Coffee Break... Up?

Coffee Break OneShots.


A Yesung and G-Dragon OneShot.





The rain was pouring: large, full raindrops pounding against the earth and all of its man-made belongings. People hurried left and right to escape it whenever they stepped outside, most with an umbrella or some kind of item to cover their head. Cars sped by, throwing splashes of water onto the sidewalk upon hitting the puddles along the side of the street. There were few unlucky souls whom were hit by the waves every now and then.


Overall, the view of the gloomy day was beautiful, especially when one was looking at it through the thick, protective glass of a small, deserted cafe. Where he or she would be warm, dry, and surrounded by the wonderful aroma of ground espresso.


This was where Yesung found himself. Only, unlike other times, he wasn’t enjoying this as he usually did. Because unlike other times, he wasn’t sitting by himself with a book or notebook, glancing out the window every now and then in a happy, content gaze. 


Instead, he was waiting, and had been for almost two hours.


His coffee was cold, only a few sips having been taken out of it, but he still held his hands around it lightly as if it emanated heat. The rain outside had gradually begun to make him feel even worse: the clouds appeared so heavy and dark just like the weight upon his heart and he wanted so badly to allow the tears to slip free from his eyes just like the raindrops. Mentally, he was a mess.


The ring of the doorbell sounded out and the young raven male felt his heart rise with hope as his eyes immediately flicked up. He was begging to see that uniquely fashioned male, to see whatever crazy, colorful outfit the older had found within his closet that day as well as how he had styled his white-blonde hair. He wanted to hear his loud, well-known voice calling out and bringing all attention to himself just as he always did.


But it wasn’t him. Of course it wasn’t. The day that Kwon Jiyong was ever on time would be when hell freezes over.


Yesung looked back down to his cup of coffee as his lips thinned out into a straight line, showing no sort of profound emotion. His eyes fell upon the black and silver band on his ring finger, and he momentarily wondered if Jiyong was wearing his ring as well… probably not. It was merely just a couple’s ring, and really held no significant importance. The older male had never exactly been into that nor believed in them, but he had bought a pair for the two of them because he knew that Yesung would like it.


That had been a year ago, and the raven hadn’t taken his ring off since. Just the sight of it had always warmed his heart incredibly and reminded him of the man that he loves more than anything. He’d only seen Jiyong wearing the ring a handful of times, the older claiming he didn’t like to wear rings in general [though that never stopped him from wearing any large, obnoxious fashion ones].


This current situation wasn’t new. In fact, Yesung couldn’t remember the last time that he and Jiyong had had a date or get-together where Jiyong had been on time. The older was always at least an hour late, and most of the times never even showed up at all; would only call hours later with that guilt-filled voice begging, “Baby, I’m so sorry. I completely lost track of time. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 


Yesung should have gotten angry, should have yelled and broken things off with the blonde male months ago. But he didn’t. He stayed and endured the pain week after week because he without a doubt loved him. His heart beat through and through for Jiyong, even if the male was a party animal whom had next to no clue of how or what to prioritize within his life.


But even with how much Yesung loved the older, his heart could only take so much. And this, this was too much. It was their second year anniversary, and Jiyong was nowhere in sight. In fact, he probably didn’t even have a clue that it was their anniversary.


Taking in a deep, shaky breath, Yesung sat back in his chair as he brought his hands together. The fingers of his right hand gripped onto the ring upon his left and carefully worked it free of its spot until it slid from its place. Immediately his hand felt , just the mere feeling of that ring had always been such a comfort, but he stopped to remind himself that it was just that: a ring.


It wasn’t a declaration of Jiyong’s love, it wasn’t a promise that he would always be there for him. It was just… nothing. A stupid, meaningless object that Yesung had been conned into believing had a meaning behind it. When the raven really thought about it, their entire relationship had been that.


Yesung set the ring down beside his cup of coffee, staring at it once more until getting up.


~ ~ ~


. . . He is going to kill me. The words scolded and yelled inside of Jiyong’s head as he raced through the rain. He had been in the studio and had completely lost track of time, as usual. It was truly a horrible habit of his that he hadn’t gotten any better with, even after acquiring a boyfriend.


He let out a huff of breath upon arriving to the cafe, taking a moment to run a hand through his messy hair and straighten his bunched up clothing as he readied himself to make an entrance. Taking one more deep breath, Jiyong pulled open the heavy glass door and stepped within, glad to escape the wet, dreary outside world.


Jiyong was expecting to see that familiar head of short, messy raven hair that he always loved to caress his fingers through, eager to see those dark, beautiful eyes he found himself lost within countless of times. He even imagined the younger male’s lips, how pouty and full they were, and how Yesung bit at his bottom one constantly whenever nervous or thoughtful.


But he didn’t see any of that. Instead, his eyes only landed on an older gentleman reading a book and two teenage girls that were quietly sitting near the back with their schoolbooks splayed out on the table they shared. Aside from that, the cafe was empty of customers.


“Yesung?” Jiyong murmured under his breath, glancing around once more and hoping that he had somehow missed his little raven-haired beauty sitting within.


“Can I help you, Sir?”


Jiyong heard the words but his mind didn’t register them at all, as his eyes had found their way to a two person table nearest the front window. A cup of coffee was still there, three-fourths full, but what stood out most was what the light shone off of.


Lying upon the table next to the cup was a ring, one that Jiyong would recognize anywhere considering that he had bought it as well as had it personally made by a close friend. His legs had carried him to the table without his own realization of it, and he reached for the ring, thoughts of the small finger that it had always adorned coming to mind.


“Oh,” the barista that had tried speaking to him just seconds ago spoke again, her voice that had held a customer service cheer to it had diminished to a quiet melancholic tone, “Are you the one that was supposed to meet him? …Before he left I noticed the ring and managed to stop him so that he didn’t forget it. But, he only looked at it and told me he hadn’t forgotten anything…”


Jiyong felt an ache within his chest, his eyes sliding shut for a moment. He should have known all of this time that he’d been playing with fire… that his neglect towards his lover had actually been really hurting the younger. But Yesung had never complained, had never cried or become angry about it at all. At least… he had never done any of these things in front of Jiyong. .


“He also wanted me to tell you something,” the girl’s voice had become even softer.


“What?” Jiyong’s eyes immediately opened as he glanced to the employee, his heart beating rapidly within his chest. He couldn’t bear the idea of his baby leaving him, it just wasn’t possible. No matter how bad things had gotten, Yesung had always stayed.


“…That he’s tired of waiting.”


The room was spinning and time seemed to slow to nothing while the only sound that Jiyong could hear was the pounding of his heart within his ears. Around his neck a simple silver necklace felt as if it were burning the skin it touched. The necklace was always tucked inside of his shirt, rarely to be seen by anyone. He carefully pulled it out and allowed it to fall atop his shirt, the ring upon it now visible to the world.


It was their ring. The ring he had kept on this necklace since having gotten them. He’d always preferred it on the thin chain, so that it had always been close to his heart.


But apparently it had never been close enough.




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Chapter 3: It's beautifully written >...<
Chapter 2: Yesung that was hawt
Chapter 1: It's 2020. And a ty year. Your fic ut great!
Chapter 1: This is like a... double edge sword ... or not.
Aaaargh so frustrating they both believe with their love but...but but but both if them also doubt the love the other (or not) what this is so heartbreaking
Chapter 3: The third story.... I wish it was more than that ㅠㅠ it's beautiful start for an amazing story!!
Chapter 3: Never thought I was ever going to read a bigbang story, let alone a bigbangxyesung story, but this is really good. My favorite one is the g-dragon one, I love angst and broken relationships, for some reasons. I can't wait to read more.
cloudykuro #7
Chapter 3: U should make a sequel for this Save Me story! A story about how seunghyun fixes yesung's damaged physical and psychological condition. But I can't hope for a yetop for seunghyun already has seungri :(
Please, do the 2nd part! ^^
Chapter 1: I hope you can continue this author-nim.. And maybe continue with one shots of Yeye with all 14 members (and ex) of SuJu too :)
Chapter 1: Ouch. But you had it coming Jiyong
TessaLo #10
Chapter 1: Please update more chapters. I am ADDICTED to them :) Thank you.