Chaper 15

Dreaming of Reality

Kevin was happily dragging Kibum from one store to another.  They weren't really in a tourist spot and were just enjoying the neighborhood but Kevin's still excited at the prospect of being in a new place.  "Hyung, walk faster," he tugged at Kibum's hand.

Kibum just let Kevin drag him to places, only leading when Kevin thinks they're lost or walking around in circles.  He would take Kevin to botiques and playgrounds and parks.  "Kevin, we have two weeks to spend here," Kibum said amusedly.  He tightened his grip around Kevin's hand and pulled the younger to his side.  He caught Kevin before the other lost his balance and fell to the ground.  "We don't have to hurry."

Kevin stomped his foot in protest.  "But Melbourne's a big city," he replied.  "And we're going to Sydney next week, hyung."

Kibum raised an eyebrow.  "Who said we're going to Sydney next week?" he asked the younger.  Kevin chuckled, playfully pawing Kibum's chest.  "I did, hyung.  I just said it," he stuck his tongue out.  "Let's go hyung.  It's almost lunch.  Let's find a place to eat."

Kibum shook his head smilingly, allowing Kevin to pull his hand again.  He thought he was the one who was going to show Kevin around.  Apparently, he was wrong.


Kibum suggested a classy famous restaurant with familiar food.  Kevin shook his head and insisted on trying the local flavor.  The younger one pulled them into a small, cozy bistro with a moderate number of customers.  A male waiter looked up and recognized them.  Kevin pulled Kibum into one of the corner booths by the window that seated four people.

The waiter approached them and handed them a menu, nodding at Kibum and smiling at Kevin.  "Good morning sirs," he greeted.  Kibum noted that the waiter's gaze lingered on Kevin longer than it should have.  He coughed to get it's his attention.  "We're just going to call for you when we're ready to order," he instructed.

The waiter looked at Kibum and just moved away without a word, but not before turning to Kevin again and bowing slightly.  Kevin smiled at the waiter and opened his menu.  He made a small sound of satisfaction and turned to Kibum again, "What are you going to order?"

Kibum scanned the menu and found the food relatively cheaper than the place he was originally planning to eat at.  "Mhmm," he thought.  "I don't know, honestly," he replied.  He read the name of the dishes one by one in his head, testing which names clicked with his stomach's taste.  

Kevin laughed.  "Alright, hyung.  I'll order for us," he told Kibum.  "Will you trust me with today's lunch?" Kibum nodded.  "But, you'll have to pay, Kibum-hyung.  I don't have money because you dragged me here so I wasn't able to work for Jung Min-hyung." Kibum gave a small smile.  "I never asked you to pay, did I?" he asked Kevin.

Kevin tilted his head to a side and smiled.  He called a waiter over, flipping the menu pages to look for more suitable orders.  The same waiter from earlier came over and Kibum's eyes squinted a bit in annoyance.  If the waiter tried flirting with Kevin, they're going to rush out of here and find another place to eat.

"Ready to order, sir?" he asked Kevin.  Kibum leaned back into his seat and noticed that Kevin wasn't paying attention to the waiter.  "Honey, he's asking if you're ready to order," Kibum said, reaching to hold Kevin's hand on the table.  The waiter stiffened a bit when he saw Kibum's actions, knowing that Kibum's eyes were on him.  "Let's not make him wait and ruin our alone time?" Kibum asked, rubbing Kevin's hand gently.

He knew Kevin didn't exactly understand what he's doing and what he said but his actions were clear as pure water to the waiter.  Back off - just do your job and back off.

"Mhmm," Kevin nodded.  "We'll have this artichoke soup and the Yellow Fin Tuna Sashimi.  And Spaghetti Marinara for me and Rare Duck for him," he flipped the pages more.  "Add a serving of garden salad.  Then we'll have Date tart and Passionfruit Souffle later for dessert.  Hyung, what do you want to drink?"

Kibum stared at Kevin while he was ordering, noticing how the other's eyes disappear when he smiles.  He was brought back into this world when Kevin touched his hand to ask him for his beverage.  "Choose for me Kevin," he told the boy.  Kevin nodded and pointed to the fresh orange fruit juice for him and a glass of old semi-sweet white wine and water for Kibum.

The waiter nodded as he finished getting the orders.  He took the menus from the table and Kevin's hand, Kibum not missing the intentional brushing of hands.  He snorted at the waiter's fail attempt at flirting.  Kevin looked at him confusedly, "What's funny, hyung?"

Kibum smiled at Kevin widely.  "That waiter was trying to get your attention, Kevinnie, and you didn't even spare him a glance," Kibum pointed out.  "I think he got jealous because I and the menu had your attention."

Kevin pouted and looked at the waiter that served them.  Kibum said the truth as he saw the waiter looking over at their table with an annoyed look at his face.  "He's not my type, hyung," Kevin brushed off.  Kibum raised an eyebrow and was about to question Kevin's reply when their drinks and appetizers were put before them.

His question can wait, his stomach can't.


I'll update with Chapter 16 tomorrow ... that's a promise ^^

//I just realized I won't be able to write tonight ... but I'll try ^^

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Chapter 21: OMG you are back <3
Haha, I really missed you so please do spoil us more with Kemaru love <3~~
Haha them pissing Eunyoung off is cute :3
And the cute little kissssss~ ^^
fiera_hyukkev #2
Chapter 21: WELCOME BACKKKKK !!!!
i must say, this story-i have been waiting for weeks/months (i dont even know) already.. sadly, i don't remember the story's title, made it harder for me to know the update because i totally thought that i don't subscribe.. lucky me subscribed to this story's of yours ! :)
i'm happy totally happy ... :D
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 21: welcome back ^^
Chapter 20: Welcome back!!!!!!!!!! /squeezes you to death/
winterflowr #5
Are you going to stop writing this story? I really really love this story so so much <3 if you are going to stop continuing, could you at least update an A/N?
Yuki0710 #7
Chapter 19: Omg!! this is so interested XD!! I can't wait for the next chapter.
Please, update soon!!! >.<
aquariena #8
serious..i love this sweet..
update soon please!!!!! =)
kemarubias #9
waaaaaaaahhhh ~ I'm loving this fanfic !!~ and what an amazing dream you have ^^ I wish i could, too, and its late at night still searching for some fics, then i found this !!~ hooraaayyy ~ ^^ ahehe by the way ~ update sooooon ~ hwaiting !!~ =]]