Chapter 6

We Are Twins

' TAK ' i picked my shoes from the locker . Ugh . what a life ?! After going to the Health room , i still have to clean the class . This is my sad life ,

no one knows that .

'' Hey ! You're late ! What do you do just now ?! '' that voice make me startled , i turned around to see who is it . '' Youngmin ..?''

He stuck out his tongue '' Nope ! I know how to imitate him , we are twins remember ? ''

'' ohh .. Kwangmin .. '' i looked at him . '' I don't know you are close to Youngmin . You used to hate him .. He bullied you remember ..?''

He come near me . '' but .. he ..okay now .. not bullying me now .. yeah ..'' he hold my shoulder .

'' I'M JEALOUS . and I can be nice too .'' He pin me to the wall , and kiss my lips , he bite my lower lips , my lips and asked for entrance .

I refused to give him entrance .

'' STOP !'' Kwangmin was dragged by Youngmin . Youngmin  punch his face .Kwnagmin fall on the ground . Youngmin pull me into his arms .

'' What the hell are you doing huh ?! '' Youngmin shout at him . I stare at him '' Young..min... ''

Kwangmin shocked '' Ah .. looks like i'm interrupting . No one knows Haedae ..willfall inlove with his enemy .'' he laugh .


''It's all your fault . Your words.. break my heart .. You pretend that never happened..'' I let out sigh . '' huh ? what are you try to say ? I don't get it .''

He looked at me blankly .I continue my words . '' The day when youi guys had to move out .. You met me at the park . and say . ' YOUR SMILE ... UGLY !''

''Haedae ....'' Youngmin whisper .. '' Youngmin ? '' i looked at him . '" is that why you never smile ? I .. I never thought ..''

Kwangmin smirk at Youngmin and look at me . '' Haedae-ah .. I would never . ever . say that to you ! trust me ! ''  SILENCE AMONG US .

'' I think the one that said that to you is Youngmin .. right ?''

Then it start to rain heavily . Kwangmin knows that I don't bring my umbrella , he hold my hand tight and both of us walk , he said he want to send me home .

Rain drops break our silence . '' The day when we moved out , he seems to impose me . He imitate me and say that to you . So that's why you're being

mean to me . I thought you don't like me anymore . Youngmin always bully you right ? Don't  worry . I won't ever says the words that breaks your heart '' He

made a pinky promise with me . '' From now on , Jo Kwangmin promise that I will never hurt Lee Haedae heart '' he looked straight into my eyes .

It is not Kwangmin but it is Youngmin . This is all Youngmin fault . '' So .. Haedae .. you don't hate me right ? This means you love me like the old times

right ?''  I give him a i'm-sorry look . '' I'm sorry .. i just .. i need explanation ..'' I run and leave him alone in the rain ..I need to see him and ask him why he

said that to me .. Is he really saying that to me or just fooling around .

I arrive infront of the school gate and saw him standing in the rain . ''  Why are you standing here ? It is raining right now , you will catch cold if you standing

here .'' no answer . '' Why you said that to me ? Is that because you hate me ? '' I asked him . '' You're wrong . I never hate you . You are the one who hate me.

The day when we move out , for the first time , I imitate as Kwangmin to meet you . Then you show me , the sweetest and the cutest smile that you don't

show to the real me . At that moment , i was like really jealous toward Kwangmin . That's why i said that to you .

'' Does this mean you used to like me ?'' i asked .


''No , not 'used' . but i like you until now . Always .'' he looked at me . I gave him expressionless face .

''Hey ! I'm telling you my feelings right now ! '' he touch my cheek with his warm hand , '' I'm sorry , it's all my fault .. You lost your smile .'' I gave him another

expressionless face , but i can feel my face turns to red now . '' I maybe gonna regret this but .. it is my fault for falling in love with you . '' he kissed my lips ,

he asked for entrance , I don't know why , i let his tongue slid in my mouth , we have a tongue battle . and I feel great but annoyed at the same time . I wrap

my arms around his waist , he stopped and looked at my red plum face .


'' HAHAHA !! '' he laugh and hug me tight , i will kiss you till you don't catch your breath . As he is taller he bent down to kiss me , i push his chest .'' Y-yahh ..

You are such a bully ! This is the same when you are pulling my skirt ! You never change ! '' he stop , '' eh ? skirt ? pull yours ? when did i do that ? ''


Then Kwangmin come near us '' Yah ! what are you both doing ? kissing infront of the public ?'' me and Youngmin look at him .'' Kwangmin .. the one that

always bully me .. is it you ..?'' i'm expecting him to answer that . '' Kyaaaa ~~ my secret revealed !'' Youngmin look at me and give a this-is-unbelieveable

look . Kwangmin continue his words '' because we are twins , i'm afraid that Haedae likes Youngmin . So i pretend to be Youngmin and tricked Haedae ..

I never thought that Youngmin had a same feeling as me , We are Twins . same feeling , same action . everything same ! I like Haedae , so i won't

lose this time .'' Youngmin wipe his face . '' same as me ''

''Now , let us take care of you nae Haedae ? '' the twins said eagerly . just one in my mind this twins will make my life miserable just like old times .



                                                                                            THE END




I should make this as one-shot next time xDD

enjoy ~

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@lov4ever<br />
<br />
thanks comment :D
lov4ever #2
@ ppyongGF31 nae jinjja :DD<br />
<br />
thanks ^^
owh , jinjja ?<br />
wah ~ you so good to translating it ~<br />
<br />
-clap- good work :D
@ ppyongGF31 yep , i dont have any idea , so yeah ~ hehe
err ,,, this story just like one comic that I bought and read ~<br />
I forget what the title -thinking- hmm ,, urgh ~! can''t get it ><<br />
I will research my comics back ,,, hohoho 8D<br />
btw ,, nice story :)
@ AlladoNGBA : BINGO ! xDD
AlladoNGBA #8
HAHAHA. That made me dizzy. XD KwangMin is the bully while YoungMin is the Lover? =))) <3
lov4ever #9
no problemo..... i like it....FIGHTING!!! my fanfic isn't great either
Thank you reading ^^