Fire drill/Maknae found

Be Natural

"Let's explore that, Channie you are up!" Lay slapped his friend on the back and went off for more herding.

"I find it unacceptable that you don't find me handsome, meimei." Chanyeol indeed looked downcast.

Tikki refuted his statement though, "Of course you are handsome Chanyeol, you're an idol. Your just aren't my type. Too tall."

"I'm everyone's type." He winked at the camera.

Tikki laughed, refreshed by his bluntness. "It also doesn't help that you caused me to have reoccurring nightmares. It got so bad that my roommate could drag me and my mattress out into the hallway without waking me up."

Nightmares? The guys perked up at the very idea.

Tikki sighed, why couldn't she figure out when to stop talking? "Okay, first off I didn't know what any of you looked like until last August. I only had a copy of your music and I really enjoyed it."

Luhan scoffed, no one liked the group just for their music.

"Yes Luhan, I enjoyed Exo before I knew about the Tree of Life, the superpowers, or how handsome you all are, I enjoyed listening to your voices. Even yours. Heck, I didn't even know there were 12 of you until I saw a Growl dance practice."

Tikki had alluded to he-who-must-not-be-named but kept plugging away. "I heard YiXing sing in Korean which nearly made my brain explode because there are a lot of words that can be expected to come out of that unicorn and not a god dang of them are in Korean. And I admit that I cyber-stalked Lay for a bit to make sure he wasn't an evil clone or an SM robot creation..." Tao sneered at this addition. "Eventually I landed on Wolf and Chanyeol, what can I say? You left a deep impression."

"I usually do," He leered. "Now about these nightmares."

"At the beginning," Tikki knelt down, scratching the floor with her claws such as Chanyeol does at the beginning of the Wolf choreography, "Your arms freaked me the heck out."

All she received for this statement was confused stares. "They're so long and gangly." Tikki shuddered, "Like spider legs." Her body spasmed with sleepy memories even as Chanyeol registered his shock. "They chased me around my nightmares for almost a month."

"My arms chased you...."

"Just your arms. Disembodied arms. They got into the duct system and skittered across the metal." She covered her ears trying to drown out the noise in her mind, "It was extra weird because the dorm in my dream was my dorm and we don't have duct work. So not only was I scared in my dream but I was frustrated because my dream wasn't following the rules."

Chen started typing, enjoying the story and knowing there had to be more if Kai and Tao were also in the doghouse. 'You said a month, how did the dreams stop?'

"I remembered that one of you kids had a sword in the Mama video so I figured I could dream Tao into the nightmare and he could kill the arms with the sword." Tao's smile lit up and quickly crashed. "But he never showed up. I tried for 3 whole nights to bring you in to save the day, Tao. Finally I figured out I needed to save myself so I opened a drawer, pulled your sword out, and went all 'Lizzie Borden' on the arms. Another sad reminder that I have to be my own superhero."

"If I had known you, meimei, I would have save you." Tao sincerely apologized for his absence in her dream.

"I know, baby." Tikki's tendency toward looking out for people was emerging, starting to make her think of the guys in Exo as her kids. "I am sure you would have performed admirably. If you had shown up." Tikki smirked and winked at Tao to soften the remark.

Tao had to know, "What about Kai?"

"What? I don't dream of Kai....Ohhhhhhhh, why is Kai at the bottom of the bias list? I don't think we'll have anything to talk about." Tikki shrugged. The guys were disappointed with such an ordinary answer and who ever head of basing it off who you can talk to? "Channie, pick." Tikki ordered.

Chanyeol eyed the scrolls with suspicion, "The questions haven't been too bad but we are due for an embarrassing one....I'll...." he was indecisive. Closing his eyes he plunged his hand into the scraps until his nails caught the very bottom slip. "Chinese Fire drill? Oh hell! Is this another fake game? Don't you have TV or was it all house games when you were growing up?"

"House games or books. My dad still doesn't have TV..."

"Similar to 'Bunker' there is a fire and you need to figure out an evacuation plan. You can take people with you, you can run for your life, you can be a tragic hero, you spray gasoline around, whatever you want. While you think I'm going to address an issue." 

Leaving Chanyeol to his musing Tikki addressed the camera, "Why's it gotta be a 'Chinese' fire drill, why not Philippino? or Qatarian, New Yorker, what about United-Yellow-People Fire Amazingness Exercise? That's just racist and I know which one of you wrote that down and you have just bought the hubaes a Mandarin Monday, good luck getting me to answer your questions since your accent . We can't even do a real Chinese Fire drill because we don't have a car, what were you thinking?"

"Suho! You're a leader, do you have these types of problems. They just make inane suggestions to drive you batty?"

Suho looked into the camera which slowly zoomed in to get his response. Almost ready to speak, Suho opened his mouth and then closed it. Torn between an idol answer and the truth, Suho was of two minds.

The silence stretched out, the muscle under Suho's left eye started to twitch. "Okay okay, I take back the question. Stop thinking about it." Tikki his shoulder, Suho moved to press on the twitch trying to stop it. "You're all right, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm all right." His face back under control Suho blushed when he noticed Tikki's hand on his shoulder.

She scritched his shoulder blade, "You're okay." Tikki cooed. "I don't know what you guys do to Suho but STOP. Use some sense." Oblivious to Suho's quickened breaths, Tikki brushed the hair off his brow, gave him a final pat and moved on. None of the memebers missed Suho's discomfort.

"Chanyeol break the tension, what is your answer?"

In his element, Chanyeol took over the show, relishing the freedom to minutely explain his reasoning. Tikki took the breathing space to check her phone quickly.

"Ideally, I would save everyone in the building and get a ticker-tape parade for my death-defying feat along with the key to the city and a hot girlfriend." Tikki nodded distractedly. "I know he is not your favorite but I am his ultimate fanboy so Kai will be leaving the building with me first." Kai smiled and clapped at this proclamation, Chanyeol gave him a thumbs up. "I also have to save Baekhyun, so he will be coming with us Kai. To everyone else, I'll try to get back in but you may want to make your own plans.

Tikki laughed as Chen rushed over and smacked Chanyeol in the shoulder.

"I'm sorry! Kai is bae and Baekhyun and I have had a pact since the first day we met."

"It covers any catastrophes. FYI, I will also be in his Bunker." Baekhyun drolly added. "Technically I will be saved before Kai as well. Sorry, bae." Baekhyun rolled his eyes growing tired of his friend's insistence at keeping the joke running.

"Chanyeol, Kai, and Baekhyun, congratulations on being part of the fire drill. Of course, the reason you plan a fire drill is to practice it. So now you will do a dry run."

"I don't think we should start a fire in the building, meimei." Chanyeol wisely said.

Tikki looked up at him and shook her head to clear the fumes, "Um no. We don't have a car so to run the Chinese Fire drill we'll just have to use the building. The three of you will need to run out to street level, go around the block, and come back to this room." The camera man came out from behind his baby, searched his soul, and handed Chanyeol a video camera, deeming him to be most responsible by an inch. "And because all action scenes have background music, tell me would you prefer American pop or k-pop?"

Baekhyun emphatically yelled "K-Pop is the BEST!!!!!!"

"Fantastic." Tikki took out a music player. "Don't bother trying to turn it down or skip a song." She tapped her temple, "I know how long the songs are." Teen Top's 'Be Ma Girl' started playing as she slipped the player in Baekhyun's shirt pocket. "Have fun!"

As the guys ran from the room trying to lessen their time of embarrassment, Tikki whipped out her phone. "Answer, answer, answer." she muttered while dialing.

"Byun-bunny! Where are you?" She listened, "What's around you, name the businesses....Okay, I know where you are, I'll be there shortly. Of course it's okay." She guilty glanced up to see the rest of the members trying not to be super interested in her call.

"Listen," Tikki addressed Suho directly, "I have to go get my maknae."

"Is he okay?" Suho could only imagine what he would do if Sehun was in trouble.

"He will be, it's been rough at school and South Korean college students don't exactly have long life expectancies, got to keep an eye on him." She looked around at the toys all over the floor and thought of the stuff she still had in the hallway. "The rookies owe me a favor, Zanira and Mark can collect all this stuff, I'll call them later when things settle."

"Wait, your leaving forever?" Suho regretted the whining sound of his question. "You don't have to go back to your campus, bring your maknae here. It might be good for him to get away from the stress, I mean, he could watch you finish filming. It'll be fun."

"Yeah, he might enjoy that...If you don't think it will be a problem?"

"I'll go with you to pick him up, we can get back in the building that way." Suho smiled reassuringly.

"Oh, okay."


a/n bit of a departure but another story is brewing...

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CardGames #1
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the update