he answered.

Dara smiled but it did not reach her eyes.

"Just for tonight...can you love me even just tonight? I want to feel your love for this last time," she said silently praying he would agree. She heard him gasps.

"W-What...are you sure?" he asked back.

She nodded seriously.

Jiyong heaves a sigh and grips her wrist gently as they walk towards his car. He let her seat in the passenger seat first as he droves away. They arrive at his house. Jiyong did asked her again if she's sure and she nodded reassuringly.

That night they made love countless of times until they reach their limit. They forget everything. Every kiss, every touch, every moment, they made each other feel the love they sought after.

That night, they owned each other's body, heart and soul.


After that night, Dara never meet Jiyong again. She totally let him go.

Everything changed.

Bom moved her shop at different location away from 1AM bar after learning what happened to her. Chaerin broke up with Seungri and resigned as Daesung's stylist. She's mad as well after knowing that her boyfriend (now ex) was the one started the bet. Minzy is the most calm but got mad at Bigbang too. Her best friends stayed with her all the way.

The last thing she heard, Jiyong left the country with his mom.

While she continued her life by taking care of her love for Jiyong.

Her one great love.




b o n a p a i x

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Chapter 5: Beautiful story authornim about how to ♥️ truly with sacrifice faith kindhearted to the man she ♥️ most but that sacrifice ended happiness together for ever ♥️
Chapter 5: 2 yrs and 8 months past i recalled your beautiful and amazing story full of emotion between two people to struggle difficult in love situation but in end happy ending and together forever and thanks authornim for sharing this story
Chapter 5: I can't help but be petty, god i'm such a bad person but i really can't just shrug away the things that happened to dara, it makes me dislike jiyong for leaving just like that and dara's kind nature ugh. (i'm just like her friends in this matter) but i guess thats the lesson that the author wants to convey in this story - - dara's unconditional love, he may not deserve it but i remember saying jiyong is a lucky bastard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter 5: Daebak authornim Congratz
Chapter 5: That was good... I love the ending but it would be nice of there's an epilogue. :)))
Chapter 4: So that was what happened... :)))) all is well now.
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I thought Dara's parents were artists and rich (as mentioned in prev chap) but now, she didn't have a parents and she's working in Taeyang's club as a cashier. (She have a degree in arts, right? .. remembered 1st chap) . Now, I'm confused. Lol
Chapter 1: Oh... that was good.. Can't wait for Jiyong to fall inlove with Dara.. :))))
Chapter 5: Not that kind of person, but I demand a special of this..kekeke..your stories are - jjang!
Chapter 4: Brave dara*