Chapter 2

Normal is Abnormal in its Self

      A familiar chime indicated the end of class as students packed their things and headed out the door. Kyungsoo quickly grabbed his belongings and hurried out the door. There was no way he was going to be caught by that blonde haired weirdo. Keeping a steady pace, Kyungsoo hurried towards his next class and slid into a seat in the middle of the room. Hoping no one would want to converse with him, which they usually never did. His quick escape turned out to be in vain as an all too familiar smirk came into his sight. To Kyungsoo's dismay, the blonde had spotted him and slowly sashayed his way towards him. Like a moth to a flame. "Hey, why'd you rush off like that? I'm not gonna bite!" the blonde inquired, winking in the process. Kyungsoo turned his head as he felt a blush rise on his cheeks. "Maybe if I just ignore him," he thought sardonically, "he'll go away quietly." This defiance at his words caused Jongin to get slightly irritated as he put his thumb and index finger on either side of Kyungsoo's cheeks and swiveled his face towards him. Kyungsoo's seemingly doe-like eyes just got wider as he stared at Jongin's face, a blush creeping up on his face. Jongin just stared at the big brown eyes that seemed to bore into his hazel ones. Kyungsoo felt like minutes had passed by but in actuality only seconds had been shared between the two. Jongin let go and diverted his attention to someone that was calling his name. An amazingly tall and muscular boy with choppy black hair. He quickly glanced at Kyungsoo, a sly smirk painted on his lips before walking away and joining his friend. Kyungsoo let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in and slowly turned his head back up front where the petite and pretty teacher was about to give her explanation of the class.

      The teacher kept on rambling on about the subject of the class and what she expected from each individual student and blah blah blah. Kyungsoo groaned internally at the teachers insistent yapping. Finally she went to her desk and gave each row a stack of syllabuses to pass back. When it was Kyungsoo's turn to hand the student behind him the stack, he felt a pair of eyes trained on him. Feeling unsure about this, he glanced around quickly only to lock eyes with Jongin, who was staring at him intently. Kyungsoo quickly pivoted in his seat as he felt the seemingly mesmerizing hazel eyes bore holes into his own. Kyungsoo started to feel hot again. "Why was Jongin staring at him like that?? Was he going to beat him up for ignoring him?? I'm sure he and his friend could knock me out if th-" Kyungsoo was torn from his frantic thoughts as he heard his name being called by the teacher. "Mr. Do, maybe you'd like to read the next part of the syllabus, hmm?" She spoke with a slight lilt in her voice. The class erupted in quiet giggles and not-so-soft whispers directed towards Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo blushed deeply and stood up uttering a quick apology before reciting what he had hoped was the right part. After reading the lines the teacher thanked him and asked if anyone else would have liked to read. Kyungsoo sat down at that and turned his attention to the syllabus, no longer wanting to think about the stupid Kim Jongin who not only embarrassed him once, but TWICE that day!! He slid down a little in his seat listening to a girl with braces read more as he felt himself get slightly drowsy. A soft but pointy pain in the back of his neck quickly pulled Kyungsoo out of his stupor. He quickly found the source to be a crumbled paper ball by his feet. Curiosity getting the best of him, he tapped the ball with the side of his shoe and rolled it so he could pick it up better. He noticed it had the words 'Read Me!' scrawled across its wrinkled edges. He gave it a questioning look before unraveling it. His brow furrowed at the sight of the ungodly handwriting. Straining his eyes he finally understood what the loops and curves on the piece of paper said, only to have to re-read it again. Haphazardly scrawled across the crumpled paper were the words, "You have a lovely voice. I can't wait to hear it say my name~ ;)" Kyungsoo felt heat rise, once again he might add, to his cheeks and ears. Finally out of his stupor at the odd note he made for a quick look around at the class, hoping to find its sender. The sudden chime for the end of class came before he could get a good look around. Kyungsoo sighed and smashed the paper back into a ball. "Doesn't matter anyways," he thought slinging his backpack over his shoulder, "probably just some dumb prank." Kyungsoo went out the door, throwing the ball in the bin as he went. He failed to notice, however, a certain pair of eyes tracking his movements like prey. A hand went into the bin after Kyungsoo left and retrieved the note, grasping it firmly. "I can already tell this is gonna be fun, Do Kyungsoo." A faint smirk creeping across the lips that uttered those words.

       To Kyungsoo's delight, Jongin wasn't in his next period. "Thank God," he thought exasperatedly, "he was really starting to creep me out with that soul retching stare of his." What was the guys deal anyways? Kyungsoo had only ever seen him in the hallways laughing with an arm around a girl. Never even dwelling in anyone else's business, probably because he thought himself superior. Kyungsoo shook his head sporadically. He didn't want to waste his time thinking about some annoying boy.

        The class went by fairly quickly and soon it was time for lunch. Kyungsoo gathered his things and swiftly made his way to his locker to grab his lunch, only stopping once to tie his shoe. As he sat back up from tying his shoe, he felt a hand snake its way around his waist. Yelping at the sudden contact, he looked to see who the assailant was to tell them off only for his breath to hitch in his throat. Kim Jongin's arm was wrapped around his waist pulling him closer as he just sputtered helplessly. "W-what are you doing!? Let g-go of me!!" Kyungsoo hissed at the blonde only to receive light chuckles and a slight squeeze to his waist. "You're cute when you're angry." Jongin says in between chuckles causing Kyungsoo to stammer even more. "Wh-why do you keep saying that!?! What do you want from me?!?!" Kyungsoo squeals as he still tries to escape the vice-like grip on his waist. At that Jongin lets go of Kyungsoo's waist and stands in front of the other, looking to skies for an answer to the question. He looks back down slowly at a confused Kyungsoo's doe-like eyes, then to his lips which appear to be plump and heart shaped, and finally down the rest of his petite body before looking back into his brown eyes. Jongin moodily sighs and just walks away towards the cafeteria, ruffling Kyungsoo's ebony hair along the way. Which leaves an even more confused and slightly blushing Kyungsoo in his wake.

         After what seemed like hours of standing in the emptying hallway, confused as hell, Kyungsoo fixes his hair and huffs his way down the hall to his locker. Getting his lunch and heading back towards the cafeteria, he walks through the doors and instantly sees his friends sitting at a table not to far from the doors. He plops down next Yixing who gives him a bright smile and then continues munching on his sandwich. Baekhyun and Chanyeol sit across of them, arguing for the zillionth time. Kyungsoo laughs when Baekhyun flicks Chanyeol on the forehead and turns to Kyungsoo. "Hey Kyungie!! Why're you so late getting to lunch??" Baekhyun pouts, just making him look even more adorable. Kyungsoo looks at him uncomfortably then decides to just lie about forgetting his locker combo so as not to bring his friends into the unneeded drama. Baekhyun just hums at him softly and then grips Chanyeol's gigantic hand in his and snuggles up to him. Kyungsoo smirks at the two then makes gagging gestures at Chanyeol who just flips him off in response. They all heartily laugh before Kyungsoo puts his head on Yixing's shoulder causing the others to be concerned. "You okay there, Kyungie?" Chanyeol asks concerning lacing his low voice instead of laughter. "I'm fine, Yeol. Just tired is all." Kyungsoo proceeds to yawn to show them. They all just smile at each other and go about their business before Yixing clears his throat. "What is it, Lay?" Baekhyun asks surprised at the sudden uncomfortable expression on Yixing's face. "Umm..Well Kim Jongin just keeps glaring at me and I'm kind of confused and worried." Kyungsoo stiffens at the name in mention and slowly lifts his head off of Yixing's shoulder. Looking around quickly he spots the all-too-familiar hazel eyes boring into his own. Gulping and adverting his gaze back to his friends, Kyungsoo sighs and recalls the mornings events. After finishing his story he looks at each one of his friends earnestly awaiting their reactions. Chanyeol is the first one to speak, "Seems like you've garnered the attention of the biggest playboy in school." sarcastically laughing after that. Kyungsoo stares at him, dumbfounded. "I-I've what???" It's Yixing's turn to speak next, "I have heard rumors about how he's slept with a lot of girls but just breaks it off if it gets too intimate. But the girls don't even get mad! They just brag about it to a friend that has probably been with him as well!!" he says exasperated. "That's all the more reason for you to stay away from him!! I don't want my Kyungie to be dragged in with a dirty like him!!" Baekhyun's exclaims shrilly. "But my question is," all eyes turn back to Yixing, "why does he keep trying to get Kyungie's attention?" His words set a heavier mood across the four and Kyungsoo starts internally freaking out. Suddenly Kyungsoo is brought out of his internal war to the sound of cackling coming from Chanyeol's direction. In-between giggles he says, "Maybe Kyungie turned him gay!! I mean you're just SOOOO charming!!!" This earns him a kick to the shin from Yixing, a slap upside the head from Baekhyun, and a scoff from Kyungsoo. But deep down Kyungsoo is terrified at the sudden realization that has hit him. Why have I all of a sudden just amassed Kim Jongin's woefully hazel stare?? And why are my cheeks burning and palms sweating at the thought!?!?!?


( A/N: Thank you so much for taking the time to read this I can't thank you enough for the support, comments, views, upvotes and subscriptions!!!!! *throws cookies all around* btw I wonder who sent Kyungsoo the note and took it out of the bin???? Hmmm?? ;) You guys can guess I'm sure! :D SUGGESTIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!! Anyways ily guys and hopefully more will come soon!!! Until next time!! Byeeeee~!! :D)

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javlatua #1
Chapter 3: nice update!! I'm excited for the rest
Chapter 3: I love it.
Hope you update soon. :)

PS. Put some spaces, its kinda difficult to read it like that. Hehe.
javlatua #3
Chapter 2: this story is so good so far! i hope you update soon!
however, perhaps you may want to start new paragraph breaks every now and then? it makes it slightly difficult to read if it's in one big paragraph, haha. just a suggestion! ^^
Karla_b #4
Chapter 1: Sounds good so far, good job
ELF154ever #5
I'm glad I'm the first one to comment hehe.. The description sounds really interesting.. I hope u can continue soon! Hwaiting!