002 (exok)

Apocalypse [on-hold]


Suho lead all the members down slowly, looking around thrice before going down a floor, for fear that the zombies might ambush them. They still didn't know what was the zombies' characteristics - they could be the complete opposite from what was portrayed in the movies for all they know. However, there was no zombies at all, at least not from the tenth floor to the ground floor.

“Let’s run across. I don’t know if any of those monsters are hiding somewhere,” Sehun spoke. The others nodded and started sprinting across the road. Baekhyun reached the supermarket faster than the rest, and turned back to wait for the others. However, he heard a familiar voice coming from above, and looked up. Baekhyun spotted a familiar image of his other 6 friends, sitting on the rooftop and appearing to be chatting. He waved excitedly, happy that they weren't dead.

“What are you doing?” Chanyeol went beside Baekhyun, and looked up. He grinned excitedly and started waving his guns around and dancing. However, his grin dropped a second later when he spotted a figure looming behind the other members. And the grin turned into a frown when he realised that the figure was actually a zombie.

“RUN! GUYS! RUN!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun shouted together, just as the others joined them, huffing and puffing. However, Chen did not seemed to get it and put both his hands in an ‘X’ formation, shaking his head rapidly. The others on the rooftop joined in, all putting their hands in an ‘X’ formation and shaking their head. This image would have been funny if the atmosphere wasn't so tense. Baekhyun groaned and placed two of his guns in a 'X' formation, which made the members on the rooftop shake their head even more rapidly. Kyungsoo appeared from behind and dragged them into the supermarket, muttering something about being too noisy.

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes.“Hey!! We were trying to inform them that there were zombies!” Kyungsoo just raised his eyebrows. The pair had pulled too much pranks on him on normal days, he wasn't going to get fooled this time round.

Praying for the EXO-M members, Baekhyun and Chanyeol followed Kyungsoo into the supermarket, sulking. The others were already milling about in various sections, and pushing everything on the shelves into a basket.

"Baekhyun and Chanyeol, you two are in charged of the drinks section. Just take as many drinks as you can and meet us back here in 10!" Suho shouted to them, piling daily necessities into his basket, along with Kyungsoo.

"Thanks for putting us into the most isolated sections, you two," Baekhyun murmured, and pulled Chanyeol away from the other four, into the drinks section. Sehun and Kai were both stuffing cans and cans of canned food, to the point that all four baskets were filled to the brim. Chanyeol sniggered at their greediness and quickly walked away.

A cold breeze of air greets them once they stepped into the drinks section. The shelves that used to be neatly arranged has already been turned upside down, and some of the drinks was even lying around on the floor. "Yuck, Baekhyun, all the nice drinks are gone, it's only mineral water left now," Chanyeol grumbled and picked up a bottle from the ground.

"Beggars can't be choosers, haven't you... wait, what's that sound?" Baekhyun stopped and looked around.

"I don't hear anything......" Chanyeol laughed and continued putting bottles of water into the basket. Baekhyun put a finger to Chanyeol's lips and shook his head quickly.

Baekhyun whispered with a note of urgency in his voice, "Follow me. I think the members might be in trouble." He beckoned Chanyeol to follow him and the duo slowly walked towards the entrance of the supermarket silently. However, what they saw made them stop. Chanyeol hurriedly pulled Baekhyun away and dragged him behind one of the shelves.

The other four members were standing in a perfectly straight line, all kneeling down with both their hands behind their heads. In front of them stood three tall and muscular men, smiling menacingly. All of the members' weapons had been taken and was currently lying in a disarray on the floor.

"Speak!" One of the men, who was balding, poked Sehun with a stick. "Where are the others?"

Sehun gulped, not knowing how to reply. He looked at Suho for help, but got poked with a stick again. "What are you talking about? It's only the four of us." He said, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Is that so?" The balding man asked. "So they won't mind if we just..." He picked up a gun and aimed it at Kai's head.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at each other worriedly. If they did not do anything now, their friends would all get killed. This was even worse than being attacked by zombies. They couldn't believe it. Honestly speaking, why would survivors turn against one another? Aren't they all in the same state together? Shouldn't they all fight against the zombies as one and take back what was rightfully the human's?

"On the count of three, I will rush out there and shoot Baldy. That would give the others enough time to get back their weapons and we can all shoot the other two together," Baekhyun muttered his plan to Chanyeol, who grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

"One... two.... THREE!" Baekhyun shouted at the last part and sprinted right towards the balding guy. They collided with each other and Baldy toppled over, clinging to his side in pain. In a flash, Baekhyun whipped out his gun and shot Baldy. He had been aiming for the head, but due to the lack of practice, he shot Baldy's leg instead. Baldy yelled at his other companions to save him, but they had long ran away, after assessing the situation.

Suho breathed in deeply and gathered his composure within seconds. "Guys. We need to go. Now. I don't know if the other two men would be back for revenge, and the gunshot might attract zombies nearby. Grab whatever you guys took previously and go back to our apartment."

The others nodded and quickly grab their respective baskets before running out of the supermarket. Unexpectedly, there was not much zombies milling around the streets, and all of them sighed in relief. Baekhyun looked up to the rooftop, but Chen and the rest had disappeared.

"It's alright Baek, they are smart. They probably took a car or something and drove away," Chanyeol slung an arm over Baekhyun's shoulder and laughed awkwardly.

Back at the apartment, Kyungsoo told Baekhyun and Chanyeol what had happened back at the supermarket. All four of them had been doing their own business when the three men appeared, calling themselves the "famous street gang of Seoul" and demanding the four of them to give all their weapons to them. However, as per normal, Kyungsoo gave no and attempted to shoot the leader with a gun, which led to all of them being forced to kneel down and surrender their weapons.

"Seriously guys, we have to be careful. Not only do we have zombies, we have survivors turning on each other too. And believe it or not, this is only the sixth hour after the zombie outbreak and so much has been happening. We really need to be careful..." Kai said, and the others nodded, too frightened to think of what might happen to them the next day.

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bangtantrashh #1
please update soon!!
Chapter 2: I love reading things like this! So thrilling and exciting XD
Chapter 2: Gave me many mini heart attacks. But I'm sti interested in reading more. Can't wait to read more.
sohovibe #4
omg i honestly think that one of them will die-
Chapter 1: OMG i hope they stay safe. those inside and outside. Update soon!!