Fluffy Bunny

Be Natural

"Oh excuse me. My is singing." Tikki reached under her dress, she was wearing shorts and took out her cell phone which blared 'Gangnam Style'. "No, I'm still here...a few hours...yes, they are...no really, they are....so take a nap...are you alone? Where's Jet?...Well grab him and go to the market or something. He likes that bookstore, or take him to the park so he can run around while you play with the ducks....No, go play with the ducks...homework will be there when you get back...leave campus, that's an order!...Because I'm your noona and I say so, Byun....Have fun playing, I'll see you later... LATER."

Tikki explained sullenly. "Sorry. My true maknae." She slipped her phone away, "D.O. you're up!"

"Wait, isn't Xiumin supposed to pick someone? I thought that is what we are doing." D.O. blurted out.

"I choose D.O.!" Xiumin pounced as he scurried back to his stool. Luhan high-fived him on the way.

"Xiumin and I have a deep psychological understanding of each other, I can read his mind. I knew he would pick you."

"Oh, I see." Agreeing although he didn't, accepting his fate by selecting a scrap of paper from the previously unused basket. "Fluffy Bunny?"

"Yuck. I was hoping to avoid this one. D.O. please chose an opponent, I'll get the supplies."

A nervous laugh erupted from the audience, without looking around D.O. identified the sound, "Chanyeol, you're playing giraffe. Keep laughing buddy, we'll see what she has in store for us."

"I'm not worried, the snooki-wooki wombat likes me." Tao sneered at the attempted nickname. "She will make sure I'm not embarrassed." Chanyeol straightened his shirt, "Little sister, this game will help me look cool, right?"

An SM rookie entered the room behind Tikki, "Oppa, I'm assure you that the audience will never look at you the same." She addressed the rookie in Japanese, "Say hello, Yutha."

"Hello Yutha." The baby-faced youth earned a smile from Tikki and a groan from his elders before bowing to the camera and then to Exo. "Hello, I hope everyone is having fun today. I am SM rookie Yutha." He put down the waste basket he was carrying and pulled out a bag of marshmallows, a cold coffee drink, toothpaste and a toothbrush.

"My body is going into shock just thinking about what is to come." Tikki shivered and cracked her neck with anxiety. "'Fluffy Bunny' is an easy game. Each round add a marshmallow to your mouth and successfully say 'Fluffy Bunny'. The first person unable to get the words out loses: they have to eat the marshmallows in their mouth and any left in the bag after the match (and then go twitch in a dark corner for a while) 2nd place gets the iced coffee drink (no sugar added) and 1st gets the toothbrush. Trust me, you do not want to lose this game."

"What's so bad about eating marshmallows? That seems like an awesome prize."

"Wait about 10 rounds and see if you still think that, there is a reason we have a wastebasket out here."

At round 4 everyone was successful and Tikki commented, "I feel kinda bad that Channie is playing, he has such nice teeth."

Channie smiled showing white lumps lining his gum line, "I'm sorry Appa, all that dentist money might be going down the drain."

At round 11, D.O. almost lost a mallow but was able to push it further into his cheek. His eyes were at half-mast as the sugar started to take hold. He was barely able to choke out, "Fluffy Bunny."

Chanyeol with room to spare shouted, "Fluffy Bunny!" seeing D.O.'s demise on the horizon. His proclamation surprised Tikki as she choked on her spit and was unable to get the words out. Still reeling, Chanyeol quickly jammed another mallow in and said the magic words to end the game. D.O. gratefully took 2nd place.

Admitting defeat, Tikki lowered to the floor and started chewing her soupy marshmallows. Chanyeol happily dumped the remainder of the bag, about 30 mallows in her lap, as he swooped in to grab his toothbrush. D.O. spit out his mouthful and gratefully drank the coffee, even its bitter taste was heaven after the sweetness.

From the floor where Tikki was now fully laying down, dejectedly popping marshmallows in , she commented on Chanyeol's celebration, "Keep whooping it up buddy, we'll see how happy you are in about an hour from now when I'm bouncing off the walls and probably vomit on your shoes."

"If I brush on camera, do you think I can get a CV out of this?" He flipped his hair and gave a devastating smile direct to camera.

Yutha bent over Tikki, "Can I get you some tea?" He said in his native tongue.

"Against the rules, lucky cricket. Just help me up, I'll fight through the sugar haze." A careful hand under her arm and a fast grip on her hand propelled Tikki to her feet, she was sweaty and looked a little green.

"Do you want to keep the wastebasket, sweet sister?" The youth pulled a collapsible fan from his back pocket, he was pretty concerned about her condition.

Tao spoke up, "I think we should take a break. Meimei needs to recover, we don't want her being sick. We should care for her better."

"Tao you are a prince among mere mortals." Tikki muttered as the camera man took a break shutting down the production. "Jongdae, can I borrow your jacket?"

Chen was wearing a heavy leather jacket for the broadcast. It was an expensive piece but he handed it over. Carefully, Yutha hovering nearby, Tikki made her way to the corner of the room draping the jacket over her head as she laid down again. The complete darkness was delicious and she was soon asleep.

"How long should we let her sleep?" Baekhyun was pacing from boredom as he shoved ramen into his mouth, soon he would start getting rowdy. The guys had taken the opportunity to eat, drink, and reapply eyeliner.

The question was answered as her phone went off, with the automatic precision that belongs only to a young woman dealing with personal technology, Tikki extracted the phone, unlocked it, and barked, "What!?!"

"Why do you sound like you're in a tunnel?"

Tikki moaned dragging herself out of the sugar coma. "Did you need something?" the speaker phone traveled, letting everyone hear the conversation, "or are you calling to annoy me?"

"I would never use the Bat-Phone for nothing. I can't find Byun-bunny. He isn't in our room and or at the lab."

"I told him to take you to the park. Did you check the library?"

"Kicked out last week for sleeping. Where is he?"

"Byun will turn up, go to the quad and practice your parkour, he'll find you."

"Are still with Exo? Have you confessed your everlasting love to YiXing yet? You were her first crush!!!! You are her snuggy-wuggy-huggy sweetums!" The voice on the phone called out as Tikki's nails scratched against the screen trying to silence the message. "Capital L-U-V She thinks your awwwwwwesome, she wants to kiiiissss you-"

Tikki shifted under the jacket, knowing that she was being stared at, feeling the weight of their collective gaze. She flipped the collar up a bit to find a glass of water and some aspirin waiting for her. "God bless, Yutha." Refusing to emerge, she stole the glass and the pills under the jacket to fortify herself before facing the crowd.

Revealing herself, Tikki initially looked at the camera man, feeling disappointed in him on a personal level, she accused, "You go that on tape didn't you?" A thumbs up confirmed her fear.

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CardGames #1
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the update