Chapter 1

Not Exactly Rivals

Headphones? Check.

Microphone? Check.

Lights? Check.

Camera? Check.


The camera lens focused on a man sitting in a computer chair. His long hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, a headband holding back his bangs. He looked into the camera and smiled, flashing his gums.

"Good morning, babies~" he greeted the camera, waving his hands like a small child. "How are you doing today? Sorry I'm filming earlier than usual...

"Uh, just wanted to give you a little update for the week. I'm going to try an upload my next mix before I have to leave for my flight this afternoon. I really hope you guys like it!! I'm going to visit my family for the week, and then I'm scheduled for a live show in Seoul. You guys will be there, right?

"Also, since I'll be gone most of the week, I've got some more videos queued for the week. Just the regular vlogs and behind the scenes for the new mix. That's all for right now. I'll keep you guys updated through my Twitter throughout the week! This has been Jepp. Bye bye, babies~!" He waved to the camera again and blew a kiss, blushing, before shutting off the camera.

This was what Bang Yongguk, or Jepp, usually did. Though they were usually done on Sundays. But he was busy packing the night before for his trip to his parents house, and he didn't have time to film. There wasn't time to edit either, so he posted the video quickly, adding a quick description and the usual tags, before shutting down his computer and turning off the lights.

Yongguk left the studio room and went to his room. He already showered and changed before filming. Now he was starting his last-minute packing. Toiletries, underwear, phone charger, laptop, earbuds, and any other small necessities. He took all his luggage downstairs to the front door, then headed into the kitchen to grab something for breakfast.

His poodle, Tigger, was already up and eating his breakfast. Yongguk walked by and smiled, reaching down to pet his head. "So cute~" he babbled to himself. He walked to the cabinets and pulled out a bowl and a box of cereal. He poured some into the bowl and put the box back before walking to the fridge and pulling out a carton of milk. He poured some into his cereal bowl and put it away. Yongguk grabbed a spoon and walked over to the counter facing the rest of the kitchen. He sat on a bar stool and ate his breakfast, pulling his phone from his pocket and checking his Twitter feed. Lots of messages from viewers to have a safe flight and such. But there was one tweet that stood out. A link to a YouTube video. "Jepp, check this kid out!"

He tapped the blue text and waited for his YouTube app to open. It wasn't too long. About three minutes. A teenager sat on a wood stool, facing a microphone. He had a white bandana tied under his chocolate bangs. He looked at the camera and smiled.

"Hey everyone!! It's Zelo! As you know, I'm going to my very first live show this weekend. I was just informed of who's going to be on the panel as well. You guys know, right? If you didn't, I'll tell you! Jepp is going to be there, too!!"

Yongguk's eyes widened. This kid on YouTube who he'd never heard of before was this excited to meet him. He clicked on his icon and looked through his uploads. Lots of makeup tutorials and clothing hauls. Why was he on the up-and-coming artist panel? Then he saw it: a four minute video with well over five million views. The thumbnail was just a black box. He clicked on it and waited for the video to buffer.

The music played. His voice came through the speaker clearly as he rapped. He wasn't bad. Though his voice sounded a little high-pitched. Yongguk scrolled through the comments. Some comments praising Zelo's work.

"He's really improving!! Much better than your first track!"

"Sounding better everytime, Zelo! ♡"

"Wah~ So good~"

Some comparing him to Jepp.

"If his voice gets any deeper he'll start sounding like Jepp lol"

"He's really trying to impress Jepp, isn't he?"

"Maybe he'll vlog with Jepp someday!!"

But there were also a lot of hateful comments from some of his own viewers.

"You're just trying to hard to be Jepp."

"You'll never be as good as Jepp is. Just quit already!!"

"You can't even rap."

Yongguk frowned and closed out his apps before locking his phone and finishing breakfast. He placed his empty bowl in the sink and grabbed Tigger's leash. "Tigger! Let's go for a walk!" He called. The dog came running from the couch and sat, waiting for the man to put his leash on him. Yongguk was taking him up the street to his sister's tattoo parlor. Natasha loved taking care of Tigger, even if it was only for a week. He dropped of Tigger and gave his sister the bag of Tigger's food and toys before heading back home.

While he was waiting for the taxi to take him to the airport, he thought about the comments he read. That Zelo kid wasn't a bad rapper. He felt like the words of his viewers were hurtful. The kid didn't deserve that. He was just doing what he loved. Yongguk frowned. He would have to worry about it later, though, because his taxi was waiting for him outside. He loaded up his luggage and got in the vehicle, riding to the airport.

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Chapter 2: Esto fue muy lindo
WaterHorseyBlues #2
heegrand #3
Chapter 3: You've got some serious writing skills. I love it!
This foreword's pretty good! I can't wait for the next chapter.
sugalovere #5
hehe update soon author-nim ^*^