Tales Of The Warriors [BAP drabble dump]


For every star in the sky I shall weave you a lie of beautiful words and pain. Of what could have been.

For every droplet of blood in this pulsing vein, I shall tell you a story, a warrior's tale.


Drabbles and short oneshots mostly about daejong or bangdae bcuz biasesss 

 Do not expect much tho

TALE ONE : Arifillia; longing (BangUpLo friendship) wc: about 400?

Summary: (Being forced to be a hero, then forced back to your ordinary world is cruel, so very cruel. Jongup wants to go back.)


TALE TWO : Misconception of Time (daejong)

Summary: (Daehyun is always a lifetime too late.) Wc: measly 190



 TALE ?? : Deliberate Hues of Rust (Daejong canon/friendship) wc ? 

Summary: (It happens three times before Jongup can sort out his confusion, muster up his courage and ask why?)

(this one is for u Teesh)


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 1: So sad , yet beautifully writing all at the same time.