Rainy Audition "Feel the Chill in your Body"

Absolute Love


[Rain POV]


 “I decided to make my own company, thank you for the great support you have given me but the contract is finished and it’s time to say goodbye” I announced it to the JYP staff. Everyone is in tears about me leaving the Entertainment. I’m sad because this company is so important to me, they are my second family but I have to make my own. Park Jin Young is my mentor and I will not forget the things he taught me without him I will not be the legendary Rain. It hurts me but I don’t want to have limits I have to explore new things and discover the entertainment world by myself. And I can’t do that if I’m still in JYP. I want to be like him, like YG and SM; I want to produce new Artists.


As I was happily thinking about the things I want to pursue in the future I bumped someone. A crying moustache guy, that’s new. It’s my first time seeing someone’s crying who looks so manly.


“Wa - Wait!” I don’t know why but I have to approach him. He looked at me with a shocked expression as if he saw a ghost or something and he rush off leaving me behind. Maybe he didn’t want someone seeing him crying. He looks familiar. Who is he anyways?


I ignore that incident but it made me realize what concept my boy group would be. It will be a chic group. That moustache guy inspires me to have a group that has mysterious charm and addictive feeling. The audition will start tomorrow.


[G.O’s POV]


My Palm is cold, my heartbeat is getting faster, this is my last chance i must face it. After my band TYKEYS disband because our agency went bankrupt and I don’t have a choice I have to enter many talent contests as much because I’m broke.

“And the winner is Kim Taeyeon”

I didn’t expect to lose, I want run right now. I’m a man but I can’t stand it. I am more experienced than her, I am older but I’m still the second. Why I am always the second in everything?

“The second place is Jung Byunghee”

I receive my award and I congratulated Taeyeon, she really deserves it but i want to win.


I stop myself from crying but I felt that my tears are streaming down to my face. I walked out actually I run so fast, I need to feel the fresh air but I stumbled and hit someone. I looked up and was shocked; I just bumped Rain and saw me crying. It was the most embarrassing thing happened to my life, the legendary Rain in the world saw me crying. I am so unlucky maybe he thought I am a freak.I just rushed out from the venue. I can’t take it anymore.


[Seungho’s POV]


While I was about to leave from the university, I saw something on the gate it’s an audition flyer.

“RAINY AUDITION Feel the Chill in your body”

It seems that Rain-bi wants to have a group; it’s interesting because the concept is a secret but if it’s him then it will be good. I’m not surprise about Rain-bi having a new group but I didn’t expect this so soon my friend was talking about Rain and him being the rapper. I’ll try it; I hope I can pass the audition. Being with him in the same company is like a dream.

Then I went straight to the audition building I saw a tall slim built guy walking around. He looks like he was lost, he walks carelessly as if he owns the hall and stares blankly.  It seems that he was finished in the audition and I knew that he didn’t make it because of the way he acted. Poor guy, it’s a waste if he didn’t make it. He looked at me with his teary eyes I looked back and saw how frustrated and sadness he feels.


Suddenly my phone rang; it’s Cheulyong maybe he is in the audition room.

“Hyung~ where are you?  Mir sounded he’s exhausted.

 “I am on my way. Are you sick?” I am worried.

I am concerned, Cheulyong is sickly so it bothers me when he is not feeling well.

“I am good, don’t worry” he chuckled.

“It’s just that I am not feeling well because of the practice” Cheulyong the one who doesn’t have to take the audition because Rain-bi and Cheulyoung’s sister were friends so he knew Cheulyong before and knows how talented he is.


After we finished talking I didn’t realize that I’m in front of the audition room. I didn’t saw the guy anymore. Is he gonna be okay? I hope so. After I went inside the room I saw different kinds of people but there’s someone who caught my eyes. He is not that tall maybe we are in the same height; he has this ego that attracts attention. He is outstanding, maybe I am 4 or 3 years older than him.


It’s my turn to sing, the ego-guy was finished and he looked satisfied not like the first guy I saw earlier. After I sing “Escaping the Sun” Rain observed me attentively and he smiled “You’re good” he remarks “and I see in your profile that you have so many talents” He continued.

I am not that humble but Rain-bi compliment is too much to handle. I can’t help myself to smile like an idiot.

“Thank you” I bowed.


{1 Hour before the audition}


[Sangbae’s POV]


This guy and I were so early. I met his gaze he seems intense and he can’t chill down. Well, I am a little bit nervous but I think my performance will be okay but this guy is so stiff, I want to comfort him or give him water but the management called him. He is the first person who’ll audition. He is shaking but he manages to stand up.


I have a chance to peek and I saw him dancing, it was incredible but there’s something wrong. I can’t distinguish it but I know that it’s not the way it seems. After dancing I heard him sing, he is not exceptional singer but it has different approach maybe because of his accent. When he is almost finished I overheard Rain talked about him lack of passion and doesn’t have enough expression.

“I can’t see your determination; you don’t have the perseverance that can make you an Idol. I am sorry, maybe practice harder and feel everything you do, don’t panic it will eat you up, sometimes you need to lose yourself” Rain-bi remarks.


The guy didn’t do anything he just stands there but suddenly he talked:

 “I’ll not give up; I’ll show you what I’ve got”

Rain smiled and the guy walked away.

“Wow, he is surely different” rain was impressed by that guy’s speech.


It gives me determination to do my best. That guy is surely marvellous fellow. It’s my turn to impress Rain like that guy I am not exceptional singer but I can rap. I am a good dancer too.

So when I started I rap First Love by Clon. Then rain clapped.

“That’s a good start, you’re voice is different. It’s not low voice but its high pitch. It’s rare to have that kind of voice and I like it” he commented.

I can’t believe that he likes it. After I finished my audition suddenly there are so many people who want to take the audition. I want a souvenir so I take a picture.


[Mir’s POV]


“So you’ll be the rapper of the new group Rain-shi will be forming” my sister said nonchantly.

“ REALLY? I don’t have to take any audition?” I asked her because even though my sister Go Eun Ah and Rain-hyung are friends, I don’t have any opportunities to be close to him.
“Did you do something? Are you two dating?! I am a little bit suspicious.

“Well, I didn’t do anything illegal. I just give him some of your tape and we are not dating. Our relationship is like Brother-Sister stuff” My sister chuckled.

“And I’m not his type” she winked.

I don’t understand what she meant when she said that she’s not Rain’s type. My Sister is a beauty and bright lady. It’s nearly impossible if a guy doesn’t like him.

“By the way, Rain wants to talk to you tomorrow” she reminded me.

“Okay,Okay” I reminded


{Next Day}


I am excited and terrified at the same time. I’ll be meeting him and I don’t know what to say. Our meeting place is in the company Rain hyung accomplished. I am a little bit early because I want to give him a good impression.

“You’re early, I see as I expected you’re like Go Eun” Rain hyung suddenly shows up out of nowhere, He sits in front of me.

“I’ll go straight to the point; do you accept my offer being a rapper in my group?” he looks intensely and i feel uneasy, why is he stares so fierce its burning me.

“um... Yes. Of course and I am grateful to be working with you” I flashed my biggest smile. It’s so awkward.

“That’s good. I am so relieve that you accept it. I am quite worried you reject my offer.” His face softens.


[Joon’s POV]


“Aish~! What time is it?” I look my watch; I am already late for my audition. I ran as fast as I can and I am relieved that I made it to the last call. I am the last person to take the auditions.

It’s my dream to perform for Rain he is my Idol. I want to be like him, I want to be someone to look up too and be the best in everything I love to do. So I took up many lessons like ballet to prove myself and to others. And it’s about time to achieve it.


As I was waiting the second to the last person, I noticed something there’s another guy in the corner sleeping he looks tired. It’s funny because he looks like Hongki. I enjoyed myself too much that i didn’t hear that they are calling me. I performed Bad Boy, The panel of judges and rain was very careful looking at me. I feel the chill in my bone after I finished singing and dancing the song. Rain observes my audition folder.

“According to your resume you took up acting so can you do that? “He asked me curiously.

“Yes sir, I appeared in a commercial before, it’s a small role but I accepted it and I took workshops to improve my acting skill” Rain smiled and ordered me to act.

I started to act; first I cried then laugh and do everything I needed to do.

“Ah, you are very good; I am impressed that’s why I’ll offer you something”


/Author's note/ 

hello~ i am sorry if I am so slow in updating my fic. I hope you dont mind. anyways KIM SANGBAE is the former mblaq member if someone doesnt know. he leaves the group because of the health issues. I must confess that when the MBLAQ is giving the teaser photos before Sangbae is my first love but I dont want to be mean but  it's blessing in disguise him being sick because i will not meet thunder~ and right now he looks good.

IAM SO ERT~! AHHA :) ^that's him... he is y~ yay~

The next chapter we will know How BYUNGHEE GOT IN and be an official member of MBLAQ and WHAT is the OFFER Rain gives to Joon?

There's not much interaction between Seungdoong i hope it will be in the chapter 3  or 4 we will see~

and by the way if someone doesn't know GO is a former member of TYKEYS but they disband

here's the link of my favorite song of TYKEYS : "I am Sorry" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6M8ieV_cn4

Seungho's Audition song "How to Escape the Sun" By Rain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbmo-qmmcRc

Joon's Audition song "Bad Boy" by Rain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpnzKFepgf8

Sangbae's Audition song "First love by CLON: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxNqbsA65kQ

and lastly this songs is not the REAL audition songs... i just made it up~ you know what i mean..

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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 2: Hi!!! Pls update soon! I'll subscribe to this, can't wait for seungdoong :)
MelonCandy #2
Subscribing because Dangbae oppa is also in this :)
I still cry when I think of him.. I hope he's doing well :')
ooh please update soon. I had no clue that sangbae was the real thunder. that is so unexpected. please continue..
GeNo_C_iDe #4
wai! so happy you updated soon. well-researched, nee? good! *thumbs up* XD hehehehe... keep up, dear. ^_^
Jkitty_123 #5
To be honest I don't know the former person but he is cute tho they all are btw nice chapter
immarvelleuix #6
@Geno_C_iDe thank you thank you~! they'll appear sometime~<br />
@VipAplusInspirt21 i hope you can wait~! i'm not good in updating fanfics~ im sorry for that =)<br />
@MissThunder well.. ilike yours too~! and i love you're school hours banner~!
GeNo_C_iDe #7
good one! ^_^ can't wait for seungho and the others to appear. hehehehe.... keep up!
VipAplusInspirt21 #8
When I had read the forward, I was like aww poor Cheondoong oppa. It made it seem like he was so sad. But when I read the first chapter I was like yay IU for making Cheondoong oppa a bit happier. Also I loved that one line that said he had prince syndrome like Nichkhun oppa. I lol at that. All in all I like this story and will be patiently waiting for the next update.
Btw I LOOOOVEE the picture on the foreword page! Did you make it? I saw on your page you were an artist, and if you made that pic I am so gonna request some stuff from you xD So much talent!
I love it! :D You've got a really nice storyline set up it seems ^__^ Don't worry about your grammar, you can always get a beta reader if it is, but it's not that bad :D Can't wait for Seungho to come into the picture so our Cheondongie and Leader Yang can get lovey dovey :3 keke ~ <3