

Hi! Because Kyungsoo starred in another drama, I sort of made a sequel to 4D. Sort of. 

Here's the link:

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Chapter 1: It's actually a bit sad...the ending. But it's nice too. Hopefully one day he'll meet the real Do Kyungsoo and then they'll fall in think you could make a sequel about that? You don't have to ofcourse but it would be nice :)
cutesarang #2
Chapter 1: Sorry i really didnt understand can u please help me
* is kyungsoo real?
* how can jongin pull him out of the tv?
* if he can pull him out of the drama cant he pull him out of other shows dramas etc?
* is jongin mentally unstable or is it a dream?
* does kyungsoo know anything about jongin , the real him?
sorry u dont have to answer just curios i loved the ending <3 ^^