Apocalypse [on-hold]

It was a Saturday evening. Suho and Kyungsoo was cooking dinner in the kitchen, while the rest of the members watched a horror movie in the living room. It was rare, really, that they have no schedule for the day, and they wanted to make the most out of it. And by 'making the most', they meant watching horror movies about zombies.

Both Suho and Kyungsoo could hear an occasional grunt and snapcoming from the television snap, which was very disturbing for two people who were trying to make spaghetti. Really, it was obvious that the grunts meant that people were being eaten up by zombies and it was getting hard to see the tomato sauce as tomato sauce and not blood.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"SUHO HYUNG, GO GET THE DOOR!" Suho could hear Baekhyun screaming from the sofa as another grunt came from the television.

Suho sighed and walked towards the door, opening it. But the sight in front of him made him shocked. It was their ex-members, Luhan, Kris and Tao.

He narrowed his eyes. "What are you guys doing here? Don't you guys have anything to do in China?" He spoke the word China with such venom that it made the three ex-members flinch.

"We are here to congratulate you guys for being triple million sellers? And today is your fifth anniversary so..." Kris shrugged and held up a plastic bag.

"Yeah, no thanks to you three. Get out of the apartment," Suho laughed sarcastically and tried to push the door shut, but Suho wasn't very strong and he fell backwards as Luhan, Tao and Kris came bursting into the apartment.

All the members rushed towards the door and pulled their leader up.

"What's going on-" Lay started, but broke off in a grin when he saw his fellow Chinese members. The ex-members sudden appearance was met with mixed reactions.

"What are they doing here?"

"Oh my god, I have missed you guys so much!"

"Get out of this house!"

The whole apartment started buzzing with voices. The loud voices and conversations, as well as the loud sounds from the television set, made Kyungsoo's head ache so terribly. He was never good with loud noises.


Shrugging, the members slowly each pulled out a chair and sat down, staring at each other awkwardly. The apartment was so silent that anyone could hear a pin drop.

In an attempt to lighten the mood, Sehun the television and started flipping through the channels for anything interesting. However, every channel on the television set showed the exact same thing: a news report.

“Did someone tamper with the television? Jongdae, was it you?” Frowning, Sehun turned back to the dining table.

Jongdae shook his head. “Try watching the news, there might be something important… I didn’t do anything.”

All the members stood up and crowded around the television, pushing each other just to get a glimpse of what was happening on the screen.

“……… and the case doesn’t look very favourable. Reports have shown that there is a zombie outbreak going on in Seoul. Residents are advised to stay shut in their home, lock your doors and windows, and find some weapons to protect you. Do not, I repeat, do not go close to an infected, that is, someone that is shuffling his foot while walking and pale green skin. If you suspect someone is infected, get them away from you immediately. Experts are still trying to find a cure and the case doesn’t look very favourable. Reports have shown…” The news reported droned on, with a frightened look on her face.

“It must be a recording… they are just reporting the same thing over and over again,”Kyungsoo appeared suddenly and broke the members ‘silence.

Jongin stuttered, “So… there is a zombie outbreak? Here? Just like the movie we were watching moments ago? Oh no…” He trailed off, looking out of the window.

Everyone moved towards the window, looking at the disastrous scene below them. People were screaming and running for their lives with the so called ‘zombies’ slowly chasing behind them; cars were overturned; people are rummaging in the shops to steal necessities… it was like the peace in Seoul just a day ago had been turned upside down, Seoul had turned into hell.

Tao’s face paled. “We are all going to die, aren’t we?”

Suho shook his head. “Let’s think this through, alright? The news told us to stay indoors so we are definitely staying here, right?”

“No, I think going outside is safer. We don’t have any weapons to kill the zombies. And if the zombies suddenly barge in, we will have no escape route,” Kris butted in.

“Kris please, use your common sense. Going outside is like walking straight into Death’s arms. Just look at the scene below!” Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

“What does everyone think?” Suho asked.

The members started voicing their opinions at once.



The situation got so bad that someone threw a chair across the room and hit Kris in the face. That was when everything went crazy and people started throwing objects at each other.


After a long while, Suho and Kyungsoo had finally gotten people to calm down and to ‘discuss things in a civilised manner’.

“Uh… Kyungsoo suggested ask to take a vote. So. Please raise your hands if you agree. Who wants to go outside?” Suho was losing his composure, as well as his temper. This argument was going nowhere.

Kris, Lay, Tao and Luhan’s hand shot into the air immediately. Looking at each other, Xiumin and Chen slowly raised their hands, unsureness written all over their faces.

Kyungsoo sighed. “It’s a tie. What do we do now? Do we just let the people that want to go out go? And those that want to stay just stay?”

“I guess so,” Suho replied.


The ones staying indoors seemed to have put aside any grudges behind them for a while and helped the EXO-M members pack their bags. Sehun even rushed into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and handed it to Luhan, claiming that it was for protection and that they should just stab the zombies in the head if necessary. Luhan just smiled.

“Be careful, guys… Call us if you are in any trouble, okay? And remember, stay in contact at all times. Inform us if anything goes wrong or if there are new information about the zombies…” Suho mumbled, watching them walk out of the door.

“Yes, leader. Any last advice?” Chen smirked and pulled the strap of his backpack over his shoulder.

“Stay alive,” Suho laughed, trying to hide his uneasiness.

The remaining members watched quietly as the leaving members climbed the 10 flights of stairs. Jongin prayed for them to escape, or do anything they plan to do safely, but somehow, he had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He didn’t know how, but he could feel that something was going to go wrong.

“Don’t worry; everything is going to be alright!” Sehun laughed awkwardly, putting his arm around Jongin.

Jongin looked at the ground sadly. “I hope so. I really do."

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bangtantrashh #1
please update soon!!
Chapter 2: I love reading things like this! So thrilling and exciting XD
Chapter 2: Gave me many mini heart attacks. But I'm sti interested in reading more. Can't wait to read more.
sohovibe #4
omg i honestly think that one of them will die-
Chapter 1: OMG i hope they stay safe. those inside and outside. Update soon!!