Sorry Sorry Mia

Absolute Love



Chapter 1: Sorry Mia


[Sanghyun's POV]


            I'm still not used here in Korea. I live in a tropical country before so its hard to adjust   myself to the weather here. I miss Philippines, I miss my friends, I miss Fast Food Chains especially Jollibee, I miss everything there. I feel that I'm an alien in my own country but I'm glad and proud to know that my noona Sandara Park was accepted in YG Family, and anytime this year her group will debut. She really deserved this blessing. I really adore her because even though her career didn’t succeed in the Philippines and our dad left us with my sister's savings, she didn't give up and lose hope. She was really strong because she supported me, my other noona Durami and my mom. She is my Hero. That's why I have to do my best too.


Being a trainee in Leon Entertainment is quite challenging, because I'm not good in Korean and I don’t talk much but i made friends here, it's few but at least i have some right? One of them is Jieun.

Jieun is petite doll like girl and has a very sweet voice. She understands me more than anyone here that's why she becomes my best friend.

While practicing and improving my dance moves Jieun interrupted me.

"Sanghyun-oppa, can I ask you a favour?" She looks at me with her puppy eyes because of that I couldn’t resist her.

"What is it?" I signed. I hope it's not a heavy duty because I'm a little bit tired.

"It's just a small favour, nothing heavy" she replied. I have a weird feeling about it.

"O-okay? What is it?" I asked her again.

She grinned at me and said:

"Lets have a Duet"


I know this is not a good idea. I frowned this is not possible, first I'm not a good singer and 2nd It's embarrassing because my voice is squeaky and small. I don’t have confidence at all.

Jieun notice my troubled face.

"It will be good oppa" she ensured me.

"Can you ask someone who's better than me? I'm a terrible singer and I'm not prepared at all" I groaned.

"Sanghyun-shii~ you can practice with me and i can also help you enhance your voice but if you don’t like it that much forget it” she sadly replied to me. I was annoyed to myself making Jieun disappointed. I don’t want it, it leave me no choice but to do it.

"Alright! I'll do it! But don’t blame me if it’s not good~ don’t expect too much okay? I warned her. I hope I will not sabotage her sweet voice.

"Thank you Oppa~" her face brightened up and she launched and hugged me.

"You’re the best in everything" Jieun said

I chuckled "I know I know" I hugged her back.


[JiEun POV}




            As I was walking in the entrance of the LOEN Entertainment Building, I heard some girls giggling and squealing. Actually it's normal to see Fan Girls and Boys around here but the conflict is that these fan girls were trainees in our building. They were used looking to the idols here so i got curious about it and went to them.

"Hyumi, why are there so many trainees here outside?"

"Well there's a new trainee unnie and I'm so excited. I heard that he looks like a prince" she replied happily. "And they said that he will be coming here right now" She continued.

"Oh there he is" she pointed to the guy who's wearing a hoodie and listening to the music. The Trainee Boy was tall, slim, and has a baby face. I admit he is really handsome. He looks like a mannequin. After that the other trainees were head over heels to him. He looked troubled because of the chaos. I don’t have a choice I have to help him.

“Hey you, Trainee boy I need to speak with you” I called him. He finally has a chance to escape from the wild fan girls [he already has fan girls even though he’s still a trainee] I can’t blame him. He is like a prince in a manga or anime. He smiled at me and thanked me because I saved him earlier. I feel that my blood is rushing to my head. Don’t tell me that I’m blushing because of this pretty boy.

“Hello, my name is Park Sanghyun. It’s nice meeting you and thank you for rescuing me earlier; I’m still not used here in Korea. They are so loving” he introduced himself and shakes my hand.

Oh that’s why he has this funny accent; it was thick and has a weird sound.

“Where are you from?” I asked him curiously

“Well I live in Busan here in korea before but I grew up in the Philippines”

He was like Nickhun Oppa. He has this Prince Syndrome.

“It’s rude that I didn’t introduced myself I’m Lee Ji-eun”

{/END of Flashback}


That’s the first day I met Sanghyun Oppa. He is Weird but at the same time very funny, he always talks about random things. And he was attached to me maybe because I’m the only one who’s not awkward around him. Being a Prince-like person, sanghyun is surprisingly shy person so when you talk to him; he’ll just smile. And he is so supporting and was helping me anytime. And it’s my time to help him too.


I asked our boss what’s the weakest part of Sanghyun, he said to me that Sanghyun doesn’t have confidence at all that’s why Sanghyun get nervous easily and will not sing properly so that’s why i have this crazy Idea, me and Sanghyun will sing duet together.


[Sanghyun’s POV]


I don’t understand what’s going on with Jieun’s mind, doing this all of the sudden. I’m getting nervous; I’m still not used singing with other people. What happened if she heard me singing and she doesn’t like it? She might hate me and will be disgusted by my voice, she’ll avoid me. I hate over thinking but I can’t help it. Jieaun is a nice girl and I feel honoured to have a duet with her but I don’t have guts to do it.

Especially when my boss said that she is one of the most talented in the agency. So young and has a bright future ahead of her. What if she’ll get antis because of this duet? She’ll have a comeback next week.”Don’t worry too much Sanghyun, I know and confident enough that you can do it. What about you?” She encouraged me. My Confidence boosts up and we assemble the material needed and we stared to sing.

“Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega meonjeo
Nege nege nege ppajyeo
Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
Sumi makhyeo makhyeo makhyeo
Naega michyeo michyeo baby”




After we finished singing Jieun thanked me and give me a peck, I blushed of course. It’s the first time someone kissed me in the cheek.

“I know you can do it~” she jumped with joy. She really wants to sing with me or help me with my issues. “I hope if you have time we can do it all over again” I suggested.

She laughed and punched me “Of course! I will not leave you alone. I am always here with you oppa!”


One week later


            “Okay guys this is the comeback album of IU so please prepare yourself~!” the manager announced to us. The whole studio was so busy and I’m pretty excited about her new single. As I helped the team in fixing the props and watching the guys get their creepy make ups Jieun surprised me.

“You startled me” I said as i look at her. She really is gorgeous with the whole white gown. She was like princess.

“So how do I look?” she swirls and makes an aegyo pose.

“Of course you’re always cute and pretty” I compliment her before she could reply to me the manager suddenly called her. The Filming is about to start, actually I am the leading man in the story but I have the shortest duration

It’s only like 30 seconds or less. The guys have more duration time than me. I like the story of this music video the title is “Mia”


The story is about a girl looking for her lost love, the girl is willing to risk anything just to see that love again. When she can’t take it anymore the goddess suddenly appeared and grants her wish. So the girl saw the man she loves again (that’s me by the way) but the girl can’t bring someone’s dead alive, the guy gave her something it’s their picture together... and then the guy disappeared in little pieces like a glitter fading away. He leaves the girl behind again but she is grateful because she knows one thing that her memories with that guy will always be with her and it will keep her alive and move on.


Actually I can relate to the story, it’s not that I lost someone. Jieun is making a big impact in Korean pop culture and I don’t want her to leave me but it’s not an option she doesn’t need someone like me; it’s her dream so she must pursue it. I don’t want to be the reason that she was still holding back. I have to let her go.


/author's note/

hello~ there's no Seungho oppa and the MBLAQ boys im sorry fo that :< this is the trainee days of cheondoong so this is more like THUNIU chapter. anyways i hope you like it. 

and if you like to know the video of

Sorry Sorry cover by IU and Cheondoong here's the link:

Mia by IU:

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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 2: Hi!!! Pls update soon! I'll subscribe to this, can't wait for seungdoong :)
MelonCandy #2
Subscribing because Dangbae oppa is also in this :)
I still cry when I think of him.. I hope he's doing well :')
ooh please update soon. I had no clue that sangbae was the real thunder. that is so unexpected. please continue..
GeNo_C_iDe #4
wai! so happy you updated soon. well-researched, nee? good! *thumbs up* XD hehehehe... keep up, dear. ^_^
Jkitty_123 #5
To be honest I don't know the former person but he is cute tho they all are btw nice chapter
immarvelleuix #6
@Geno_C_iDe thank you thank you~! they'll appear sometime~<br />
@VipAplusInspirt21 i hope you can wait~! i'm not good in updating fanfics~ im sorry for that =)<br />
@MissThunder well.. ilike yours too~! and i love you're school hours banner~!
GeNo_C_iDe #7
good one! ^_^ can't wait for seungho and the others to appear. hehehehe.... keep up!
VipAplusInspirt21 #8
When I had read the forward, I was like aww poor Cheondoong oppa. It made it seem like he was so sad. But when I read the first chapter I was like yay IU for making Cheondoong oppa a bit happier. Also I loved that one line that said he had prince syndrome like Nichkhun oppa. I lol at that. All in all I like this story and will be patiently waiting for the next update.
Btw I LOOOOVEE the picture on the foreword page! Did you make it? I saw on your page you were an artist, and if you made that pic I am so gonna request some stuff from you xD So much talent!
I love it! :D You've got a really nice storyline set up it seems ^__^ Don't worry about your grammar, you can always get a beta reader if it is, but it's not that bad :D Can't wait for Seungho to come into the picture so our Cheondongie and Leader Yang can get lovey dovey :3 keke ~ <3