
Hard Truths, Hard Decisions

Unknown to Sooyoung then, the very person she was frantically screaming for was standing rooted to the ground just outside the room.

Jessica Jung was afraid. Worried. Scared. She wanted very much to rush into the room to embrace the hysterical, confused, and still weak tall lady on the bed; to comfort her, to assure her that everything was going to be all right. But she couldn’t. She just couldn’t.

And deep down she knew, that everything was not going to be all right.

Cupping her hand to , she slumped down to the ground, and started to cry silently.

Soo, I’m sorry…I’m really sorry. Things weren’t supposed to turn out this way…it’s not supposed to be like this…

(3 months before)

Jessica sauntered into the wildly popular roadside café, the second home to people of all ages especially on weekends. Scanning the whole compound like a hawk, she soon spotted her target – an immaculately dressed young lanky lady whose hair was all over her face; her hands flailing around randomly, and was muttering ramblings of god-knows-what to herself.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust. 11am in the morning and she’s drunk like a fish. Wow.

She checked the drunken woman against the photograph in her hand. Choi Sooyoung. Right. Jessica approached her, plastering the best smile she could make on her face.


Sooyoung reached out for the next bottle of beer lying on the table. She always sought solace in alcohol with her problems, because she felt there was no one else she could share her problems with.

“Is this seat taken?” That was the most melodious and sweet voice Sooyoung had ever heard in her life.

She sat up straighter. Glancing upwards, she saw a pale and smooth-complexioned lady with the most beautiful smile ever right in front of her table.

“N…no…(hic)” Sooyoung managed to stutter in between hiccups, “It’s (hic) free…”

The beautiful stranger sat down right opposite her.

“A…are you okay?” Jessica asked gently, pretending to look concerned.

‘Hic’ was the only response she got from the drunk woman.

She couldn’t stand it anymore. Grabbing the beer bottles and placing them out of reach of the drunken woman, she said to her, “Stop drinking already! It’s bad for you.”

Sooyoung was getting annoyed. What right does she have to command me like that? No one ever stops me from my alcohol!

She screamed back, “Yah! That’s (hic) none of your freaking (hic) business! GIVE IT BACK!”

By now, the whole café was staring at the pair screaming at each other. “No,” Jessica said firmly.

She braced herself for another spew of screaming and vulgarities to be thrown at her. But it never came.

Instead, Sooyoung slumped back down in her chair, closing her eyes. Jessica was surprised. Perhaps she’s knocked out from the alcohol and screaming already, she reasoned. Forget it, she contemplated, I can’t get anything out of her in this state of hers.

Retrieving her bag, she stood up, about to leave when she heard a faint murmur.

“D…Don’t, don’t go…”

Jessica froze. Turning back to face Sooyoung, she was shocked when she saw her eyes flutter open.

Jessica stared properly for the first time at the drunken lady. Her eyes…they’re stunning… She gazed into her dark brown eyes, and saw a slight haughtiness, tiredness and most of all, an inexplicable sadness. Intrigued, she sat back down.

“I…I hate them. I hate them all. I hate what they’re doing, I hate everything!” Sooyoung screamed, coupled with drastic hand movements all over the place.

“Why am I his daughter? Why the hell do they have to be involved in…” she trailed off, suddenly sitting up stock straight and giving off a large hiccup.

Sooyoung cupped her hand to . Oh god, Choi Sooyoung! What the heck you almost revealed everything! she berated herself angrily in her head.

“Involved in what?” Jessica asked innocently in a sweet voice.

“N…Nothing, I..I’d better go…” Sooyoung stuttered awkwardly, before getting to her feet hastily; and after much swaying about (she was feeling dizzy from the beer) she finally made her way out of the crowded café.

Jessica was surprised at her sudden and quick departure; and was left to her own thoughts. Yes, she’s hiding something. And that’s what I have to find out. Soon.

(Present Day)

The next morning, Sooyoung lay on the bed, eyes still tightly closed. Unwilling to open her eyes, for she was afraid that everything would be true.

Finally, though, she does open her eyes. A teeny weeny bit first, then a small slit, then finally she drinks in the unfriendly but familiar surroundings.

She’s still there. In that spare, unfeeling room with menacing vertical bars over the door.

So it’s all true. It’s not a dream.

She doesn’t want to believe it, but the truth is right in front of her. Like a gust of wind blowing right smack into her face. And so, unwillingly, she admits the fact that she’s in prison. In prison for reasons she doesn’t even know.

“You are suspected of two counts of murder.” The words had hit her like a bolt out of the blue, unexpected but hard. Impossible…what happened? She tried to erase those words from her mind, but was greeted by the exact same flat voice as the door opened.

Yuri walked in, flanked by two burly-looking police guards. “Please her to the interrogation room. We will be starting our interrogation shortly,” she motioned to the two guards.

With that, the two burly-looking guards assisted the frail Sooyoung up from the bed (after much struggling, but she was too weak to resist), and out of the room.


A/N: Sorry for the late update! (had to pass my thumbdrive containing my drafts to a friend so had to rewrite this >.<) btw there may be a lot of jumping around time periods (like 3 months ago --> now --> back again) so I hope it doesn't get too confusing sigh :x oh and to subscribers/commenters: "Thank you, I love you, we're living in Girls' Generation!" (quote: Sooyoung @ SNSD NYC Fanmeet :D)

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new reader :D<br />
this makes me really curious :O<br />
update update~ ^^
elow, new reader^^ i hope you could continue this fic... very interesting^^
Hey, new reader here. Hmmm, the story line sound cool and i think u r doing well in writing. How about.....keep update? haha....subscribed YOU ^^
jenijen103 #4
this fanfiction sounds so interesting! (x update soon!
:XXXXXXX<br />
So intense. OMG UPDATE SOON!
Sootuff #6
OMG! What'd happen to Sooyoung 3 months ago?!!<br />
And why Sica search for Sooyoung?!!!<br />
Update soon!
fondestmemories #7
@ActraJape: Wow you're fast! :D Ok i'll update soon once I get my thumbdrive back haha xP
The_AJ #8
What really happen to Sooyoung??? Where is Sica still??? Dannngggg intense chap >.<<br />
<br />
Update soon :D
Oooh SoosicA!!!! I'm always on the prowl kekke<br />
<br />
This seems interesting.. why do in jail?? O.o <br />
I'll have to read on I guess..<br />
<br />
Update soon :)
Sootuff #10
Woot!! SooSica!!!<br />
OMG! Sooyoung is a suspect for murder?!!!<br />
Update soon!