Chapter 2

Not Exactly Rivals

---------------------five days later----------------------

Yongguk walked off the plane and to the baggage claim. He had a wonderful time at his parents' house. He loved visiting them. They were the sweetest parents he could've asked for.

But those comments online. They still ate away at him. He didn't even open his laptop while he was visiting his family. Too much to catch up on. He decided it would have to wait until he arrived at the hotel. He was told he'd be rooming with another YouTuber who would be on the panel. Yongguk grabbed his luggage and left the airport. His hotel was close enough that he decided to walk. He headed up a small hill and down a busy city street to a 20-story building.

Yongguk waltzed into the hotel lobby, looking around. Nothing super high-class but not a crusty motel either. He moved forward to the front desk. A young woman looked up from a computer.

"Welcome. How may I help you this evening?" She greeted, smiling gently.

"Just checking into my room. The reservation should be under 'Jepp,' and I was told I was rooming with someone else."

"One moment, sir." She tapped the keyboard keys swiftly. "Alright. You'll be staying on the tenth floor in room 1004 with another young man. He already checked into the room this afternoon, so he should be in the room." She handed Yongguk his key card and asked him to sign a paper before releasing him to the elevator.

Yongguk pressed the up button on the wall. The elevator was on the fifth floor when he pressed it. He stood back in case anyone would walk out immediately. A few seconds later and the door opened. There, in the elevator, stood a tall teenage boy. His dark, wispy bangs curled in front of his eyes. He looked at Yongguk (who was only 15 centimeters shorter or so) and flashed his pearly teeth at the older male.

"Jepp! Oh my god, it's such a huge honor to be able to meet you!! I'm a huge fan!" The teen bowed at a perfect 90°.

"Ah-... T-Thank you..." Yongguk replied, flustered. "Y-You're Zelo, right? One of my Twitter followers told me about you earlier this week."

The teen snapped up straight. "You know me?! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!" Junhong hid his face in his hands, too excited to believe it was real. Yongguk stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the tenth floor. After the door closed, he turned to the teen and looked at him.

"I listened to one of your mixes. You're really amazing for being so young." He smiled at the teen.

Junhong blushed. "Y-You think so? I-I've been listening to your mixtapes and they were my inspiration to start rapping. I hoped that one day, I could impress you with a mix. I-I'm still working on it, though!"

Yongguk patted the teen's shoulder. "Keep working until you're completely satisfied. If you aren't happy with the end result, your audience won't be happy either. You can do it," he smiled.

Junhong looked at the floor, grinning and blushing. "T-Thank you..."

The doors of the elevator opened on the 10th floor. Yongguk stepped off, pulling his luggage behind him. Junhong followed behind him.

The older glanced over his shoulder to see the teen was following him. He figured his room was nearby and didn't think twice. As he walked up to his room door and unlocked it, he looked behind him to see Junhong was still there.

"Ah, you're in this room too?" He asked.

"That's right." He smiled. "I had no idea I was rooming with you, though! This is a huge honor, Jepp!"

"Please, just call me Yongguk." The older pulled his luggage into the room and propped it on a wall. He walked over to the couch that was in the room and sat down, sighing. His flight had been delayed by three hours earlier that day and Yongguk was ready to sleep for at least three days. He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. Just like that, he was out like a light.

Junhong sat down on one of the beds and looked over at Yongguk. Was he already asleep? Junhong walked over to the older and waved a hand over his eyes. No response. He sighed, surprised he could sleep so easily. The teen slipped a hand under the older's legs, the other behind his shoulders, and lifted him, carrying him over to the other bed. Yongguk was much lighter than he expected. Junhong pulled the duvet over him and walked back to his own bed. He played on his phone for a bit before laying down and going to sleep.

-----------------the next day----------------

Yongguk opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He didn't have time to lay around. He stood up and walked over to his suitcase and opened it. He grabbed a clean pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom to shower. Junhong was still asleep when he got woke up. Yongguk stripped and stepped into the tub, turning on the water and letting it heat up before standing under the shower head and washing his body and hair. He finished showering quickly, stepped out and grabbed a towel. While he was drying his hair, he thought about those comments again. He was going to have to say something eventually. He wasn't going to sit around and pretend it didn't happen. He slipped on his clean boxers and walked out of the bathroom, going to retrieve his cell phone.

He found the little silver box in his duffel bag and pulled it out, unlocking it and opening his Twitter app. He walked over to his bed and sat down, thinking about what to say.

But Yongguk slowly came to the realization that what he needed to say would require much more than just 140 characters. So he waited. He knew what he was going to say and when he was going to say it.

He put his phone down and walked over to Junhong's bed, sitting on the opposite side. Yongguk reached over and shook the teen's shoulder gently.

"Zelo... Wake up," he called softly. The teen squirmed and groaned, pulling the duvet tighter around his body.

"Ngh... Y-Yongguk..." Junhong whined, rolling over to face the older. "What time is it...?"

"About 7:30. We need to leave by 9:30 if we want to get there on time."

"Mm... 'Kay..." the teen grumbled, sitting up in his blanket cocoon. He reached up and rubbed his eyes before releasing the heavy blanket and walking to the bathroom.

While Junhong washed up, Yongguk walked over to his suitcase and pulled out his outfit for the live show. Black skinny jeans, a low-neck tank top that showed off his tattoos, and a black and red snapback. He picked up the clothes and walked back over to his bed to get dressed.

Junhong walked out of the bathroom, towel around his waist, and past Yongguk to the dresser where his bags were sitting. He fished around in a suitcase for clothes, then grabbed a small black bag that resembled a pencil pouch and ran back into the back to the bathroom. When he came back out 20 minutes later, he was dressed up in black shorts, white shirt, plaid button-down, black bandana, and plastic black glasses. His eyes were lined with black liquid eyeliner. Yongguk looked up at the teen from his bed and blushed. Damn, this kid knew how to dress up. He stood up and headed for the door.

"Ready to go?" He asked. The teen nodded, following the older to the door. They slipped their shoes on and left the room, heading downstairs.

The two men grabbed breakfast before heading to the show venue. They walked to the back of the building where show guests were told to enter. The show wasn't starting for another hour, but microphones needed to be tested to make sure they worked.

45 minutes til' showtime.

Each guest for the show was given a badge on a lanyard that gave them access to the shops at the con afterwards.

30 minutes til' showtime.

All the show guests had seats,assigned to them at a table on the stage. Two guests and one mic per table. Each guest finds their seat and remembers its location before returning backstage.

15 minutes til' showtime.

Everyone's nervous. Junhong had been blinking roughly for the last ten minutes. 30,000 guests sat in the audience. Some stood in the the back and along the side wall.






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Chapter 2: Esto fue muy lindo
WaterHorseyBlues #2
heegrand #3
Chapter 3: You've got some serious writing skills. I love it!
This foreword's pretty good! I can't wait for the next chapter.
sugalovere #5
hehe update soon author-nim ^*^